
  • 网络Euglena;Euglena gracilis;Euglena viridis
眼虫 [yǎn chóng]
  • [unicellular living things] 一种生活在静水中的单细胞生物,纺锤形,内有叶绿素,前端有红色眼点,并有一根细长鞭毛,是运动器官。也叫眼虫藻

  1. 网箱养鱼水塘眼虫属种群结构变动研究

    The Study on Population Structure of Euglena in the Fishery-Cage FishPond

  2. 眼虫藻细胞周期进展中,生物钟控制点的细胞学机制

    Cellular Mechanism for Circadian Checkpoints for Cell Cycle Progression in Euglena gracilis

  3. 腐生型眼虫Astasialonga两种TIM同工酶cDNA的克隆和分析

    Cloning and analysis of two triosephosphate isomerases ( TIM ) cDNA of saprophytic euglenoid Astasia longa

  4. 纤细眼虫(Euglenagracilis)核纤层蛋白基因的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the lamin gene of Euglena gracilis

  5. 眼虫无叶绿素ZC突变的同步分裂和静息相培养中环AMP水平的节律

    Rhythmic changes in cyclic AMP levels in synchronously dividing and stationary-phase cultures of the achlorophyllous ZC mutant of " Euylena "

  6. 眼虫Astasialonga类核纤层蛋白基因的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Lamin-like gene of Astasia longa

  7. 细胞核凋亡过程中核基质的变化小眼虫的核骨架研究

    The change of nuclear matrix lamina in apoptosis of nucleus

  8. 眼虫藻科的模式属;绿色海藻带有单个的鞭状匍匐枝。

    Type genus of the family Euglenaceae : green algae with a single flagellum .

  9. 纤细草莓(F.gracilisLozinsk.)小眼虫的核骨架研究

    Nuclear matrix and nuclear lamina of Euglena gracilis

  10. 眼虫中存在类中间纤维骨架体系

    Like Intermediate Filament System in Euglena gracilis

  11. 中国东北蓝藻门伪枝藻属分类及生态分布研究眼虫藻科的模式属;绿色海藻带有单个的鞭状匍匐枝。

    Classification and Ecological Distribution of Scytonema in Northeast China type genus of the family Euglenaceae : green algae with a single flagellum .