
  • 网络opposite number;Additive inverse;unm
  1. 我们可以先用一下,然后加个负号,但是我要说明,ndS正好是这个的相反数。

    Well , we could use it and then subtract , but I was just going to say that ndS is actually the opposite of this .

  2. 泊松比的定义为样品横向应变与轴向应变的相反数。

    Poisson 's ratio represents the negative ratio of transverse and longitudinal strains .

  3. 如果我们换一下方向的话,通量就会变成前面那个答案的相反数。

    And , if we change our choice , then of course the flux will become the opposite .

  4. 结果表明:随着年龄的增长,儿童使用的策略由模仿、交换向内化、相反数策略转化;

    The results indicated that with the growth of the children , the strategies children used transformed from the imitation strategy and exchange strategy to the covert strategy and inversion strategy .

  5. 对一类特殊的实代数数:可以分成二部分之和,且其中一部分为它定义多项式的最大根,另一部分的相反数也是它定义多项式的最大根进行了研究。

    We have proposed an algorithm for determining the sign of the real algebraic numbers , which can be divided into two parts . Both can be the maximum root of their definitional polynomials .

  6. 因此,你无法给出一个有限的稳定状态数,相反,这个数将是无限的。

    Thus you do not get a finite number of stable configurations , but an infinite number .

  7. 调制阶数越低,频谱利用率就越低,但系统误码率较小;相反调制阶数越高,在提高了频谱利用率的同时,却增大了系统的误码率。

    When modulation order is low , the spectrum utilization rate will be lower , but the system bit error rate will be smaller .