
  • 网络sentry;sentry ward
  1. 先决条件:真眼魔,或必须以异怪为宿敌。

    Prerequisite : True beholder or must have aberration as a favored enemy .

  2. 先决条件:真眼魔或类眼魔,至少一个超魔专长。

    Prerequisites : true beholder or beholderkin , at least one metamagic feat .

  3. 特殊:若该生物是真眼魔,则该专长的效果既适用于类眼魔生物也适用于其它真眼魔。

    Special : if the creature is a true beholder , the benefits of this feat apply to other true beholders as well as to beholderkin .

  4. 我真瞎了眼,把他当做好人了。

    I was quite blind and took him for a gentleman .

  5. 你真的要眼睁睁地看着你的子民哀鸿遍野,血流飘絮吗?

    You really have to just sit and watch your subjects widespread suffering , blood piaochu ?

  6. 那些人拿腔作势的,我真瞧不上眼。

    I 've no patience with the airs of these people .

  7. 我真是瞎了眼,就像妈妈一样

    I 'm going blind . like mama