
  • 网络Marketing concept
  1. 重塑科学的房地产开发营销观

    Rebuild the Scientific Marketing Concept of the Real Estate Development

  2. 介绍了适应时代要求的社会环境营销观的内容及对现代化工企业的影响,并对化工企业如何树立新型营销观进行了探讨。

    Presents the content of the social environmental marketing concept , its impact on modern chemical enterprises and how to acquire the new marketing concept .

  3. 以市场需求为中心树立公交企业市场营销观

    Build up Marketing Conception in Public Transport Industry Based on Market Demands

  4. 论信息市场环境下的图书馆营销观

    The Library Marketing Outlook under the Environment of Information Market

  5. 现代咨询业的整合营销观

    The Integrated Marketing of Modern Consulting Industry

  6. 营销观&服务客户,满足需求,扩大销售,实现利润。

    Marketing Value – Serving Customers , Meeting Demands , Expanding Sales Volume , Realizing Profits .

  7. 提出21世纪市场营销观将聚焦到客户价值;并初步构建出市场营销的目标模型。

    In addition , it is proposed that marketing in the 21st century should focus on the value of customers and the establishment of marketing models .

  8. 本文分析当代儒商企业的管理伦理观念,从人才观、经营观、营销观、发展观四个方面解析儒商企业成功的经验。

    This essay analyzes the management ethics of confucian businessmen , tries to reveal the success secret of the confucian enterprises from the concept of talented persons , management , marketing and development .

  9. 广告营销功能观的历史变迁与现代转型

    Historical Change and Modern Transformation of the Outlook on Marketing Function of Advertising

  10. 营销价值观与组织绩效关系的实证研究:兼论企业所有制的影响

    Ownership , Marketing Value and Organizational Performance

  11. 饭店绿色营销博弈观

    Gaming Analysis of Hotel Green Marketing

  12. 他首先应挣脱那种自缚手脚的营销世界观。

    He should begin by breaking out of the marketing worldview with which he has imprisoned himself .

  13. 充分利用网络技术为顾客服务&网络营销的价值观及其实现

    On the Conception of Value of Online Marketing and Its Realization

  14. 市场营销中的价值观研究

    A Study of Values in Marketing

  15. 浅析企业营销中的质量观

    The Conception of Quality in Marketing

  16. 跨国公司的全球营销是以全球观为导向的整体营销。

    The global marketing of transnational corporations is the overall marketing guided by the global concept .

  17. 企业对网站营销要树立长期观,应该根据企业网站发展的不同阶段采用不同的营销策略。

    Company should have long views in marketing of website and adopt different strategy according to different develop period of the website .

  18. 服务营销理念是在市场营销观基础上发展而来的新营销观。

    The concept of service and sales , which develops on the basis of the Marketing concept , is a brand new mode of thought .

  19. 绿色营销是一个全新的营销观,是21世纪企业实现可持续发展的必然选择。

    The green marketing is a complete new marketing idea , which is a necessary choice for enterprises to realize sustained development in 21st century .

  20. 根据市场营销发展的新趋势服务营销观,在分析了服务营销含义和应用范围的基础上,提出了全面服务营销的新观念。

    According to service marketing view which is the new trend of foundation marketing development , the meaning of service marketing and the range of its application are analyzed . On this basis , the new idea of the overall service marketing is put forward .

  21. 网络营销应当贯彻以消费者为中心的营销价值观,应该且能够充分利用网络公关实现企业与消费者之间的双向沟通,应当且能够有效利用网络技术为顾客提供高效、便利、优惠、超值的服务支持。

    Online marketing should carry out the marketing conception of value of focusing attention on the consumer , and should use online public relation to fully realize the mutual communication between enterprise and consumer , and should supply consumers the convenient and excellent service by the online technology .

  22. 同时,它也影响着企业的市场营销观念不断更新,促使现代企业采用社会营销观;

    Also the corporation 's marketing conception has been changed , many corporations have taken the social marketing conception ;

  23. 关系营销导向是一种将买者与卖者之间关系看成公司运营核心的营销价值观。

    Relationship marketing orientation is marketing value that puts buyer-seller relationship at the center of operational thinking .

  24. 环境营销观念是建立在传统营销理论与实践基础上的,以可持续发展为目标,能促使经济与生态协调发展的营销观。

    Environment Marketing bases on the traditional theories and practice of marketing . It 's target is continue development .

  25. 西方学者在探讨市场营销过程中存在的道德问题的基础上,提出企业市场营销应遵循的道德标准和市场营销决策人员应具备的社会责任与道德规范,呼吁管理者重视树立市场营销道德观。

    The western scholars explored the moral problems of marketing and advanced the moral standards during the marketing process and social responsibility and moral criterion that the marketers should obey . They appealed that the managers show their attention to marketing morality .