
  1. 本文应用传热学的理论知识,分析了真空蒸发制盐的加热室的传热机理。

    This paper analyzed the mechanism of heat transferring with applications of the calorifics .

  2. 本文就目前真空蒸发制盐影响盐粒度的主要因素进行了探讨、论述。

    For this , the paper studies main factors affec ting the granularity of vacuum salt .

  3. 从制取方法上来讲,多效真空蒸发制盐是生产精制盐及高纯工业盐的重要方法。

    In respect of the producing method , refined and high unmixed salt is usually made by multiple effect evaporation in vacuum , when man-made bittern is needed .