
shěnɡ yì huì
  • provincial assembly
  1. 省议会对所有的经济救助请求都充耳不闻。

    The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help .

  2. 民国初年的甘肃省议会(1912-1927)

    Gansu Provincial Assembly in the Early Years of the Republic of China ( 1912-1927 )

  3. 省议会的议员直接投票选举少量重要的上议院议席(Eerste肯曼,或者下议院)。

    The members of the provincial parliaments vote ( indirectly ) for the less important Senate ( Eerste Kamer , or First Chamber ) .

  4. 而国会与省议会将于翌日解散。

    National and provincial assemblies would be dissolved the next day .

  5. 省议会也是每四年直接选举产生的。

    The provincial parliaments are directly elected every four years as well .

  6. 论二次革命时期的省议会联合会

    On the Provincial Legislature 's League in the Second Revolution

  7. 民国时期江苏茧行纷争与省议会被毁案

    Disputes over Filatures and the Assault on the Provincial Congress in Republican Jiangsu

  8. 民国前期新疆省议会研究

    A Study on the Parliament of Xinjiang Province in the Early Republican times

  9. 其他省议会也逐渐加入革命者行列。

    Other provincial assemblies then joined the revolutionaries .

  10. 新疆省议会远没有发挥它代议制的功能,也有其多方面的原因。

    Some other reasons prevented the Parliament of Xinjiang Province from giving full play to its function of representative system .

  11. 根据《省议会议员选举法》,经过选举前的筹备工作及初选、复选,省议会顺利成立。

    Under the provincial Council members election law , through the preparatory work before the election and selection , check that the provincial legislature .

  12. 在拉合尔,一名身份不明的枪手星期天夜间开枪打死了谢里夫党内一名参加省议会选举的候选人。

    Late Sunday in Lahore unidentified gunmen shot and killed a candidate from Mr. Sharif 's party who was running in the provincial elections .

  13. 省议会行使监督、立法等权力,提出了大量议案,议决的议案很多,但被执行的却很少。

    Provincial councils to exercise oversight and legislative powers , presented a wealth of motion , that many of the motion , but is rarely performed .

  14. 扎尔达里在四个省议会中的三个以及巴基斯坦议会两院都赢得多数票。

    Asif Ali Zardari won the majority of votes in three of the country 's four provincial assemblies as well as in both houses of parliament .

  15. 在参观完省议会大厦之后,剑桥公爵和公爵夫人坐上由加拿大骑警引领的四轮马车。

    After visiting Province House , the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge rode on a landau carriage led by Canadian mounted police , known as mounties .

  16. 针对民初省议会的研究,应该立足于现有的研究成果推陈出新,扬长避短,以求有新的突破。

    In order to give impetus to the research into this subject , we should carry forward the good points and discard the shortcomings for new breakthrough .

  17. 省议会共有议员132名,从受教育情况、年龄结构、待遇、权限等来看,比清末谘议局有了一定进步。

    Provincial Council members from 132 , education , age structure , benefits , privileges , etc. , than at the end of the Qing dynasty Parliament some progress .

  18. 巴基斯坦官员说,8千多万选民将有资格投票选举议会众议员和4个省议会的议员。

    Officials in Pakistan say more than 80 million voters are eligible to participate in the election to select members of the lower house of Parliament and the nation 's four provincial assemblies .

  19. 坎大哈政治掮客中没有比艾哈迈德·瓦利·卡尔扎伊更炙手可热的了。艾哈迈德·瓦利是省议会议长,总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊同父异母的兄弟,因为依靠北约势力在阿富汗声名狼藉。

    No figure brokered more power in the city than Ahmed Wali Karzai : head of the provincial council , unsavoury ally of the NATO forces and half-brother of Hamid Karzai , the president .

  20. 在一系列重大的全国性问题上,山东省议会还注重与全国其他议会的沟通,对于其他省议会要求协力主张的问题积极予以配合,取得了一定成效。

    In a series of major national issues , Shandong province , Parliament also focus on other boards and national communications , For other provincial legislature requires concerted efforts to advocate issues actively cooperate and achieved some success .

  21. 此外,省议会在实业、政治、教育、社会事务等方面也都进行了积极的努力,在一定程度上顺应了山东近代化的需要。

    In addition , the provincial legislature in the industry , politics , education , Social Affairs , and so on are also has an active effort to a certain extent fulfils the needs of the modernization of Shandong province .

  22. 论文搜集了山东省议会三次常年会报告书等第一手资料,运用历史学、社会学、政治学等多种学科理论,首次对民初山东省议会进行了全面系统研究。

    Papers collected in Shandong Province Council will be three annual reports and other first-hand information , the use of history , sociology , political science theory and other disciplines , for the first time on and Shandong Province Council conducted a comprehensive study on the system .

  23. 我们去了信德省的议会,所有议会成员为我鼓掌祝贺。

    We went to the Sindh assembly , where I was applauded by all the members .

  24. 省正式议会几度解散,并且自身法律规定的权力无法得到实现。

    Are formally parliament dissolved , several times and the power of the law cannot be achieved .

  25. 权力已移交给省和地区议会。

    Power has been handed over to provincial and regional assemblies .

  26. 河南省第一届省议会(1913-1918)

    The First Provincial Assembly in Early Republica of China in Henan ( 1913-1918 )