
  • 网络classic economics
  1. 经典经济学与中国的现代化

    The Fundamental Theory of Classic Economics and the Modernization of China

  2. 垄断与自由的冲突,知识与资本的竞争,经济与文化之中的交融形成的社会褶皱及以往的经典经济学的经典定律均告失败。

    Network economy declares the failure of conflicts between monopoly and free economy , of competition between knowledge and capital , of social corrugation from the fuse of economy and culture , even of classic laws in previous classic economics .

  3. 基于Agent的经济演化模型正成为研究复杂经济系统的一种有效方法,但目前模型中普遍使用的仍然是经典经济学的计算公式。

    Agent-based Economy Evolution model is becoming a powerful tool to study the complex economic system . At the present time , the computational equations of classical economics theories is usually used to simulate economical system .

  4. 这是经典经济学的一个核心理论。

    This is one of the core theories of classical economics .

  5. 区别于经典经济学和传统经济发展模式的根本特征;

    Fundamental characteristic differing from the economics and traditional pattern of economic development ;

  6. 毕竟,按照经典经济学理论的说法,理性的人是不会被通涨蒙蔽的。

    Economic theory , after all , tells us that rational people do not get confused by inflation .

  7. 关于人性的新理念,让经典经济学理论中的许多核心假说遭到了质疑。

    Our new ideas about human nature throw into doubt many of the core assumptions of classical economic theory .

  8. 第二章是文章的理论部分,介绍经典经济学理论包括凯恩斯的半通货膨胀理论、新剑桥学派的理论、货币学派的通货膨胀理论和瑞典学派的通货膨胀理论。

    Chapter 2 will outline classic macroeconomics theory , including Semi-Keynesian theory of inflation , New theory of the Cambridge School , Monetary theory of inflation School and Swedish School of inflation theory .

  9. 放宽经典经济学理论中完全有效市场假设和完全理性行为人假设,在非完全有效市场、非完全理性预期的研究框架下,对房地产经济波动相关理论加以补充与扩展;

    Efficient market hypothesis and the assumption that people are rational are broadened , the relative theory of real estate market fluctuation is added and extended under the assumption that market is inefficient and people are irrational ;

  10. 在分析公路超限超载运输的经济学性质、发生发展的一般内在机理与中国特性的基础上,结合公路超限超载问题解决的经典经济学思路与中国国情提出了相应长效治理机制。

    This paper based on the analysis of the economic characteristics of overloading in road transport and its general inherent development mechanism as well as the situation of Chinese characters proposes a long term control mechanism in terms of empirical economic theory .

  11. 比特产品作为承载信息资源的虚拟产品,是以比特或比特流形式存在的信息产品,具有边际成本几乎为零的特殊成本结构,这个特点使一些经典经济学理论失效。

    As the virtual product carrying information resources , the Bit-product is a kind of information products with the bit or the bit-stream form . It has the special cost structure of almost zero marginal cost , which makes some classic economic theory fails .

  12. 其次在论文综述部分解释了西方经典经济学和金融学对于市场均衡的含义和均衡下的产品定价,综述了按照该理论在不确定条件下金融产品的定价和理财产品的评价方法。

    Secondly , the paper , in the review part , translates the meaning of equilibrium of market and pricing under this equilibrium according to Western classical economics and finance and depicts the pricing and the evaluating of finance products in the indeterminate situation of equilibrium theory .

  13. 尽管依照经典经济学理论,国有公司应当退出竞争性领域,然而在当下的中国,不可能采取极端的退出方式,必然需要一个过程,在这个过程中,国有公司治理问题同样存在。

    According to the classic theories of economics , the state-owned companies should completely withdraw from competitive areas . But it can not be accomplished overnight in China and needs to go through a gradual process . During this period , it also has the problem of company governance .

  14. 结论在本次研究中利用计量经济学模型中两个有代表性的ARIMA模型和经典计量经济学方程模型对卫生资源的人、财、物三方面进行了预测,均取得了较满意的结果。

    Conclusion In this study , we chose two representative econometric models-the ARIMA model and the classic econometric model-to forecast the three parts of health resources , and achieved satisfied results .

