
  • Truth or Dare;The Moment Of Truth
  1. 看起来埃里克·卡恩还在玩真心话大冒险

    Looks like Eric Kahn 's still playing truth or dare .

  2. 噢,我喜欢玩“真心话大冒险”。

    Jenny : Oh , I love " truth or dare . "

  3. 好额,那是一次玩真心话大冒险。

    Okay , it involves a game of truth or dare .

  4. 想一大堆关于“工作友好”,或与节假日有关的真心话大冒险的问题。

    Create a bunch of work-friendly , holiday-related truth-0r-dare questions .

  5. 糖果岛,真心话大冒险,限时画词。

    Candy land , I never , pictionary .

  6. 好了,各位,谁要玩“真心话大冒险”的?

    All right , people . Who 's ready for a game of " truth or dare " ?

  7. dare:挑战好了,各位,谁要玩“真心话大冒险”的?

    All right , people . Who 's ready for a game of " truth or dare " ? -

  8. 可以是任何游戏比如真心话大冒险又或者平淡些的点名问答游戏。

    Games can be anything like truth or dare or to less extreme games like the 5 questions game .

  9. 借此机会,和你的童鞋们玩儿一次真心话大冒险,让大家了解你的想法,也可以消除曾经的误解。

    Play a game like Truth or Dare to pour out your feelings and clear up misunderstandings with your classmates .

  10. 艾米:明显,真心话大冒险玩输了她很伤心。

    Bernadette : She 's been in there a long time . Amy : Clearly , losing Truth or Dare upset her .

  11. 可以是任何游戏比如“真心话大冒险”又或者平淡些的“点名问答游戏”。

    Games can be anything like " truth or dare " or to less extreme games like the " 5 questions game . "

  12. 照照片、做相簿、拍视频,或者在社交媒体上分享你的旅行故事。借此机会,和你的童鞋们玩儿一次真心话大冒险,让大家了解你的想法,也可以消除曾经的误解。

    You can take photos and make a photo album , shoot a video , or share your adventures on social media . Play a game like Truth or Dare to pour out your feelings and clear up misunderstandings with your classmates .

  13. Eric来了,轮到你了,真心话还是大冒险?

    Jenny : So Eric 's here . Now it 's your turn.Truth or dare ?

  14. 进军“六旗游乐园”:真心话还是大冒险?

    Great Adventure to Six Flags : Truth or Dare ?