
  • 网络masa
  1. 真砂的哭诉反映了她反抗男性霸权的潜意识,预示着其对现实处境与性别意识的逐渐觉醒。

    Masago 's testimony revealed her subconsciousness to resist the male hegemony , and predicted her arousal towards the reality and the sexual awareness .

  2. 针对常见真丝绸砂洗的疵病,如砂洗痕、水玻璃皱、布面皱痕等,作者提出了有效的防止措施。

    Based on practical experience , the authors put forward effective prevention methods to decrease the defects in sanding process , such as sanding marks , ripple marks and creases on fabric .

  3. 真丝绸仿砂洗风格的蛋白酶洗工艺

    Protease Finishing Endows Real Silk Fabrics with Sand-Washing Effects

  4. 保色、保强真丝绸专用砂洗剂的研制及应用

    Research on the Preparation and Application of Special Sandwashing Agent for Silk with Color and Strength Protection