
  • 网络Career path;career planning;Career Development Plan;occupation development plan
  1. 公司与我个人共同制定了职业发展规划。

    Both the company and me have made a career planning for myself .

  2. 随后,文章对JS公司如何建立全面的激励机制从管理实践的角度提出了构想&建立以绩效管理、薪酬管理为主,培训管理、职业发展规划为辅的激励机制。

    This thesis puts up with a scheme for the JS construction company to how to establish a comprehensive motivation mechanism , using performance management , compensation management as the main motivations , and training management , career development planning as auxiliary motivations to build motivation mechanism .

  3. 大学青年教师职业发展规划研究纵观

    Research about University Young Teachers ' Career Development Planning

  4. 电信企业员工职业发展规划激励机制及其运用

    Excitation mechanism in the vocational development planning for the telecom staff and its application

  5. 关于现在前进的方向进行一下长远的考虑,思考一下将来的职业发展规划。

    Take a long look at your present direction and consider your professional options .

  6. 公司将提供优良的职业发展规划。

    Excellent career development will be offered .

  7. 甘肃省省直机关公务员职业发展规划研究(政府中的)公务员,文职人员,文官。

    The Studying of Civil Servant s Career-development Plan in Organizations Directly under the Gansu Provincial Government ;

  8. 研究显示,最具有市场导向的是那些愿意投资开展员工培训以及职业发展规划,并鼓励团队合作的企业。

    Research indicates that the companies that are most market-focused are those that invest in staff training and career development , and encourage team working .

  9. 学校的职业发展规划人员说,这些学生花了很多时间自己搜寻,并积极积聚人脉,走上自己所希望的职业道路。

    Instead , they are logging long hours conducting their own searches and networking furiously to get onto the career path they want , say career-services officials .

  10. 要想消除误解,你得愿意付出,从每项工作中学习,职业发展规划,并且做“能干”的人。

    Combat this perception by showing that you 're willing to pay your dues and learn from any assignment , owning your career progression , and being a " can do " person .

  11. 第四方面绩效评价是员工晋升和职业发展规划的依据,职业生涯的设计依赖于绩效评价的结果。

    Fourthly , performance appraisal is the basis of promotion of the employees and the project of professional development since the design of professional career depends on the result of the performance appraisal .

  12. 如果转正无望,而你又担心长期实习工作会给简历带来不利影响,只需要告诉你的潜在雇主们,这只是你职业发展规划的一部分。

    If things don 't work out and you 're worried that an extended internship will look bad on your resume , simply tell potential employers that it was part of your career development plan .

  13. 制定完整的职业发展规划,弘扬尊重知识,尊重人才的企业文化等方面建立留住人才机制。

    Making Strictly the development plan of the intact job , carry foward such respects as the corporate , culture of respecting knowledge and respecting talents etc , and set up the mechanism of retaining talents .

  14. 首先,分析了兴业公司员工的激励现状,指出缺少必要的非物质激励;缺乏完整的员工职业发展规划;缺少有针对性和差异性的非物质激励措施等是兴业公司员工激励存在的主要问题。

    First , the company employees incentive situation , lack of necessary non-material incentive , The staff professional development of complete planning , Lack of targeted and difference of non-material incentive measures is the company employees incentive exists problems .

  15. 招聘团队尝试确认你是否比较适合他们的职位以及他们的企业文化,同时你也试图判断这个机会是否符合你的职业发展规划。

    The hiring team is trying to decide if you are a good fit for the available position and for their culture , and you likewise are trying to judge if the opportunity is the right move for your career .

  16. 学校应根据独立学院学生自身特点,对学生进行职业发展规划方面指导,加强专业建设和学生职业指导教育工作,提高学生的专业素质,促进学生职业发展。

    Based on the characteristics of independent college students , the school should strengthen student career development planning guidance , enhance the professional development and students ' vocational education , improve the professional quality of the students , to promote student career development .

  17. 国有企业经营管理中存在的管理人员选拔任用机制不合理、员工激励机制不健全、未能建立有效的评估体系、缺乏合理的薪酬结构、未能建立员工长期职业发展规划等是造成人才流失的根本原因;

    But the basic reason lays in mismanagement , such as the unreasonable mechanism for manager selection and appointment , the imperfect incentive mechanism , the failure to establish effective assessment systems , the absence of reasonable salary structures , and the lack of long-term staff development plans .

  18. 因此,根据调查结果,制定了工作满意感改善方案,通过设计具有激励性的薪酬方案和绩效考核方案以及对员工的职业发展生涯规划,提高H公司的员工工作满意感。

    Hence , according to the results of the investigation , the company drawn up a rectifying plan on job satisfaction to increase employees ' satisfaction with job of H Company by means of designing a motivating salary scheme , performance assessment scheme and career development planning for employees .

  19. 河北省职业教育发展规划研究

    Research on the Development Planning of Vocational Education in Hebei Province

  20. 女大学生职业生涯发展规划策略研究

    Study on Strategies of Career Developing and Designing for College Women

  21. 凯鲁公司员工职业生涯发展规划设计与实施研究

    Study on Staff Occupational Development Layout Design and Execution of Kailu Company

  22. 朗讯科技(中国)有限公司推行员工职业生涯发展规划制度。

    Lucent Technologies ( China ) implements the system of planning of development of the careers of staff .

  23. 个体层面知识员工的培训需求,是结合知识员工职业生涯发展规划,分析其未来职业发展路径的胜任力要求。

    The study of individual training needs , combine with the vocational guidance , is based on analysis of the knowledge workers ' career development .

  24. 在职场变动比较频繁的时期,职场新人需要关注职业生涯发展规划,不断调整生涯规划目标,实现职业目标。

    At present , people often change their job , new employees need to pay close attention to occupation career planning , to achieving adjustment career goals and occupation target .

  25. 政府是职业教育发展规划的主要制定者和实施者,在发展职业教育中可以发挥规划的导向、调节和指导作用;

    The government is the main maker and implementer of developing plan in vocational education , whose guiding , adjusting and instructing function may be displayed in developing vocational education .

  26. 关注职场新手个人本位的职业生涯发展规划,是回归以人为本,满足个人全面发展需求的一种理性取向。

    Paying attention to workplace novices ' individual occupation career development planning , is a return to people-oriented , meet the needs of the individual comprehensive development of a rational orientation .

  27. 目前企业在这方面常见的做法有:为员工提供职业生涯发展规划,将员工在公司的发展前途交由其个人把握;

    At present , enterprises in this regard there is a common practice : provide their employees with career development planning , staff will be in the company 's future development by their grasp ;

  28. 利用你所学到的知识技能,或进一步深造,为今后的职业发展进行规划,这样的举动将帮助你顺利进行工作过渡,为你树立一个打破现状的目标。

    Drawing upon what you have learned or furthering your education to plan the next step in your career can help you make a smooth transition & and give you a goal to getting out of a rut .

  29. 坚持和谐就业观,实施科学的就业指导,帮助学生制订合理的职业生涯发展规划,实现学生与岗位的和谐,学生就业与社会发展的和谐。

    Persist harmonious employment view , implement scientific career guidance , help the students to draw up the reasonable professional development plan , to realize the harmony of students and the post , the students ' employment and the social development .

  30. 员工职业生涯发展与规划是一项复杂的系统工程。

    Employee career development and planning is a complicated system engineering .