
  • 网络Dermal papillae;dermal papilla
  1. 本研究建议了一种数学模型来研究皮肤外层氧的输运特性,它包括表皮和真皮乳头中的各个组织层及微循环。

    We have developed a theoretical model including different tissue layers and microcirculation in epidermis and dermal papillae to investigate the transport of oxygen in outer layers of skin .

  2. 2002年12月31日左前臂皮损部位行活检,病理活检报告:表皮角化过度,角化不全,真皮乳头高度水肿,真皮密集的成熟中性粒细胞浸润,有核尘,并可见毛细血管扩张。

    On Dec 31 , 2002 , biopsy of cutaneous lesions on left forearm showed hyperkeratosis of epidermis , parakeratosis , severe edema of dermal papillae , intensive infiltration of mature neutrophil in dermis , nuclear dust and capillary telangiectasia .

  3. 真皮乳头层毛细血管Lv显著高于真皮网状层(P<0.001)。

    Statistically significantly ( P < 0 . 001 ) higher capillary Lv was found in the papillary dermis than in the reticular dermis .

  4. 真皮乳头微血管flt-1与KDR的表达与真皮乳头血管的生成存在正相关关系。

    The expression of flt-1 and KDR in the papillary dermal microvessels is positively related to the angiogenesis of papillary dermal microvessels .

  5. PECAM-1,可以作为银屑病皮损真皮乳头血管增生的敏感性标记。

    PECAM-1 is the sensitive sign of the blood vessel proliferation of dermis layer in psoriatic lesions .

  6. 使用OCT技术可以实现组织光学特性参数及一些结构信息的测量,同时OCT的穿透深度足以提供皮肤表皮和真皮乳头层的信息,因此OCT是实现无损测量和研究皮肤的有效手段。

    An OCT can be used to measure the optical parameters and the structure of tissue . The penetration depth of OCT is sufficient to provide high-resolution images of the epidermis and papillary dermis .

  7. 结论该改良法ADM用于异种移植的最大优势在于无基底膜及真皮乳头层存在,抗原成分进一步降低。

    CONCLUSION : The ADM prepared by the improved method reveals an important characteristic : there is no basement membrane and dermal papillary layer , and less amounts of xenogeneic antigens are retained than that prepared by the other two methods .

  8. 一组毛囊真皮乳头细胞的单克隆抗体

    A group of monoclonal antibodies of dermal papillary cells of hair follicle

  9. 真皮乳头层内上皮钉突间见黄色瘤样细胞(泡沫细胞)浸润。

    The hallmark xanthoma cells deposited in the papillary dermis between the rete ridges .

  10. 人手足真皮乳头微循环血管的形态学

    The Vascular Morphology of Dermal Papillary Microcirculation of

  11. 真皮乳头顶呈杵状,向表皮内上伸,接近角质层。

    Top of dermal papilla was clubbed to the epidermis on the stretch near the cuticle .

  12. 组织学变化:超声辐照后第1天,表皮完好,真皮乳头层水肿,轻度充血。

    Microscopic changes : edema and gentle hyperemia exist in papillary layer of dermis 1 day later .

  13. 人胎手指真皮乳头嵴形成的光镜和扫描电镜观察

    Study on the formation of dermal papilla ridge of human fetal finger by light and scanning electron microscopy

  14. 组织学:辐照后,表皮内水疱,真皮乳头层充血水肿,随剂量的增加水疱及充血水肿变明显。

    Microscopic changes : spongiosis and blisters formed in epidermis , hyperemia and edema existed in papillary layer of dermis .

  15. 结果:大鼠肛梳区的毛细淋巴管见于真皮乳头层,网状层、皮下组织、肌间可见到比较丰富毛细淋巴管和淋巴管。

    RESULTS : There were comparatively plentiful capillary lymphatic vessels in the dermal papilla layer , reticular layer , hypodermis and inter-muscles .

  16. 用光镜和扫描电镜技术观察了2~10月龄人胎手指端真皮乳头嵴的形成过程。

    He process of finger corium ridge formation was studied in human fetus aged 2 10 months by light and scanning electron microscopy .

  17. 结果(1)真皮乳头层内神经多分布在表皮下和血管丛附近。

    Results ( 1 ) Cutaneous nerves were found below the epidermis and around the vascular plexus in the papilary layer of dermis .

