
  • 网络Functional organization;Functions of the body;competent organs;instrumentality;Council-Controlled Organizations
  1. 为了更好地服务客户同时降低运营成本,公司管理层在2007年11月决定分别在美洲、亚洲、欧洲建立3个SSC,集中原来分散在各个国家的后台职能机构。

    In order to offer better service and reduce the operation cost , the management team decided to set up 3 SSC in America , Asia and Europe . It centralizes some of the back office functions scattered in separate countries .

  2. 进一步完善纪检监察机关的双重领导体制,强化专门职能机构的监督。

    The double leading system should be improved through enhancing the special supervision .

  3. 另外,各职能机构也可以根据需要,使用招聘需求申请提交岗位招聘需求。

    In addition , they can use recruitment demand application to submit post recruitment demands as needed .

  4. 英美法系国家的职能机构相互独立、互为制约,职能机构内部的权限亦十分明晰。

    Functional organizations in Common law countries are independent and mutually restricted at the same time , and their powers are very specific .

  5. 调整时,还要注意选配好这些部门的领导骨干,发挥职能机构的作用。

    During the reorganization , we should pay careful attention to selecting the key leaders of these sections so that the latter can function properly .

  6. 在规划中提供管理、行政和过程支持的职能机构,有很多规划所需的“专家”资源。

    A function within the program that provides management , administrative , and process support , together with " expert " resources to the program .

  7. 制度机制层面,对相关职能机构进行明晰的权责划分,形成专业的分工和统一的协作。

    Level of institutional mechanisms , the relevant functions of the agencies and clear division of responsibilities , the formation of specialized division of labor and unified collaboration .

  8. 招聘需求征集,根据企业的人力资源工作制度,由人力资源部门向各相关职能机构、分子公司征集招聘需求。

    Recruitment demand acquisition means that the HR Department collects the recruitment demand from relevant functional departments and branch companies according to the HR work system of the enterprise .

  9. 宁波市人民政府有关部门应当加强对开发区管委会各职能机构的业务指导,积极支持和配合开发区管委会的工作。

    The relevant departments of the People 's Government of Ningbo Municipality should offer vocational guidance to the operating divisions of the EDDZAC , support and cooperate with the work of the EDDZAC .

  10. 同时,煤炭企业要发挥竞争优势,打造企业名牌,通过营销信息化、法制化等职能机构综合化运行机制,创造良好的经济效益。

    At the Same time , gaven play to competition advantage to make enterprise product ′ s brand , by operating comprehensive functions system to establish the better economic results for coal enterprise too .

  11. 而欧盟对一体化职能机构设置的选择,既摆脱了单纯政府间合作性质框架,又引入一定程度的超国家职能性质。

    However , EU made the choice for the functional organization structure , which not only got rid of the purely framework of the inter-government cooperation , but also pulled into some super-national nature .

  12. 正是这种乡村关系的行政化,积极地消解了乡镇条条职能机构面对传统的乡土社会所无法执行的大部分乡村管理职能。

    Due to the very administration of rural relationships , the majority of rural management functions that cannot be carried out by township departments when they are facing the traditional rural society are actively subdued .

  13. 网络营销不仅是企业市场营销在地域上的扩展,它更是一个包含交易双方各种职能机构如银行、商检、海关、税收和进出口企业协调运作的系统工程。

    Internet marketing is not only the regional expansion in marketing but is also a system engineering involving the coordination and operation among institutions such as banks , commodities inspection , customs , taxation and import-export enterprises .

  14. 应急领域地震、消防、交通、卫生系统的建立有助于帮助政府或职能机构迅速、主动、有效地应对和处理突发公共事件,但却存在重复建设的问题。

    Information systems such as Earthquakes Systems , Fire Systems , Communications Department Systems , and Health Systems contribute much to dealing emergency events for officials and functional organizations positively and effectively but cause problems of repeating construction .

