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  • 网络regional style
  1. 南宋中期,地域风格逐渐彰显。

    The Middle of it , regional style gradually reveals .

  2. 中国文学的地域风格论

    On the Regional Style of Ch in ese Literature

  3. 它使建筑具有了地域风格的区别。

    It enable the building to have the region style difference .

  4. 各地高跷,都已形成鲜明的地域风格与民族色彩。

    " Gaoqiao " has now assumed strong local flavor and national color .

  5. 论企业兼并地域风格在印度

    On Mergers Among Chinese Enterprises Indian Regional Style

  6. 中国民歌的地域风格分类

    Region Style Classification of Chinese folk song

  7. 宁式家具的地域风格及在当代的传承和创新之研究

    The Study on the Regional Characteristics of Ningbo Style Furniture and It 's Innovation in Modern Times

  8. 在某一历史时期,其特定的时代风格、地域风格及个人风格总有相近或相似的一面。

    In a certain historical period , its specific periods , regional style and personal style maybe similar .

  9. 蒲松龄在此一年的最大收获,一是形成了《聊斋志异》鲜明的南北地域风格;

    One was the formation of the distinct south and north regional style in Collections of Bizarre Stories .

  10. 在这片富饶的土地上,传统民居成为传承历史文化的载体被保护下来,反映出强烈的地域风格和人文特征。

    Traditional residence architecture was preserved with its history , and it reflect the character of region and culture .

  11. 小说的地域风格一直为学界重视,地域成为影响作家创作特色的要素之一。

    The regional style of novel has emphasized in academia . The region becomes an essential factor affecting the creating .

  12. 其所创作的大量器乐作品尤以西方传统复调技法和西北地域风格相结合为显著特色。

    In his instrumental music , perfect combining of various Polyphony technique and full-bodied northwest geographical characteristics represents his distinctive music style .

  13. 第二,依据人类社会文明发展的历程,提出城市广场主要地域风格类型。

    Second , according to the course of development of civilization of human society , divide the main region style type of city squares .

  14. 在全球化盛行的现实面前,也就更应该强调本土特色和地域风格的价值。

    Prevalent in the face of the reality of globalization , it should be emphasized that local characteristics and the value of regional style .

  15. 第二章从地域风格、艺术手法等方面探讨徽州歌谣的地域特色与艺术魅力。

    The second chapter is about the regional style , artistic techniques to explore the geographical features of the Huizhou folk ballads and artistic charm .

  16. 第三章:在分析江河文化对城市形态和城市形象的影响的基础上,以黄岐实例探讨如何重建一河两岸城市的地域风格及文化风土。

    Chapter three : Analyzing the influence of River-Culture on urban morphology and urban feature , this chapter discusses how to build local culture-custom in city .

  17. 第三部分主要从艺术角度分析石门石刻书写、刊刻、艺术表现等审美特色和明确的地域风格。

    The third part , mainly from the art Angle analysis shimen stone carvings written th performance art , and aesthetic characteristics and clear regional style .

  18. 湘西民居作为中国传统民居组成部分,有着独特的地域风格和民族特色。

    The folk residences in western Hunan as Chinese traditional folk residences of a part , have the special features of region style and national characteristic .

  19. 宋元时期特殊的社会状况赋予了词集鲜明的政治指向性和浓郁的地域风格,由此得以另立江西一派。

    On the effect of the special social condition the collection has such a strong political color and an intense regional style that a Jiangxi School was established .

  20. 以漳州华元北区设计为例,探寻闽南传统地域风格建筑设计理念在现代住宅建筑设计上的应用的意义及具体方式。

    With the district of Zhangzhou Huayuan as an example , explore the architectural design idea of the traditional style and the application of modern residential building design .

  21. 民居是一个宏大的传统建筑体系,具有鲜明的文化特色和地域风格,是中国传统文化的物质表现。

    Dwelling houses system is a great traditional architecture system , having remarkable culture characteristic and region style , which is the material performance of Chinese traditional culture .

  22. 中国书法史就是中国书法风格的历史,书法的时代风格、地域风格、个人风格虽有差异,但前后也有承传关系。

    The history of Chinese calligraphy is full of Chinese style . Despite of differences in ages , geographical style and personal style but the inheritance relationship is maintained .

  23. 通过对“大连作家群”之形成、基于地域风格的文本题材同一性和作家普遍的现实主义创作风格三大要素的分析,论证了“大连作家群”命名的科学性。

    The scientificalness of the naming " Dalian writer group " is verified by analyzing the formation of the group , the text style and the creative style of the writers .

  24. 东周青铜器叙事画像纹不同地域风格的形成,与各地的思想主流和工艺传统密切相关。

    The formation of the different regional styles of the narrative pictorial designs on the bronzes of the Eastern Zhou period is closely related with the mainstream of local ideas and the traditional craft .

  25. 而我国各地在地理和人文环境上的差异较大,受此影响,二胡在演奏风格性作品时对地域风格性的准确把握就显得尤为重要。

    And all over the country in the geographical and cultural differences in the larger environment , erhu playing style of the work in the regional style of when it is important to grasp .

  26. 安化民居建筑具有安化独特的山区地域风格和不拘一格的符号形态,凝聚着安化居民长期积累下来的生活习俗、民族性格和文化意识。

    An Hua dwellings architecture has a unique style of mountain regions and eclectic symbol form , and embodies residents ' living customs , national character and cultural awareness accumulated over a long period of time .

  27. 以用地现有的地形地貌为基础,追求当地地域风格与现代公园功能的合理结合,延续水乡的独特气质。

    Based on the existing terrain and physiognomy of land , the master planning is in pursuit of reasonable integration of local area style into modern garden function , which can continue the unique style of water region .

  28. 长安画派坚持一手伸向传统,一手伸向生活的创作宗旨和艺术追求,带有鲜明的时代特色和强烈的地域风格。

    The creative purpose and artistic pursuit of " Chang ' an Painting School " is that " one hand for tradition , one hand for stretching the life ", with a distinctive character and a strong regional style .

  29. 最后再详尽阐明影视色彩在叙事中的差异性问题,这种差异性主要从中西影视色彩的文化差异,不同民族和不同地域风格影视色彩差异性的角度来进行分析。

    In the end , it represents the difference matter of video color in narration which is presented from the point of the cultural difference at home and abroad , different video color of various nations and geographic styles .

  30. 本文强调观光果园规划设计的地域风格和果树规划的适地适树原则,这两个原则对观光果园规划设计具有重要的指导意义。

    This paper stressed that tourism orchard planning and design of the regional style and proper planning of fruit trees to the principle of fitness , these two principles on tourism planning and designing the orchard is important guiding significance .