
  • 网络True Love's Kiss;Penelope
  1. 如果您正在寻找一些魔法般的乐趣,《真爱之吻》正是您所需要的。

    If you 're looking for some enchanted fun , Penelope is just what you need .

  2. 真爱之吻可以解决一切的!

    True love 's kiss was supposed to fix everything !

  3. 真爱之吻能破解任何诅咒

    True love 's kiss will break any curse .

  4. 那是真爱之吻

    That was true love 's kiss . No. No.

  5. 也许是…真爱之吻?

    A true love 's kiss , perhaps ?

  6. 就这么简单真爱之吻能唤醒她

    So that 's it then ? True love 's kiss will awaken her .

  7. 是但真爱之吻没有上演

    Yes , but no kiss happened .

  8. 寻找真爱之吻。

    A kiss for love 's sake .

  9. 没道理啊真爱之吻应该可以唤回你的记忆啊

    This doesn 't make any sense.True love 's kiss should 've restored your memories .

  10. 如果他不爱你真爱之吻也无用

    And if he doesn 't love you , well , then the kiss won 't even work .

  11. 她在火龙的看守中,在最高塔的最高房间里等待她的真爱之吻。

    She waited in the dragon 's keep in the highest room of the tallest tower for her true love and true love 's first kiss .

  12. 菲奥娜:别人也是这么告诉我的,真爱之吻并没有救我出塔,是我自己救了自己。

    Fiona : Yeah , you know , that 's what they told me , too . True love didn 't get me out of that tower . I did . I saved myself .