  15. 问题之一在于经典金融经济学理论对交易者同质、完全理性的前提假设。

    One of the questions is the homogeneity and rationality assumption about traders in financial market .

  16. 自上世纪八十年代以来,大量难以用经典金融经济学解释的股票收益异象被揭示。

    Since 1980s many stock return anomalies not be explained by classical financial economics have been found .

  17. 经典计量经济学方程预测,平均相对误差分别为0.020、0.022、0.010。

    The mean relative errors were 0.019 , 0.012 and 0.015 respectively through the classic econometric model forecasting .

  18. 竞争力理论与经典的经济学理论不同,它研究的是个体之间的差异性。

    The competitive power theory is different from classical economics theory , what it studied is the difference between individuals .

  19. 首先应用于小样本的线性模型,其结构简单,是经典计量经济学书籍中的一个实例。

    First , the linear model applied to small samples , and its simple structure , is a classic econometrics book an example .

  20. 经典劳动经济学中,雇员的劳动力供给曲线向后弯曲,雇员是否多工作一个小时,取决于多得的收入是否值得这一小时的闲暇。

    In classic labor economics , the labor supply curve bends backward . According to the extra income and extra leisure , employees choose whether to work for another an hour .

  21. 经典计量经济学模型预测2001年相对误差分别为0.013、0.029。

    And the mean relative errors , which forecasted the two aspects of health resources in 2001 , were 0 . 013 , 0 . 029 respectively through the classic econometric model forecasting .

  22. 经典的经济学理论和发达国家经济发展的实践都已证明,经济增长与产业结构和就业结构的变动之间存在着正向相关关系,产业结构和就业结构的高级化发展会促进经济的增长。

    The classic economic theory and development of various countries have proved the positive correlation between economic growth and changes in industrial structure and the positive correlation between economic growth and changes in employment structure .

  23. 对于模型的推断,经典计量经济学模型首先根据经济理论和样本数据设定模型的函数关系,然后估计函数关系中的参数并检验所设定的关系。

    For the inference of the models , the classical econometric model of economics set the model function according to economic theory and the data , and then estimates the parameters of the function and tests the relationship .

  24. 经典的专利经济学高估了专利制度对创新的促进作用。

    Classical patent economics over-appraises positive effect of patent system on technological innovation .

  25. 根据经典的西方经济学理论,政府干预的基本原因是市场失灵。

    According to the classical theories of Western economics , the basic reason of government intervention is market failure .

  26. 在经典的产业经济学理论中,电力行业属于具有显著网络规模效应的自然垄断行业。

    In the classic theories of industrial economics , electric power industry is a natural monopoly industry with significant network economies of scale .

  27. 由于自然禀赋特别是人力资本投资的非匀质性,经典的发展经济学文献中劳动力齐质性假定显著地背离了事实。

    The classic development economics literatures deviate significantly from the facts due to the heterogeneity of individual endowment , especially investment in human capital .

  28. 运用对偶效用理论分析了两个经典的保险经济学问题,一是解释了比例保险中买全额保险是否最优的问题,这个问题用传统期望效用理论的方法分析将得到与实际相矛盾的结果;

    Two classical problems in insurance are investigated . The first is whether full insurance is optimal in proportional insurance . The other is the optimal free claims in excess of loss insurance .

  29. 如何把马克思有关市场制度的某些经典论述与现代经济学的新认识结合起来,分析中国社会主义市场经济实践中的问题,是中国经济学界面临的广泛挑战。

    The Chinese economists face the challenge of combining the Marxist theory on market economy with the new ideas of modern economics and of using it in the context of China .

  30. 我国传统经济学,是指建国初到九十年代初被奉为经典的《政治经济学(社会主义部分)》,它基本上是斯大林思想和苏联计划经济体制的理论表现;

    The traditional economics in China refers to the 《 Political Economics ( Socialist Part ) 》, which was looked upon as classics from 1949 to 1990 's. Basically , it was an expression of Stalin 's thought and the theory of the planned economy of the USSR .