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  1. 也许我真的刚开始喜欢上考古学了。

    Maybe I 'm just really beginning to enjoy archeology .

  2. 真不好意思刚和你打完招呼就要说拜拜了

    So I 'm sorry to say hello to you and then goodbye .

  3. 麦克:说真的。刚从会议上听来的。

    Mike : No.I just found out in a meeting .

  4. 我真不敢相信刚省出2块钱就被人抢走了。

    I can 't believe this is happening just when I saved $ 2 .

  5. 真见鬼!刚过了半小时,正巧一个平常以挨家挨户给人家拍摄婴儿照片为生的摄影师上门来推销生意,他按响了门铃。

    Half an hour later , just by chance , a door-to-door baby photographer rang the doorbell , hoping to make a sale .

  6. 真倒霉我们刚到这里来海岛度假,就有飓风警报!

    Ali : It 's just our luck that as soon as we arrive here for our island vacation , there 's a hurricane warning !

  7. 今天,我们真的才刚开始几个基本你可以搜寻的事物类型:人、照片、地点、公司页面,而…那只是个开端。

    Today , we 're really just starting off with a few basic types of things that you can search for : people , photos , places , pages for businesses , and ... that 's just the start .

  8. 真差劲,麦子刚上场就下起雨来了。

    Too bad ! We 'd just got the wheat to the threshing ground when it started to rain .

  9. 真不巧!我们刚坐火车去德国,克莱夫和她的妻子就离开了。

    Clive and his wife left us once we got to Germany by train .

  10. 不幸的是,这个洞里有一只狮子,轻易地就抓获了鹿,鹿临死之前说:“我真是倒霉,刚脱离了猎犬的追捕,马上又掉进了狮子的大口。”

    Unfortunately the cave contained a lion , to whom he fell an easy prey . " Unhappy that I am , " he cried , " I am saved from the power of the dogs only to fall into the clutches of a lion . "

  11. 真抱歉,他刚回来,又要被送走了。

    Sorry to take him away so soon when you just got him back .

  12. 今天真闷&我刚冲了个淋浴,但已经一身汗了。

    It 's so close today & I 've just had a shower and I 'm already sweaty .

  13. 在我们走回来的时候,我真想谈谈我们刚离开的这些人的性格,以此来开导开导我所照顾的人;可是她已经有了成见,反倒说我对他们有偏见了。

    As we walked home , I would fain have enlightened my charge on the characters of the people we had quitted ; but she got it into her head that I was prejudiced against them .