
  • 网络pravda;pravda.ru
  1. 新的征收将影响在一个月内,星期六,根据该法令公布在官方报纸Kazakhstanskaya真理报。

    The new levy will take effect in a month , according to the decree published in the official Kazakhstanskaya Pravda newspaper on Saturday .

  2. 44岁的帕维尔•舍列梅特(PavelSheremet)出生于白俄罗斯,是乌克兰领先调查新闻网站《乌克兰真理报》(UkrainskaPravda)一名屡次获奖的记者。他在驾驶一辆属于网站经理奥廖娜•普里图拉(OlenaPrytula)的汽车时丧生。

    Pavel Sheremet , 44 , a Belarus-born award-winning journalist with Ukrainska Pravda , the country 's leading investigative news website , was killed while driving a car belonging to Olena Prytula , the venture 's manager .

  3. 最近的出版物在共青团真理报已经派上用场。

    The recent publications in Komsomolskaya Pravda has come in handy .

  4. 我们那儿有一个妇女,找到了一张出版不久的《真理报》!

    One of the women has found a recent copy of Pravda !

  5. 在1912年春天《真理报》出刊了。

    In the spring of1912 Pravda was brought out .

  6. 只是,现在他的对手们想让这位《真理报》的编辑靠边站,于是便将他的幽默感作为攻击目标。

    But now rivals wanted to sideline the Pravda editor , and they targeted his sense of humour .

  7. 目前,俄罗斯真理报列举出20世纪最搞笑、最白痴的犯罪行为。

    At present , in the20th century Russian Pravda newspaper enumerate the funniest , the crime of idiots .

  8. 但他在俄罗斯真理报在线网站撰写的文章将焦点直指俄罗斯总统。

    But his opinion piece for the Russian Website " Pravda " was more focused on Russia 's president .

  9. 来自莫斯科苏联共青真理报的两位记者决定首次亲手证明手机的伤害性。

    Vladimir Lagovski and Andrei Moiseynko from Komsomolskaya Pravda Newspaper in Moscow decided to learn first-hand how harmful cell phones are .

  10. 俄罗斯的《真理报》写道,“西班牙夫人”使整个穆罗姆城镇陷入混乱。

    The Pravda in Russia wrote that ' The Spanish Lady ' had thrown a whole town , Murom , into disarray .

  11. 在真理报网上,一个人称赞这个想法很好,另一个则说:“这一切都超赞!祝你们生意兴隆!”但一个在莫斯科的用户说:“这样的‘爱国主义’真让我恶心。”

    On the Komsomolskaya Pravda website one person congratulates the owners for their idea and another says : " Everything is super ! We wish you prosperity ! " But a Moscow-based user says : " Such ' patriotisim ' makes me sick . "

  12. 而根据在全国发行的《乌克兰真理报》报道,该部门命令电视台根据乌克兰严格的道德法律彻查海绵宝宝。监督部门还在保守的天主教网站上发现了一篇报道,痛斥具有同性恋倾向的卡通形象。

    Whilst policing media to check it adheres to the Ukraine 's strict morality laws , the watchdog found a report on a conservative Catholic website , which slammed a number of cartoon characters for their " promotion of homosexuality , " reported national newspaper Ukra í nskaya Pravda .