
  • 网络pipeline crossing
  1. 管道穿越U形断面河流的几种导流方法

    Several Methods of Diversion Used in Pipeline Crossing through Rivers of U Shaped Cross-sections

  2. 冀宁输气管道穿越活动断裂的抗震分析与设计

    Seismic Analysis and Design of Ji-Ning Gas Pipeline Crossing Active Faults

  3. 管道穿越河流的岩土工程问题分析

    Analysis on the Geotechnical Engineering Problems of Pipeline Passing through River

  4. 管道穿越河流的爆破成沟设计

    Design for Pipeline Across River Passing Through Ditch Formed by Explosion

  5. 油气管道穿越长江的方法探讨

    Discussion on Measures for Oil-gas Pipeline Crossing through the Yangtze River

  6. 文章分别介绍了各种陡坡管道穿越的施工方法。

    Aseismic reliability of traversing pipelines based on soil liquefaction analysis ;

  7. 长输管道穿越山岭隧道设计的有关问题

    Some Key Matters regarding Mountainous Tunnel Design of Long-distance Pipeline

  8. 顶管施工在天然气管道穿越铁路中的应用

    The application of the pipe jacking construction in natural gas crossing railway

  9. 石油天然气管道穿越工程施工及验收规范

    Specification for construction and acceptance of petroleum and gas pipeline crossing engineering

  10. 长输管道穿越山岭隧道施工技术

    Construction Technology of Long Distance Pipeline Passing Through Ridge Tunnel

  11. 油气管道穿越西北干旱区湿地的环境保护

    Wetland Environment Protection in Northwest Arid Region for Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction

  12. 大口径管道穿越河流方法研讨

    Discussion on River Crossing of Large Diameter Pipe line

  13. 水平定向钻技术在天然气管道穿越工程的应用

    Application of Horizontal Directional Drilling Technology to Crossing Project of Natural Gas Pipeline

  14. 油气管道穿越大型河流设计技术进步简述

    On Design and Technical Progress of Oil and Gas Pipeline Crossing across Large River

  15. 采用定向钻机进行管道穿越大型河流的工程地质问题

    Engineering Geological Problems of Pipeline 's Passing through Large River with Directional Drilling Machine

  16. 天然气输气管道穿越河流设计方案比选

    Comparison and Selection of Design Schemes for River Crossing of Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline

  17. 管道穿越公路应垂直交叉通过。

    The pipeline shall cross the road vertically .

  18. 钻爆法隧道在忠武输气管道穿越中的应用

    The Application of NATM Tunnel Method in Zhongxian & Wuhan Gas Transmission Pipeline Crossing

  19. 沉井在管道穿越施工中的应用

    The Application of Caisson in Pipeline Crossing Construction

  20. 大管径直埋预热管道穿越道路设计方案

    Design of large size direct - buried pre - heating piping crossing main street

  21. 东方洋浦海口长输管道穿越昌化江的滑板施工技术

    Slide Board Construction Technique in Dongfang-Yangpu-Haikou Long Distance Transportation Pipeline Crossing through Changhua River

  22. 燃气管道穿越地裂缝的处理

    Treatment for Gas Pipeline Crossing Ground Fracture

  23. 原油管道穿越河流管段的维护方法及对策

    The Maintenance Method and Countermeasure for the Section across River of the Crude oil Piping

  24. 燃气管道穿越河流工程的设计

    Crossing River Engineering of Fuel Gas Pipeline

  25. 本文采用壳有限元方法分析了输气管道穿越活动断裂的实际变形反应。

    The deformation response of Jinin gas pipeline crossing faults is analyzed with Shell FEM .

  26. 西气东输工程管道穿越河道的渗流稳定分析

    Permeability stable analysis on the gas pipeline from the west to the east across the river bed

  27. 在陕京输气管道穿越北拒马河工程中,采用了浮桶漂管法,成功地完成了此次穿越施工。

    The pipe-floating method used to cross the North Jumahe River proved to be completely successful in Shannjing Gas Transmission Pipeline .

  28. 介绍了燃气管道穿越河流的几种主要方式并提出设计要点及注意事项

    The paper reports current main modes of river-crossing engineering of fuel gas pipeline , the principal design points , and cautions

  29. 管道穿越楼面屋面预埋刚性防水套管,能有效预防楼板渗漏水,在建筑给排水工程中普遍采用。

    In architectural projects , conduits through floors and roofings can have a satisfactory waterproof effect if steel water-proof cannulas are preinstalled .

  30. 西气东输管道穿越长江工程的河势可行性分析

    River Regime Feasibility Analysis for Gas Transporting ( from West China to East China ) Pipe 's Crossing of the Changjiang River