
  1. 现代波斯语Mobed是源自古代波斯的复合单词magu-pati,“主祭司”。

    Modern Persian Mobed is derived from an Old Persian compound magu-pati " lord priest " .

  2. 古代波斯的染织艺术及其与中国的关系

    Relation between Ancient Persian and Chinese Weaving and Dyeing Arts

  3. 本文论述了古代波斯的琐罗亚斯德宗教的哲学二元论;

    This paper discusses the philosophical dualism of an ancient Persian Religion .

  4. 古代波斯(伊朗)的任何形式的语言。

    The language of Persia ( Iran ) in any of its ancient forms .

  5. 诺鲁孜节被认为来源于古代波斯的琐罗亚斯德宗教。

    Nowruz is believed to have its roots in the Zoroastrian religion of ancient Persia .

  6. 哈桑最喜欢的书是《沙纳玛》,一部描写古代波斯英雄的10世纪的史诗。

    Hassan 's favorite book by far was the _Shahnamah_ , the tenth-century epic of ancient Persian heroes .

  7. 我什么都读,鲁米,哈菲兹,萨迪(Moslehal?DinSaadiShirazi约1210~约1290,古代波斯诗人),维克多·雨果,儒勒·凡尔纳,马克·吐温,伊恩·弗莱明(IanFleming1908~1964,英国小说家,撰写了007系列小说)。

    I read everything , Rumi , H ã fez , Saadi , Victor Hugo , Jules Verne , Mark Twain , Ian Fleming .

  8. 伊朗中西南部一城市;古代波斯波利斯城的遗址就在附近。

    Beacon Sites at the Yumen Pass and along the Great Wall a city in central southwestern Iran ; ruins of ancient Persepolis are nearby .

  9. 中东的一个共和国;伊朗曾是古代波斯帝国的核心,年前被称为波斯;有丰富的石油。

    A republic in the Middle East ; Iran was the core of the ancient Persian Empire and was known as Persia until 1935 ; rich in oil .

  10. 这些特征的内涵有可能通过对古代波斯的祆教经典、神话传说、宗教仪礼习俗的探讨得到解读,通过与现代祆教的比较得到证实。

    The connotation of these features may be explained through the research on the Avesta , myths and legends , rituals and customs of the ancient Persian people , and confirmed by the modern Zoroastrianism .

  11. 而对这一古代中国与波斯地区文化交流的重要产物,在以往学界研究中未被深刻认识。

    It is one of the brilliants achievement between China and Persia cultural exchanges .