
zhēn kōnɡ xī chén qì
  • vacuum cleaner
  1. 她动用真空吸尘器力争不让厨房出现沙砾。

    She works overtime with her vacuum cleaner to keep grit out of the kitchen .

  2. 真空吸尘器干扰收音机或电视机吗?

    Does the vacuum cleaner interfere with radio or tv ?

  3. 真空吸尘器靠抽吸除尘。

    Vacuum cleaners work by suction .

  4. 元帅迈过真空吸尘器,脚步沉重地走出了房间。

    The Marshal stepped over the vacuum-cleaner and stumped out of the room .

  5. 我们发现这种真空吸尘器很容易推着走。

    We found the vac easy to push .

  6. 那个真空吸尘器有股很难闻的气味。

    The vacuum has an unpleasant smell

  7. 我们测试了各种真空吸尘器,从值得信赖的老牌子到有着最新特色的产品,不一而足。

    We tested a selection of vacuum cleaners , from old faithfuls to those with the latest features .

  8. 日本的最新真空吸尘器配有可探测灰尘多少和地板类型的传感器。

    The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor .

  9. 下个月我打算买一台真空吸尘器。

    I mean to buy a vacuum next month .

  10. 真空吸尘器Agent的JAVA实现

    Vacuum Cleaner Agent Realized by JAVA

  11. 网飞(Netflix)总裁里德•哈斯廷斯:真空吸尘器销售员

    Netflix CEO Reed Hastings : Vacuum cleaner salesman

  12. 关于1000W以上大功率家用真空吸尘器产品配套性效率指标的探讨&修订QB1562-92真空吸尘器标准的建议之二

    Probe into Product Fittings efficiency Criteria of Vacuum Cleaner above 1000W

  13. 吸尘机器人(NeatoBotvac)真空吸尘器是市场上规模最大、也最有竞争力的一类消费型机器人,而且设计得越来越好。

    Neato Botvac Vacuums constitute the biggest and most competitive consumer-robotics category in the marketplace , and they 're getting better .

  14. 带有绿点的生产代码为K09A的真空吸尘器不在此次召回之列。

    Vacuums with the manufacturing code K09A followed by a green dot are not included in this recall .

  15. 论述了关于商用和住宅HVAC、便携式空气净化器和真空吸尘器的最新过滤介质创新技术,利用该技术可达到MERV16过滤水平而压降低于MERV10过滤器。

    Recent innovations in filter media technologies focusing on filters for commercial and residential HVAC , portable air cleaners and vacuum cleaners were discussed . Utilization of this filter media technology allows for achieving MERV 16 level filtration at pressure drop lower than that of MERV 10 filters .

  16. 工况对真空吸尘器谐波电流发射的影响

    Effects of operation conditions on harmonic current emission of vacuum cleaners

  17. 像用真空吸尘器来吸一些东西。

    Draw something in by or as if by a vacuum .

  18. 售货员插上电源,示范真空吸尘器的操作。

    The salesperson plugged in and demonstrated the vacuum cleaner .

  19. 有些泵和所有真空吸尘器都是借吸力工作的。

    Some pumps and all vacuum cleaners work by suction .

  20. 附上的简报有关于真空吸尘器的详细信息。

    The attached bulletin will give you complete information on vacuum cleaners .

  21. 首先,它是一台真空吸尘器。

    First of all , it 's a vacuum cleaner .

  22. 吸尘器所吸收的灰尘存放的包。像用真空吸尘器来吸一些东西。

    A bag into which dirt is sucked by a vacuum cleaner .

  23. 使用真空吸尘器(打扫)

    To clean with or use a vacuum cleaner .

  24. 真空吸尘器基本上有三类。

    There are basically three types of vacuum cleaner .

  25. 马达驱动机械地毯清扫机(家用真空吸尘器除外)

    Motorized mechanical carpet-sweeper ( excl. domestic vacuum cleaners )

  26. 当他使用真空吸尘器时,电视机出了毛病。

    When he used the vacuum cleaner , the TV set acted up .

  27. 她每次用真空吸尘器时,电视总是要出毛

    Every time she used the vacuum cleaner , the television would act up

  28. 封包清洁用具,包括放在标有后装的箱子中的真空吸尘器

    Pack cleaning supplies including a vacuum cleaner in a box labeled Last Load

  29. 蒸馏过的白醋,湿布,真空吸尘器

    White distilled vinegar , Damp cloth , Vacuum cleaner

  30. 这个机器人会自动用真空吸尘器清扫你的屋内。

    This robot will automatically vacuum your house .