
yíng xuè
  • ying blood
营血[yíng xuè]
  1. 卫气营血辨证中卫、气、营分证病情轻重分布比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),但与血分证比较均有显著性差异(P

    The difference of the illness severity between defense , Qi and nutrient syndrome was insignificant ( P > 0.05 ), but was significant as compared with the blood syndrome ( P

  2. 六经辨证可以与卫气营血辨证融合贯通。

    Six-channel differentiation and wei-qi-ying-xue syndrome differentiation can be fused .

  3. 其传变和辨治规律多遵循卫气营血。

    Its preach variable and differentiation rule much follow health gas camp blood .

  4. 治疗温病营血分证应注重补气

    Seress on Reinforcing Qi in The Treatment of Ying-fen Syndrome of Febrile Disease

  5. 六经辨证与卫气营血辨证是外感热病的重要辨证方法,他们之间的关系是寒温之争的焦点,也是寒温统一要解决的关键问题。

    Six-channel differentiation and wei-qi-camp-blood syndrome differentiation is an important differentiating methods of exogenous febrile .

  6. 试论卫气营血与三焦证候的本质与区别

    Try to Discuss the Syndrome Nature of the Defence-Qi-Nutrition-Blood Phase and the Triple-Jiao and Their Differences

  7. 温病卫气营血的血液流变学电脑诊断程序研究

    Computerized diagnosis of hemorrheology of wei , qi , Ying and Xue in acute seasonal febrile disease

  8. 苦寒解毒复方对家兔营血分证防治作用的研究

    Research on Prevention and Treatment Effects of Bitter-Cold Detoxicating Formula on Syndromes in the Nutrient and Blood phases of Rabbits

  9. 为卫分证、气分证和热入营血,邪在卫气治宜疏风清热透邪解毒;

    Dispersing wind , clearing away heat and toxic substances , expelling pathogenic factors are applicable to pathogen involving Weifen and Qifen .

  10. 本实验用内毒素诱发家兔全身性施瓦茨曼反应制成温病营血分证模型,并对其实质进行研究。

    The model of Yingfen and Xuefen syndromes of epidemic febrile disease was made in rabbits by endotoxin to induce generalized Shwartzman reaction .

  11. 温邪伤阴并阻滞气机,则卫气营血病变涉及三焦;

    If the warm evils injure yin with stagnation of the functional qi , it is the disorders of the defence-qi-nutrition-blood phase involving , the triple-jiao ;

  12. 此与一般瘟病不同,未有卫气营血之传变,而是邪毒直入血络而伏于营分并可长期处于相对稳定状态。

    This general blast and different , not the blood-gas business-changing , but Xiedu Tongxinluo straight into the blood and V-and long-term business in a relatively stable state .

  13. 卫气营血与三焦辨证方法应用现状调查及辨证思维方法初探

    Investigation of Application Analysis and Probing into the Methods of Thinking on Differentiation of Syndromes of Wei , Qi , Ying and Xue Systems and the Three Visceral Cavities

  14. 发现卫气营血各阶段均有数量不等的淡白舌、青紫舌;

    It has discovered that there are more or ess white and pale tongue or blue and purplish tongue in each of the Wei Qi Ying Xue four stages ;

  15. 本研究结果论证了温热病舌象的一般规律。发现“卫气营血”各阶段均有数量不等的淡白舌、青紫舌;

    The study demonstrates the general regulation of the picture of tongue of Wen Bing ( seasonal febrile disease ) and the interrelation between varieties of picture of tongue and syndrome .

  16. 据此认为温病营血分证的实质是:感染引起弥散性血管内凝血、微循环障碍,多种细胞器损伤和氧自由基的毒害。

    All of these results disclosed that the Yingfen and Xuefen syndromes of epidemic febrile disease was due to DIC induced by infection and microcirculation dysfunction , injury of organelles and poison of oxygen free radicals .

  17. 依据《内经》及古代医家对针刺治疗温病的论述,结合现代临床应用,初步概括温病卫气营血各阶段的针法施治规律。

    Based on the description and discussion from Canon of Medicine and ancient doctors in treating febrile diseases by acupuncture and combined with the modern clinical application , the acupuncture treatment rule for different phases of defensive Qi and nutrient blood in epidemic febrile diseases has been developed primarily .

  18. 温病学核心理论卫气营血和三焦辨证是中医辨证学的重要内容,是临床各科的基础,其理法不仅可以辨治温病,而且可广泛应用于杂病的辨治;

    Differentiation of syndromes according to wei-qi-ying-xue system and differentiation of syndromes according to sanjiao system , the core of the theoretical content of the science of epidemic febrile diseases ( SEFD ), are important components of TCM differentiation of syndromes and are the basis of various clinical sciences ;

  19. 通过以中医中药治疗上海的8例非典患者,体会到中医温病三焦辨证与卫气营血辨证治非典有临床实用性,以及辨证辨病相结合治疗非典的重要意义。

    Upon the successful treatment of the eight cases of SARS in Shanghai , it is argued that the triple energizer syndrome differentiation and defensive qi nutrient blood syndrome differentiation in Chinese medicine are of great practice , that combination of syndrome differentiation and disease differentiation are of vital significance .

  20. 其传变的两种趋势,一是顺传于肺胃,而气而营而血,二是逆传心包,而营而血,而神明。

    Its preach become two trends , one is handed in the lung and stomach , and gas and camp and blood , 2 it is inverse preaching , and camp and pericardial blood , the gods .

  21. 通过气、血、津液概念,卫气与津液、营气与血的关系,论证了传统的气血辨证即为气血津液辨证。

    Blood and body fluid concept . Wei Qi and body fluid . Ying Qi and blood relationship , demonstrated the traditional blood syndrome is a syndrome of blood and body fluids .