
zhēn suǐ
  • the essence of;essence
真髓 [zhēn suǐ]
  • [essence] 真义;精要

  • 探索科学真髓

真髓[zhēn suǐ]
  1. 佛法的真髓在于真实对待自己〈自己的内在自性〉,并且尽己之力保持勇气。

    The essence of Dharma lies in being true to oneself ( one 's innate nature ) and in exerting great effort to be courageous .

  2. 它是序理的真髓:虽视乎冥冥,却以眩目,热情以及永不磨灭的形式带进一切的善良,公正与美丽。

    It is the essence of order , and leads to all that is good , just and beautiful , of which it is the invisible , but nevertheless dazzling , passionate , and eternal form .

  3. 而我知道这就是艺术的真髓

    And I understood that this was the very essence of art .

  4. 真实和勇气的生起,使得我们了解佛法的核心真髓。

    The arising of truth and courage allows us to realize the core essence of dharma .

  5. 人文情怀是马克思主义哲学之真髓,人文教育是人类的觉醒和期待,而在我们的教学活动中,却存在着马克思人文关爱的空场与疏漏。

    Human feelings is the marrow of Marxism philosophy . Human education is awakening and anticipating of mankind .

  6. 他的色彩画自由而现代,却仍然不失中国气派,具有民族文化的真髓。

    His color paintings are unconstrained , modern and possess quintessence of the culture of the Chinese nation .

  7. 原型理论在不同领域中的应用,是分析心理学中最有价值的部分,因此,它是荣格思想的真髓。

    Application of archetype theory is the most valuable part of the analysis of psychology , it is ideological authenticity civilization .

  8. 只有正确解读马克思的物质概念,才能把握马克思主义哲学的真髓,从而正确把握马克思和马克思主义哲学体系。

    Only by authentically interpreting Marx 's concept of substance , can we grasp the essentiality of Marxist philosophy , and the Marxist philosophy system as well .

  9. 我在影片中的客串戏份是采访戈登-莱维特扮演的斯诺登,我可以打包票地说,他完美地捕捉到了人物真髓。

    Having interviewed Gordon-Levitt 's Snowden as part of my own cameo in the film , I can vouch for how well he captures the real thing .

  10. 庄子的技术观要求技术的发展一定要合乎“道”,通过深刻体悟“道”的真髓,来遏制技术的负面影响。

    Zhuang Zi 's concept of technology demands that the development of technology conform with " Tao " and with profound comprehension of the essence of " Tao ", the adverse effects of technology be repressed .

  11. 大学文化的真髓和核心是大学精神,而大学精神的本质是学术精神,学术精神是大学之为大学的内在规定,其他具体的大学精神都由学术精神延伸而来。

    The essence and core of university culture is university spirit , but the essence of university spirit is the academic spirit , the academic spirit is the university 's intrinsic stipulation , other concrete university spirits are extended by academic spirit .

  12. 回眸儒学,笔者认为,爱人是构建和谐社会的真髓精义,孝悌是构建和谐社会的主体内容,居义是构建和谐社会的行为准则,礼治是构建和谐社会的管理宗旨。

    Looking back to Confucianism , the author thinks that constructing a harmonious society should center The spouse as its essence , The filial piety as its main content , Occupies righteousness as its behavior criterion and Rules by ritual by ritual as its administrative tenet .