
  • 网络Spinous cell layer;Stratum spinosum;pricle cell layer;pricklC ccu layer;stratum spinosum epidermidis
  1. 建筑的表皮LC主要位于表皮棘细胞层和毛囊根鞘;

    In the skin LC were located mainly in the stratum spinosum of the epidermis .

  2. 与之相反,p53阳性反应主要在棘细胞层下部和基底细胞层。

    Maximum expression of p53 existed in the lower and basal layers of epidermis .

  3. ICAM1、HLADR以及β1整合素在表皮基底细胞层和棘细胞层诱导表达或增强表达。

    The expression of ICAM 1 and HLA DR was induced on basal keratinocytes , epidermal dendritic cells as well as endothelial cells in the dermis .

  4. 结果可见:PCNA在不同的组织中分布及表达不同,随着病变程度的增加,PCNA分布由基底细胞层逐渐累及到棘细胞层,各组间PCNA阳性细胞百分数有显著性差异。

    The results showed that PCNA was not alike about distribution and expression in different group . There were statistical differences in different groups .

  5. 结果在正常皮肤组织中,Caspase-3的表达仅局限于表皮基底细胞层的细胞浆,在银屑病皮损中,Caspase-3表达弥散分布于增生表皮的基底细胞层、棘细胞层及颗粒细胞层;

    Results Immunohistochemical examination showed that the expression of Caspase-3 was positive only in basal layers of normal epidermis and positive in the suprabasal cell layers of psoriatic epidermis .

  6. 结果IGFIR蛋白与mRNA表达在银屑病患者基底层和棘细胞层,IGFIR蛋白与mRNA相对积分光密度值在正常对照组与银屑病组间存在极显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Results The expressions of IGF IR protein and mRNA were located on the basal cell layers and prickle cell layers . There was significant difference of mRNA expression between the normal and psoriatic groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 在OLP组中,LC位于棘细胞层的中、下部及基底细胞层,有的标本中LC可见于棘细胞全层,固有层中多见。

    Whereas in OLP , they mainly located in the middle and lower regions of the prickle cell layer and the basal cell layer , but throughout the prickle cell layer in some .

  8. 正常宫颈上皮未见明显着色;CIN组阳性表达见于基底层和棘细胞层,着色较深;宫颈癌组主要在癌巢周边表达,着色深,血管及腺体周围也有表达。

    Normal cervical epithelium was negative staining ; CIN group was weak staining in basal layer and / or prickle cell layer ; In cervical carcinoma group , the positive granulas were strongly staining around cancer nests , blood vessels and glands .

  9. 结果电镜下银屑病表皮颗粒层中细胞凋亡并不常见,在棘细胞层与基底层则更少,但TUNEL染色见阳性细胞广泛分布于表皮各层。

    Results The electron microscopic findings revealed that apoptosis is not a common phenomenon in the granular layer and even more rare in the basal and spinous layers of psoriatic skin , while TUNEL staining showed numerous positive cells in all layers of psoriatic epidermis .

  10. 结果IL8免疫反应主要定位于表皮的基层、棘细胞层和颗粒层、血管内皮细胞及间质细胞;

    Results IL 8 was mainly localized at the basal cell layer , spinous cell layer and granular cell layer of the epidermis , the endothelium of the blood vessels and interstitial cells ;

  11. 阳性细胞主要分布于棘细胞层。

    The positive cells mainly distributed in spinous layers , especially in koilacytes .

  12. 阳性信号主要位于表皮棘细胞层,尤以挖空细胞和异型核细胞著明。

    The positive singals mainly located in the spinous cells of epidermis , markedly positive in the nuclei of koilocytes and anaplastic cell .

  13. 本型组织病理改变,主要是表皮角质层有显著角化不全,棘细胞层增厚,表皮突向下延展,深入真皮。

    Pathological changes of the organization , mainly the epidermal cuticle significant parakeratosis , acanthosis cell layer thickening , epidermal sudden downward extension of in-depth dermis .

  14. 后期表皮棘细胞层明显增生呈假乳头状瘤样,基底细胞液化明显。

    In the late stage , there revealed obvious proliferation of epithelial prickle cell layer in shape of pseudopapillomatous mass with the obvious liquefaction of basal cells .

  15. 培养过程中表皮逐步增殖、分化、发育,形成基底层、棘细胞层、颗粒层和角质层;

    Epidemis of the skin consisted of Kc at various proliferation and differentiation stages , which proliferated and differentiated into basal cell layer , prickle cell layer , granular layer , and cornified layer .

  16. 结果:在18例光暴露皮肤中P53表达均为阳性,阳性表达位于基底细胞及棘细胞全层,呈散在分布。

    Results : The expression of protein P53 was positive in all the 18 specimens , and the stain was distributed in basal cells and prick cells .

  17. 101例扁平苔藓中36例表达Cox-2,阳性率为35.6%,病变表现为上皮棘层细胞、粒层细胞和表层细胞呈阳性表达,基底细胞呈阴性表达。

    Cox-2 was expressed in 36 cases out of 101 cases of OLP , the positive ratio was 35.6 % , which both pathological changes showed Cox-2 over-expressed in the cytoplasm of stratum spinosum cells and stratum granulosum cells , basal cells submitted negative expression .