  15. 通过职能机构的有效归并整合,从根本上减少了职责交叉,降低了部门间的交易成本和协调成本,政府整体运作功能得到提高,同时对优化政府组织结构起到了促进作用。

    Institutions of the same or similar functions have been effectively integrated , in which overlapping responsibilities have been reduced and transaction and coordination costs between departments have been reduced . Overall operation function of government has been improved .

  16. 文中根据我国现实情况,列举了现代图书馆开展科技情报服务工作的职能机构、人员条件和十种具体方式方法。

    According to the current conditions of our country , the text discusses the function organizations , person s factors , and ten ways and means , about which modern Library had experienced in information services of science and technology .

  17. 公司职能机构的实体化、法人治理结构的完善、股东与股东及与公司之间权利义务关系的确定,客观上需要会议现场公证监督。

    The substantiation of company functional organization , the perfection of corporate governing structure , and the determination of rights and duties among shareholders and rights and duties between shareholders and company , objectively need notarizing supervision on the scene of the meeting .

  18. 对于处于成长初期的企业,项目经理部的设置可以采用强矩阵式结构,即项目经理部依据需求临时组建,项目部成员来自于各个职能机构。

    In terms of the enterprise which is in the initial growth period , the project management department may organize with the strong matrix form structure , establish the project management department temporarily on demand , and the members could be transferred from other different departments .

  19. 当今西方国家政府行政机构改革的一个重要体现就是效率优先,这主要表现在其建立小政府、职能机构分离、分权并加以强化等各方面。

    One important aspect of the administrative organizational reform in the west countries is efficiency first , which is embodied in its small government , separation of functional organization from the government , division of authority among these organizations and their reinforcement , and the like .

  20. 欧洲央行(ecb)通过一项无限制购买债券的计划,并放弃自身优先债权人的地位,这表明它是欧盟(eu)之中唯一发挥职能的机构了。

    By agreeing an unlimited bond purchasing programme , and by abandoning the privilege of senior creditor status , the European Central Bank has demonstrated that it is the only functional institution left in the European Union .

  21. 铁在一系列重要职能的机构数目的作用。

    Iron plays a role in a number of essential functions in the body .

  22. 试论我国县级政府转变职能和机构改革的重点与难点

    On Focal points and Difficulties in the Function and Apparatus Reform of County - level Government

  23. 我们遭受了巨大的损失,职能监管机构也有阻止危机出现的先例。

    We had seen significant losses , and we had experience of competent regulators in stopping it .

  24. 传统的教学机构划分都是以学科为依据,划分为相对独立的具有教学行政管理职能的机构。

    Traditional teaching institutions are subject-based division , divided into relatively independent administrative functions of institutions with teaching .

  25. 行政管理体制表现为职能、机构、功能三者的有机结合。

    In the administrative system , functions , structure , function is an important combination of elements and aspects .

  26. 明代行使“秘密警察”职能的机构有锦衣卫、东厂、西厂与内行厂。

    The organizations of secret police in the Ming Dynasty consisted of Jinyiwei , Dongchang , Xichang and Neihangchang .

  27. 如果罪行导致(A)公共的、政府的或商业的职能或机构受到实质性的破坏;

    If the offense resulted in ( A ) substantial disruption of public , governmental , or business functions or services ;

  28. 检察委员会审议决定某些提交的案件和事项是法律规定的必须经过的程序;四是基层检察委员会是基层检察院中具有管理职能的机构。

    Committee decided certain cases and matters submitted by the legal procedures ; Fourth committee is the body of management functions .

  29. 奴儿干都司是明朝初年设置于东北黑龙江地区的一个以招抚为主要职能的机构。

    Nurgandos-the provincial garrison in Heilongjian Region in the Ming Dynasty-was set up with the functions of offering amnesty and enlistment to rebels .

  30. 并从政府职能、机构、成本、信用等角度分析了我国政府效能低下的原因。

    And from government functions , organizations , costs , credit and other point of view of the reasons for the low performance of our government .