
  • 网络ELDORADO;El Dorado
  1. 问问那些四处找寻埃尔多拉多或者失落的Z城却空手而返的探险家,你就知道了。

    Just ask any of the doomed explorers who set off to find El Dorado or the Lost City of Z.

  2. 中国放缓的经济增长是一个信号,这个信号在警告那些把中国当作东方的埃尔多拉多的全球奢侈品提供商,市场正在产生变化。

    Slowing growth in Chinas wealth is a warning sign for global luxury good suppliers that have viewed its market as the El Dorado of the East .

  3. 例如,《本生故事》和其他一些传说讲述了前往苏沃尔讷布米的旅程,表明这个地方是东南亚的“埃尔多拉多”。

    The Jataka tales and other legends , for example , tell of journeyings to suvarnabhumi , indicating that this place was a south-east asian " eldorado " .

  4. 你提到世界上最遥远、最引人遇思的地名,比如埃尔多拉多、喀布尔、伊尔库茨克,准有人说“我去过那儿”——意思是:“我在去另外一个地方的路上,以100英里的时速路过那儿。”

    You mention the remotest , most place-names in the world and someone is bound to say ' I 've been there ' meaning , ' I drove through it at 100 miles an hour on the way to somewhere else . '