
  • 网络school lunch;Nutritious Lunch
  1. 上海市227名初中生营养午餐及营养知识状况调查

    Nutritious Lunch and Nutrition Knowledge Among 227 Junior Middle School Students in Shanghai

  2. 请来本餐厅享受按美食保健食谱为您提供的营养午餐。

    Come into our dining hall and enjoy the nutritious lunch formulated in accordance with the gourmet diet menu .

  3. 中小学领导对学生营养午餐的认识和需求

    The Perceptions and Needs of School Leaders Towards Nutritional School Lunch

  4. 我国五城市学生营养午餐企业卫生状况

    The sanitary status of school lunch manufacturers in 5 cities

  5. 一起蜡样芽孢杆菌污染学生营养午餐造成食物中毒的调查

    An outbreak of food-borne illness associated with Bacillus cereus contaminated student nutritional lunch

  6. 学生营养午餐综合干预效果评估

    Effectiveness of Comprehensive Nutrition Intervention among Students

  7. 强化营养午餐改善学生缺铁性贫血的作用观察

    An Observation on the Effect of Lunch - Calcium and Iron Fortified Rice on Students with Iron Deficiency Anemia

  8. 结果63.6%的学校按要求制定了食堂卫生管理制度,仅2所学校有学校营养午餐配餐制度。

    Results Most schools ( 63.6 % ) had food hygiene regulations , and only a few schools had school nutrition lunch regulations .

  9. 为了解我国部分城市学生营养午餐企业的卫生现状,按照典型调查的原则抽取我国5城市的22家企业进行了问卷调查。

    To assess the sanitary status of school lunch manufacturers in 5 cities , questionnaire survey was used to collect information from 22 manufacturers in 5 cities .

  10. 在与王校长讨论之后,她也意识到了平衡及有营养价值午餐的需求。

    In discussions with madam Wang she has duly noted this concern and realizes the need for balanced quality lunches with sound nutritional value .

  11. 这位无私的苏格兰小女生已经同意和名厨尼克-纳恩合作,帮助阿盖尔-比特地方议会为她和同学们提供更有营养的午餐。

    The selfless Scottish schoolgirl has now agreed to team up with Nick Nairn , the celebrity chef , to help Argyll and Bute Council provide more nutritious meals for her and her classmates .

  12. 幼儿园每天提供精美可口的上下午点及营养丰盛的午餐。

    Appetizing healthy morning and afternoon snacks and nutritious lunch ( per day ) will be provided by the institute .

  13. 如果你有点远见,不妨早上或头一天晚上准备一下午餐吧,动手做个营养丰富的午餐。

    With a little foresight , you can squash those lunch cravings the morning ( or night ) before with a nutritious , homemade meal .

  14. 2000年10月26日一学生营养餐生产企业向17所中小学供应营养午餐,其中5所小学同时发生食物中毒。

    On October 26,2000 , a total of 1 658 students and pupils in 17 middle schools and primary schools ate the lunch supplied by a student nutritional lunch industry .

  15. 结果学校主管领导普遍认识到学生营养问题的重要性,一些校长认为应将营养午餐纳入素质教育之中,但也有少数校长对学生营养午餐持消极态度。

    Results Most of school leaders realized the importance of nutrition , some of them thought nutritional school lunch was part of all-around development education , but few school leaders took negative attitudes towards school nutritional lunch .