
xiānɡ duì zhēn lǐ
  • relative truth
  1. 绝对真理和相对真理之间存在的是包含和转化的辩证关系;

    The relation of absolute truth and relative truth is dialectical .

  2. 数学真理是相对真理&从第二次数学危机谈起

    Mathematical truth is a relative truth & Talking from second mathematics crisis

  3. 在绝对真理的长河中有无数相对真理。

    In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths .

  4. 相对真理与绝对真理辩证关系新探

    The New Exploration of Dialectic Relationship Between Relative Truth and Absolute Truth

  5. 绝对真理与相对真理的内涵及其相互关系再探

    A New Exploration of the Connotation and Dialectic Relationship of Absolute Truth and Relative Truth

  6. 相对真理与谬误

    Relative Truth and Falsehood

  7. 绝对真理和相对真理

    Absolute and relative truth

  8. 文中指出根据唯物辩证法中关于一切真理都是相对真理的观点,数学真理当然也是相对真理。

    A view was pointed ont in the paper that all truth is relative truth according to materialist dialectic .

  9. 论马克思主义历史决定论的辩证性质&兼驳历史非决定论对历史决定论的非难相对真理与绝对真理辩证关系新探

    On the dialectic nature of Marxist historical determinism The New Exploration of Dialectic Relationship Between Relative Truth and Absolute Truth

  10. 认识与真理:人类永无止境的发展之路&试析恩格斯对绝对真理和相对真理辩证关系的论述

    Knowledge and Truth : The Endless Way of Mankind 's Development & Analysis on Engels ' exposition for man 's thinking

  11. 认识都是一定程度的,认识有程度之分;当真理指真的认识、理论时,真理也有程度之分,如绝对真理与相对真理。

    When truth represents true cognitions and theories , truth also has different degrees , such as absolute truth and relative truth .

  12. 第二,在绝对真理和相对真理关系问题上,忽视对立统一的精髓问题;

    Second , ignore the crucial problem of the unity of opposites in the relationship between the absolute truth and the relative truth ;

  13. 绝对、相对真理的关系一直是哲学理论界争论的焦点问题之一。

    The relationship of the absolute truth with the relative truth is a controversial focus in the philosophy theories field at all times .

  14. 现行哲学教材关于绝对真理的内涵界定是值得商榷的,这种界定难以合理说明绝对真理和相对真理的辩证关系。

    The defined connotation in the current philosophy textbook is worth discussing , for it cannot explain the dialectic relationship of absolute truth and relative truth .

  15. 在绝对真理的长河中有无数相对真理。食物对生命(对维持生命)是绝对必要的。

    In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths . Eg : Food is essential to life ( for the preservation of life ) .

  16. 唯物辩证法认为一切真理都是相对真理,所以不应该把初等数学中的不允许0/0的规定绝对化。

    From the view of materialistic dialectic , all truths are relative , so the principle of 0 / 0 in the elementary algebra is a relative truth too .

  17. 后现代主义主张用语言游戏来代替符合论,认为真理是以共同体为基础的,没有客观真理,只有主观真理和相对真理。

    Post-modernism emphasizes replacing the correspondence theory of truth by language game , and holds that truth is based on community and there is no objective truth except subjective and relative truths .

  18. 绝对真理与相对真理、矛盾同一性和斗争性相对与绝对的问题,在马克思主义认识论的教学和研究中,一直没有解决。

    What remains unsettled in the instruction of and research on Marxist epistemology are the relationship between the absolute truth and relative truth , and the relationship between the identity and struggle of the opposites .

  19. 社会科学向社会技术的转化是科学理论向社会实践的转化、客观必然性向主观目的性的转化、相对真理性向社会功利性的转化。

    The transformation of the social sciences to the social technology is the transformation of the scientific theory to the social practice , the objective necessity to the subjective goal and the relative truth to the social utility .

  20. 列宁在批判和继承前人对真理认识的基础上,提出了绝对真理是由发展中的相对真理的总和构成的论断,随后发展为真理是个过程的思想。

    On the basis of criticizing and inheriting predecessors ' knowledge on truth , Lenin puts forward that the absolute truth consists of the total relative truth in development , which afterwards , develops into the viewpoint of the truth is a process .

  21. 列宁运用唯物辩证法,科学阐释了绝对真理的含义,绝对真理与相对真理的关系,以及辩证唯物主义真理论与相对主义真理论的区别,实现了对西方传统真理论的超越。

    With the help of materialist dialectics , Lenin stated the meanings of truth , the relation between the absolute truth and the relative truth , the differences between the dialectical materialism and relativism and realized the exceeding of the western traditional theory of truth .

  22. 从实践与真理、价值与真理、绝对真理与相对真理关系的视角,全面论证了马克思主义真理观与工具主义真理观的根本区别。

    From the angle of view on the relationships between practice and truth , between values and truth , as well as between absolute truth and relative truth , the thesis comprehensively expounds and proves the foundational differences between Marxism outlook on truth and instrumentalism outlook on truth .

  23. 讨论了明确统计方法在科学研究中的地位对于正确应用统计方法的重要性。从量变与质变、偶然与必然、现象与本质、辩证的否定和相对的真理几个角度论述了统计处理的辩证思想。

    This article discussed the position of statistics in scientific research and the importance of using it properly .

  24. 原创性教育理论的基本品格表现为:符合辩证法、相对性真理、具体问题具体分析、富含理想性、“体系化”期待等几方面。

    The basic features of original educational theories can be reflected as follows : according with dialectics , reflecting relativity truth , giving a concrete analysis under particular conditions , being rich in ideality , looking forward to systematism .

  25. 绝对性和相对性是相对真理所具有的两种属性。

    Absolute and relativity are two attributes of relative truth .

  26. 此外:由于真理的相对性,对真理的认识都有待从广度,深度和进程上发展。

    In addition : the relativity of truth , knowledge of the truth have to be from the breadth , depth , and the process of the development .

  27. 在理论界,关于真理的绝对性与相对性问题争论的焦点在于绝对真理的存在形式上:有的既承认有具体的绝对真理,又承认无数相对真理总和构成的绝对真理;

    In theory , the absoluteness and relativity of the truth focus on the form .

  28. 诉讼证明中的所谓绝对真实与相对真实与认识论意义上的绝对真理与相对真理不可相提并论。

    The absolute truth and relative truth called in the proof in litigation are not equal to the absolute truth and relative truth in epistemology .

  29. 二是要认识到,思维和存在的同一性是相对的、具体的、历史的,真理的发展是一个不断从相对真理走向绝对真理的历史过程。

    The second is to realize that thinking and being is relative , specific , historical , the development of truth is a historical process that relative truth develop to absolute truth again and again .

  30. 本文从相对论的创立出发,介绍相对论的时空观,从而阐述相对真理与绝对真理的辩证关系(相对论包括广义相对论和狭义相对论,文中涉及范围属于狭义相对论)

    The paper introduces the idea of time and space in relativity and discusses the dialectical relationship between the relative truth and the absolute truth .