  18. 温度觉、痛觉、痒觉由无髓鞘神经纤维传导,它们终止于真皮乳头层和毛囊周围。

    Temperature , pain , and itch sensation are transmitted by unmyelinated nerve fibers which terminate in the papillary dermis and around hair follicles .

  19. 表皮隆线于第4&5月形成,随真皮乳头的增高而渐趋明显。至第6个月,全部皮纹图样已可辨认。

    The epidermal ridges appeared simultaneously with the secondary dermal ledges in 4th to 5th month and the dermatoglyphic configurations were recognizable in 6th month fetuses .

  20. 目的:揭示人皮肤真皮乳头血管袢的三维构筑及其差异,为临床微循环血管镜检查提供资料。

    Objective : We studied the three dimensional architecture and the distinction of dermal papillary vascular loops of human hand and foot and provided the data for clinical microcirculation microscopic examination .

  21. 真皮乳头层较疏松,染色较淡,其下为网织层,较增生性瘢痕和瘢痕疙瘩薄,较致密,见粗大的胶原,染色深,较不规则,并可见毛细血管闭锁。

    The dermal papilla is looser ; the reticular layer is thinner and denser than that in hypertrophic scar and keloid , dark stained collagen and atretic capillary could be seen .

  22. 老年人光保护皮肤的弹力纤维损伤相对较轻,主要表现为真皮乳头处耐酸纤维数量明显减少,真皮中上层弹力纤维轻度增粗及片段化。

    In sun-protective normal skin of aged people oxytalan fibers were reduced in papillary dermis , how - ever elastic fibers in the upper and mid-dermis were slightly thickened and fragmented ;

  23. 在银屑病的组织病理变化中真皮乳头血管的异常最先发生,而后出现炎症细胞的移行和表皮增生及分化异常,由此启动银屑病发生发展过程。

    In psoriatic pathological changes of dermal papillary vasculature abnormalities first occurs , then the appearance of inflammatory cell migration and epidermal hyperplasia and differentiation abnormality , thereby starting psoriasis development process .

  24. 我们既往通过一系列的研究已经证实,点滴型银屑病患者皮损真皮乳头和表皮存在GAS-M蛋白的表达;

    By a series of tests , we have previously shown that there are GAS - M protein expressions on the epidermis and dermal papilla of the patients with acute guttate psoriasis ;

  25. 组织病理学检查:角化过度、角质层内及角质层下裂隙,角质层内可见变性坏死的中性粒细胞和角蛋白碎屑,棘层细胞及真皮乳头层轻度水肿,嗜酸性粒细胞少见。

    The skin biopsy showed hyperkeratosis of the stratum corneum and intracorneal and subcorneal cleft containing polymorphonuclear leucocytes , sparse eosinophils , and keratinous debris with mild edema of the epidermis and papillary dermis .

  26. 在毛囊生长阶段的高峰期(全生长期),真皮乳头以一条薄薄的细胞链存在的,真皮乳头从毛球分隔,毛球以一层基底膜包围着它。

    At the height of the growth phase ( full anagen ) of the follicle the dermal papilla exists as a thin strand of cells , separated from the hair bulb surrounding it by a basement membrane .

  27. 光镜:术后7天见真皮乳头及网状层,表皮较薄但见柱状排列整齐的生发层细胞,有较多毛囊、皮脂腺。

    Optics microscope showed : On the seventh day after operation dermic papillary and reticular layer existed , the epidermis was thinner but germinative layer cells arrayed tidily like pillar , and there were many hair follicle and sebaceous gland .

  28. 目的:检测复发尖锐湿疣皮损表皮和真皮内的人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)DNA,探讨其反复复发的原因。

    Objectives : To detect HPV DNA in the dermis and epidermis of lesions by PCR in patients with recurring condyloma acuminata and to explore the reasons of recurrence .

  29. PP患者皮损组织的脓疱壁、真皮浅层和乳头内血管及表皮角质形成细胞ICAM-1染色呈阳性;

    The staining of ICAM-1 in the wall of pustule , dermis and vascular in nipple and keratinized cell was positive , whereas in the normal skin of the controls was negative .

  30. 妊娠75~85天真皮逐渐分化出乳头层和网状层,妊娠120~135天结构基本稳定。

    The dermis divides into the papilla and reticular layer gradually on 85 days after pregnancy . Skin construction is stable from 120 to 135 days after pregnancy .