
jiǎng quàn
  • lottery ticket;gift coupon;lottery tick;ticket
奖券 [jiǎng quàn]
  • [lottery tick;gift coupon] 彩票;作为奖励而赠送的优待票券

奖券[jiǎng quàn]
  1. 但那晚的一张奖券确实让我赢了25美元。

    But I did win $ 25 that night on a lottery ticket .

  2. 那么附上抽奖券如何?

    How about attaching a lottery ticket ?

  3. 还有要买奖券的吗?每张25便士,1英镑5张。

    Any more raffle tickets ? Twenty-five pence each or five for a pound .

  4. 为了对我“精明的”建议表示回报,他给了我一张兑奖券,这是我在埃尔姆街餐馆里得到的唯一一笔律师咨询费。

    In return for my wise counsel , he gave me the only fee I ever received for legal advice in the Elm Street diner , a raffle ticket .

  5. 每位学生花一美元买一张抽奖券。

    It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw .

  6. 他居然中了5000英镑的奖券。

    He won no less than £ 5000 in the lottery .

  7. 一些经销商向购买者提供可赢得一辆梅赛德斯(mercedes)或宝马(bmw)轿车的抽奖券;还有的经销商提供零首付的融资优惠。

    Some dealerships give buyers raffle tickets to win a Mercedes or a BMW car ; others offer financing incentives like zero down payment .

  8. 这位前南卡罗来纳州雇员昨天兑换了上周购买的“劲球”(Powerball)奖券。

    The former South Carolina State employee turned in his winning ticket from last week 's Powerball yesterday .

  9. 我说的准没错找到第一张金奖券的小孩

    Mark my words , the kid who finds the first ticket

  10. 能够成功的对电子奖券进行加解密,保障较高的安全性。

    It can succeed of decrypting and guarantee a higher safety .

  11. 我说的准没错找到第一张金奖券的小孩…

    Mark my words , the kid who finds the first ticket ...

  12. 我出五百元买你的金奖券

    I 'd give him $ 500 for that ticket .

  13. 你想买一些抽奖券吗?

    Jamie : Do you wanna buy some raffle tickets ?

  14. 我们早就知道奥古塔斯会找到金奖券

    We knew Augustus would find the golden ticket .

  15. 第一部分简述奖券在中国的发行历程。通过对奖券在中国发行历程的考察,引出本文的研究对象。

    Part 1 expatiated on the issue course of lottery tickets in China ;

  16. 社会福利奖券,爱的奉献。

    Social welfare lottery tickets are dedication to love .

  17. 别忘了买奖券哦

    And don 't forget to buy your raffle tickets

  18. 迈克尔肯因买风险值很大的奖券而富了起来。

    Mike Milken got rich by buying junk bonds .

  19. 中了奖券,我们兴奋极了。

    We freaked out when we won the lottery .

  20. 第四张金奖券找到了是一名叫麦克·蒂维的男孩

    The fourth golden ticket has been found by a boy called Mike Teavee .

  21. 不过,在本星期促销期间,我们提供10%的奖券回报。

    But we offer ten percent return in vouchers during this week 's promotion .

  22. 你找到旺卡的最后一张金奖券

    You found Wonka 's last golden ticket .

  23. 他从残疾人手中买奖券。

    He bought lottery tickets from handicapped people .

  24. 印刷或其他质量问题不会使有效得奖券失效。

    Printing and other quality control errors will not invalidate an otherwise valid prize claim .

  25. 我平常喜欢嚼口香糖但我一听到金奖券的事

    I 'm a gum chewer mostly , but when I heard about these ticket things

  26. 有五张金奖券…

    Five golden tickets have been hidden ...

  27. 就发现金奖券了

    and I find the golden ticket .

  28. 如果你嬴得了一张1000000元的奖券,你如何会花费钱?

    If you won a lottery of1000000 dollars , how would you spend the money ?

  29. 奖券是向傻瓜们征的税。

    Lottery is a tax on fools .

  30. 如果获得奖券?1。可以通过抽奖系统获取。

    Second , if you get tickets ? 1 can get through the lottery system .