
dì bàng
  • weighbridge;wagon balance
地磅 [dì bàng]
  • [weighbridge] 安置在地下,台面与路面齐平的磅枰。多设在仓库和车站。用来称量较大较重的东西

地磅[dì bàng]
  1. 他们用地磅称量这些沙子的重量。

    They are using a weighbridge to weigh the sand .

  2. 地磅道闸的自动化研究

    Automation Research of Weighbridge Banisters On the Paradox of Tao

  3. 基于SVM的矿用地磅车牌识别系统的研究

    SVM-based Mining Loadometer License Plate Recognition System

  4. 增加货车轴重地磅道闸的自动化研究

    Increase of Freight Car Axle Load Automation Research of Weighbridge Banisters

  5. 红外定位地磅计重管理系统的开发与应用

    Exploitation and Application of Supervising System of Loadometer Weight with Infrared-Ray Orientation

  6. 此工程包括在堤道合同中修建一个地磅。

    This will include the construction of a weighbridge in the Causeway contract .

  7. 新的地磅系统将可以有效提高公司的管理和成本控制水平。

    The new load meter system will improve the level of the company management and cost control in effect .

  8. 介绍了一种基于CAN总线的煤矿地磅数据采集、管理的方法及实现过程。

    The paper introduced a method about data collecting and management of coal weighbridge based on CAN bus and its realizing process .

  9. 铁路货物装卸,客货物廷伸服务,货物仓储,保管地磅服务,百货,日用杂品。

    Railway cargo handling , passenger and cargo services Ting Shen , cargo storage , custody platform balances services department , daily groceries .

  10. 实现了读取地磅重量,自动判断集装箱是否超重,确保集装箱吊具的安全使用。

    System can analyze whether the container is over-weight by reading the weight of the container through platform balance to ensure the safe of container spreader .

  11. 研究设计在原地磅系统基础上进行,通过研究设计实现地磅的生产自动化。

    The research design is living to be underway on the original weighbridge system , and achieves the weighbridge manufacture automation by means of research and design .

  12. 然后重点讲述了地磅的系统软件的整体架构,详细阐述了如何建立模型和关键技术。

    Then it mainly talks the overall structure of the load meter system software , set out how to establish the model and the key technology in detail .

  13. 使用视频监控、控制称重次数等手段对地磅的称量过程加以严格管理。称重过程得到优化,使称重数据更加准确。

    With such measures as the employment of monitoring system and control over the times of weighing , amelioration in the weighing process is achieved , hence more accurate weights obtained .

  14. 汽车等运输工具装载量的称重主要采用两种称重装置:一种是用机械方法构成的地磅称重,另一种是采用传感器作测力装置的电子衡。

    Commonly we have two kinds of weighing instrument for truck carrier : loadometer , which is made in mechanical way , and electronic weighing machine , which uses sensor as force measuring instrument .

  15. 本文的研究设计是根据港口地磅系统生产的实际需求,以及国内地磅系统自动化程度应用不高的现状而进行的。

    The research and design of this dissertation is basin on the actual demand of harbor weighbridge system , and under the present situation that the systematic automation degree of domestic weighbridge is not high to go on .

  16. 本研究设计的创新点和特点有:首次将双道闸应用在地磅系统上(出口入口均安装道闸)控制车流称重;

    The innovation spots and features of the research and design possess : Twin sluices gate were used in weighbridge system at first ( sluice gate is all fixed in the export entrance ) to control stream of cars and weigh ;

  17. 地磅模块包括对磅单操作,主要有入场称重、出场称重、记录车号的历史皮重、监控截图等操作。

    The loadometer management module focuses on operations involving the weight notes , including loaded weighing , unloaded weighing , historical records of tare weights matched by corresponding plate numbers , screen shots of the monitoring system , and so forth .

  18. 将交通系统中的车辆监测器、红黄绿信号灯和智能门禁安全系统中的红外对射探测器引入地磅系统,另加入语音提示功能,使系统实现智能化和人性化。

    The vehicle sensor , the red and yellow green signal light of traffic facility device , and infrared sensor of correlation in the entrance guard security system led into the system , and the system had the certain intelligence and humanization .