
  1. 由报告体文章《圣洁的血花》、回忆录《在烈火中永生》到《红岩》构成了小说发展的主要脉络。

    The thread of the story is composed of the development from the Report 《 Holly Blood Flower 》 the memoir 《 Live Forever Among Raging Fire 》 to 《 Red Crag 》 .

  2. 星期六,我在家里找了《在烈火中永生》,后来,经过推荐看了《鸡毛信》这部电影,我先介绍一下这部电影的主要内容吧!

    On Saturday , I at home looking for the " in a flash of eternal life ", later , after JiMaoXin recommended to see the movie , I first introduce the main content of this movie !

  3. 我卑微的灵魂并没有在烈火中得到永生。

    My humble soul has not been immortalized in the fire .