
  • 网络tube body;Pipe Body
  1. 管体:采用合金材料制造,美观大方。

    Tube body : Made of Alloy materials , very elegant .

  2. 提供了管体结构的设计方法和白激光的输出特性。

    The tube configuration design and the output properties are also presented .

  3. 钻杆工具接头的抗扭强度普遍低于管体,为满足使用需要,考虑选择非API双台肩高抗扭矩接头。

    The torsional strength of the drill stem tool joint is generally lower than that of the pipe body thereof .

  4. 根据API要求,对拉拔过程管体尺寸变化进行了跟踪,确定了正确的配模参数。

    According to API requirements , the changes in size of the drawing process was tracked , determined the best match model parameters .

  5. 通过试验确定了正确的热处理工艺,使管体完全达到API所要求的良好的机械性能和各项指标要求。

    Through the trial-produce to confirm the correct heat treatment process and enable the pipe to meet the various requirements of API with good mechanical properties .

  6. 根据美国石油学会API标准规定,采用管体取样压平试样的屈服强度表征输油管体屈服强度。

    API regulates that the yield strength of flatten specimen from pipe body is used to characterized the yield strength of oil pipeline body .

  7. 且管体和焊接热影响区对HIC十分敏感。

    Its body and welding heat effecting area are very sensitive to HIC .

  8. API偏梯形螺纹套管内外螺纹机紧联接时,采用控制接箍端面与管体上三角形上螺纹标记之间相对位置的方式进行上螺纹。

    When power-tight API trapezoidal threaded casing , the adoption of using triangle marking on casing as relative position to tight casing is a long practice in oilfield .

  9. 介绍了石油工业用油管套管和管体特殊扣联接接头性能的发展情况,以及美国石油学会API标准中对套管的机械性能,硬度等指标的规定。

    To introduce the development of casing tube used in oil industry and properties of special junction of buckle joint for tube body , and the stipulations of index in API Standard such as mechanical properties , hardness etc. of casing tube .

  10. 本文详述GT-5O-2.5输油管体感应加热设备的结构、性能、特点及其应用。

    An induction equipment of GT - 5O - 2.5 type for heating of petroleum pipeline is de-scribed in detail including its structure , characteristics and applications .

  11. 介绍酚醛树脂的结构特性,分析CPDMC的特点,确定CPDMC的模压成型工艺,设计压制CPDMCI托辊管体的模具。

    Introduces the characteristics of phenol formaldehyde resin . After analyzing the features of CP-DMC , the molding technology of the CP-DMC is determined , and the mold for CP-DMCI idle is designed .

  12. 对X80钢级直缝埋弧焊管管体的应变时效行为进行了试验模拟,结果与分析相吻合。

    Then the strain aging behavior of X80 grade LSAW pipe body was conducted a test simulation and the result coincide with the former analysis .

  13. 为了促进国产直缝电阻焊(ERW)套管在油田的广泛应用,对ERW套管与无缝套管的尺寸精度、残余应力和管体挤毁压力进行了试验研究。

    ERW casing is applicated widely in oil and gas industry and substituted for seamless tubing for its high precision , excellent properties , easy controlling of quality and low cost etc.

  14. 并分析了不同磨损量时,在内压作用下,套管管体达到屈服时,磨损量与抗内压系数、套管内VONMISES应力以及套管内的位移变化关系。

    With different wearing size , under inner pressure , when the casing reached its yield value , the relationship of the wearing size with the resisting inner pressure coefficient , the casing Von Mises inner stress , and the casing inner displacement is analyzed .

  15. 对发生管体刺穿、外壁腐蚀的Φ127mm×9.19mmIEUS-135钻杆进行了失效分析。

    The analysis involves the failures of the φ 127 mm × 9.19 mm IEU S - 135 drill pipe , including piercing-corrosion and outer surface corrosion of the pipe body .

  16. 利用I-DEAS和MARC软件计算了拧接过程螺纹齿面的接触应力,定量分析了管体(公螺纹)和管接箍(母螺纹)的锥度变化对齿面接触应力的影响。

    Software I DEAS and MARC were used to calculate the thread face contact stress during the make up process , and to analyze the effect of taper mutation of pipe ( pin thread ) and coupling ( box thread ) on the thread face contact stress quantitatively .

  17. 实际应用表明,采用EMA-H电磁超声波探伤仪对高频直缝焊管进行探伤,可靠性高,而且能对钢管焊缝、管体作全面的探伤检测。

    The application result shows that for inspection of the hi-frequency straight welded pipe , the said detector is capable of reliable operation to inspect both weld seam and the full length over the pipe .

  18. 螺旋焊管管体压痕的产生与缓解

    The Occurrence and Reduction of Indentation for Spiral Welded Pipe Body

  19. 美国萨尔玛-降E高音,高压塑料管体,镀镍按键。

    Selmer USA-Eb soprano , high-impact plastic body , nickel-plated keys .

  20. 长管体斜侵彻半无限均质靶简化模型

    A simplified model for long tubular oblique penetration into semi-infinite homogeneous target

  21. 沉管隧道管体制作过程中的温度场仿真

    Thermal field simulation of immersed tunnel unit during its construction

  22. 数控管体车丝机实现自动断屑


  23. 管体摩擦焊摩擦变形阶段界面污物自清除的估算

    Expelling Interfacial Contamination Puring Equilibrium Torque Stage of Friction Welding in Tubular Form

  24. 托辊管体的可靠性设计

    A Design on the Reliability of the Roller Tube

  25. 整体旋压式无心轴托辊管体的旋压成形

    The Spinning Forming of Integral Non-mandrel Roller 's Tube

  26. 通过改变接地方式对系统管体电流波形测量的影响研究。

    The body-current waveforms of the klystron in different grounding modes are compared .

  27. 并线管体注射模设计

    Design of the Injection Mould for Yarn-Doubling Pipes

  28. 伸缩杆管体超静定问题的有限元求解

    A Finite Element Solution for the Indeterminate Problem of Telescopic Rod / Tube Penetrators

  29. 附睾管体段和尾段腔内精子对钙调素抗体呈强阳性反应。

    The sperms in lumen of the corpus and cauda epididymis were stained heavily .

  30. 长管体侵彻时中间靶芯对侵彻过程的影响较大。

    Effects of the residual core in the target on long tubular penetration are important .