
  • 网络provincial key lab
  1. 省级重点实验室科研管理工作的能动性与创新性

    The activity and innovation of scientific research management of provincial key lab

  2. 建立省级重点实验室必将在科技创新体系建设中发挥重要的作用。

    Setting up provincial key lab surely will play a important role in the construction of the science innovation system .

  3. 依托省级重点实验室,提高本科生科研创新能力

    Improving the Innovative Ability of Undergraduate Depending on Provincial Key Laboratory

  4. 高校省级重点实验室综合评估的实践与思考

    Practice and Consideration about the Comprehensive Evaluation of Provincial Key University Laboratory

  5. 它有2个省级重点实验室,12个市级重点实验室,77个研究所。

    It has2 provincial key laboratories , 12 municipal key laboratories , and77 institutes .

  6. 然后从横向和纵向两个角度对陕西高校省级重点实验室绩效进行评价;

    Secondly , the key provincial laboratories ' performance is evaluated from horizontal and vertical aspects .

  7. 建设与管理并重,全面提升省级重点实验室水平

    Laying Equal Stress on Construction and Management , Hoisting Overall Working Level of Province Level Key Laboratory

  8. 对省级重点实验室管理的几点建议以河北省农林科学院为例开拓创新锐意进取办好省级农业科技期刊《广西农业科学》办刊实践

    Some Suggestions on the Provincial Key Laboratory Management A Case of Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences Keep developing and innovating to better run provincial-level periodicals of agricultural science and technology Running practice of Guangxi Agricultural Sciences

  9. 建有国家基础课程教学基地和国家大学生文化素质教育基地3个、国家重点实验室、教育部重点实验室5个,省级重点实验室35个,其他各类专业实验室93个。

    It has established 3 national teaching bases for fundamental courses and a national quality education base for college students , 5 national key labs and ministerial key labs , 35 provincial key labs , and 93 labs of different specialties .

  10. 围绕省级重点实验室的建设与管理,探讨了实验室建设与学科发展的关系,实验室研究方向与地方经济建设的内在联系以及以人为本的实验室管理机制。

    Based on the construction and management of the provincial key laboratory , this article discussed the relationship of laboratory construction and discipline development , research direction and local economic construction , and the mechanism of management of laboratory based on the human .

  11. 学校科研工作具有较强实力,有一个国家培训基地,4个国家重点实验室,一个国家工程研究中心,一个国家级技术中心,2个教育部重点实验室,4个省级重点实验室,8个省部级_〔

    With a strong potential in scientific research , DUT has 1 state key training base , 4 state key laboratories , 1 state engineering research center , 1 state technological center , 2 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education , 4 provincial key laboratories , 8 ministry-level research centers of engineering ( technology )

  12. 运动生物化学省级教学重点实验室科学管理探索

    Exploration of Scientific Management on Provincial Key Physical Biochemistry Teaching lab

  13. 着重从实验室队伍建设、设备、管理、环境建设和发展规划等五方面论述建设和发展省级重点专业实验室的体会,为今后高校技术物资工作的健康发展提供一些参考经验。

    This paper introduces the experiences of constructing and developing from staff building , instruments , administration , environmental creation and developmental programming of the provincial key laboratory , which provides some references for the successful development of the future university-working on technology and substances .

  14. 点学科、5个省级重点科研基地、2个省级重点实验室。

    Discipline , 5 provincial levels key scientific research base , 2 provincial levels key laboratories .

  15. 学校有11个省级重点学科、5个省级重点科研基地、2个省级重点实验室。

    The University has 11 province-level key disciplines , 5 province-level key bases of scientific research and 2 province-level key laboratories .