
Most of the people on the course were professional women .
Some benefits apply only to men , much to the indignation of working women .
It is possible to combine a career with being a mother
I want him to respect me as a career woman
Like working women anywhere , Asian women are buying convenience foods .
Most career women make me feel inferior .
She spoke of the professional woman 's lament that a woman 's judgment is questioned more than a man 's.
Most working women rely on parents to help look after their children .
But it 's not just career women who are to blame for postponing1 parenthood .
Baby hunger is the strong desire to have a baby , especially amongst older , professional women .
Some professional woman named Jin states that " Everytime I see people with male chauvinism , some thought of why not have an obedient pet hubby occurs to me " .
She was present at the births of all her three nieces and admits she spoils them rotten . Sociologists coined the acronym to reflect the growing number of childless professional women who have plenty of disposable income and time to spend with youngsters .
The part-memoir , part-advice tome for young professional women flew off shelves , selling one million copies and topping the New York Times bestsellers list .
In the largest Italian companies , women represent about two per cent of board directors , according to the European Professional Women 's Network , compared with 23 per cent for Scandinavia and Finland and 15 per cent in the US .
Ding and colleagues looked at data collected during the Women 's Health Study from healthy , postmenopausal female health professionals who did not receive hormone therapy .
Wittenberg-Cox is a practitioner who founded networks such as the European Professional Women 's Network and is an executive coach who started her own company ( 20-First ) to advise organisations on gender-related matters .
The first international Lean In Circle I ever met with was in Beijing & a group of young professional women who gathered to support each other 's professional ambitions and challenge the idea of " shengnu ," leftover women .
A survey in the Sunday Times a few years ago showed that women at work were much more satisfied with their jobs – apart from the very few hyper-ambitious ones at the top of the pile , who were even more miserable than their male colleagues .
Yes , Amy may be an extreme and much less sympathetic version of a tenacious working woman , but she definitely sets the bar for other career-oriented women who need a little nudge in the right direction .
By the tools of SRHMS and self-made questionnaire about participating leisure sports , a survey was conducted on927 professional women .
Citing trends in women going on to higher education , the share of women in the workforce and shifting social norms , researchers claim as much as a third of the incoming CEO class will be made up of women by 2040 .
I was really scared , said Kazumi , a professional woman who left the capital for western Japan .
And for women at mid-career who have had one or two children , added Sallie Krawcheck , president , global wealth and investment management at Bank of America , in a conference interview , ' it 's socially acceptable to go home . '
System of alleviating psychological pressure of professional women with physical exercises
High heel shoes are always in style for office ladies .
Causes of Low Self-respect of Obesed Professional Women and Sports Intervention
The Plight of Professional Women in the Male-dominated Cultural Discourse Context
Investigation into and Reflections on Career Women 's Further Education
Effects of Leisure Physical Exercise on Life Quality of Urban Female Professionals
Without a doubt I am a better-equipped female professional .