
  • 网络credit consumption
  1. 我国个人信用消费体系建设研究

    Study on Construction of Personal Credit Consumption System in China

  2. 我国旅游信用消费发展缓慢的原因与改善的对策

    The Causes And Countermeasures of the Slow Development of Tourism Credit Consumption in China

  3. 刺激引导信用消费,扩大信用需求;

    Stimulates the guidance credit to expend , expanded credit demand ;

  4. 美国信用消费体系建设对我国的借鉴与启示

    The Construction of the Credit System in America-A Reference and Inspiration

  5. 小额信用消费贷款的最长期限为一年。

    The longest maturity of a petty consumer credit is one year .

  6. 国家政策支持信用消费。

    National policy supports the credit consumption .

  7. 小额信用消费贷款的最高限额暂定为10万元人民币。

    The maximum borrowing limit of a petty consumer credit is temporarily set at RMB100,000 .

  8. 健全的风险防范制度。美国信用消费制度建设,对完善社会主义市场经济制度具有一定的借鉴意义。

    We can use the experiences of the construction of the credit system in America for our reference .

  9. 旅游消费已成为我国重要的消费热点之一,但旅游信用消费却在我国发展缓慢。

    Tourism consumption has become one of the hottest consumption areas in China . However , tourism credit consumption develops slowly .

  10. 发展消费信贷,既是促进信用消费的主要金融手段,又是促进消费需求增长的重要途径。

    Developing the consumer-credit is not only a chief financial means but also an important way of promoting the increase in consumers ' demand .

  11. 目前,我国有关信用消费的立法并不完善,存在信用卡消费立法层次较低、立法缺乏系统性与完整性、缺乏统一的信用卡章程范本和相关立法内容的缺陷等诸多问题。

    The problems involve the lower level of credit card legislation , the legislation lacks systematic and integrity and defects of the contents of the legislation .

  12. 当前,旅游消费已经成为我国新的经济增长点发展信用消费对于扩大国内旅游需求具有重要意义。

    At present , the development of tourism consumption is of great significance to the expansion of domestic tourism needs since it has become a new economic growth point .

  13. 小额信用消费贷款执行中国人民银行规定的同档次利率。

    To the interest rate for petty consumer credit loans , the interest rate for loans of the same grade set by the People 's Bank of China applies .

  14. 美国等信用消费发达的国家已经建立了比较完善的个人信用制度,从而对整个宏观经济的增长起到积极的推动作用,也为金融机构提供了一种有利可图的资产来源。

    Countries developed on credit , such as America , have established fairly perfect personal credit system , thus pushing whole macroeconomy and supplying profitable assets resources for finance institutions .

  15. 文中以外资银行在国内发展受阻为引例,再扩展到整个社会各个行业的中国信用消费隐性危机,指出诚信建设的重要性。

    The authors use an example for guiding , expands foreign capitals bank to the recessive crisis in the whole society of China , and points out the importance of sincere construction .

  16. 文章阐述了旅游信用消费的概念和特点,分析了其发展现状,从旅游信用消费主体和信用消费环境两方面分析了制约我国旅游信用消费发展的原因,并就这些原因提出了相应的对策。

    The article expounds the concept and characteristics of tourism credit consumption , analyses its present situation and causes of the slow development from the two aspects of credit consumption subjects and consumption settings , and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures .

  17. 个人信用消费作为个人信用的具体表现形式之一,它的发展会进一步推动个人信用的发展,这也有助于全社会范围内的信用环境的建设工作。

    Personal credit consumption is one of the concrete expression forms of personal credit , its development will promote the development of Personal Credit further , and will be favorable to the building-up work of the credit environment of the whole society too .

  18. 2009年中国成立了首家个人消费金融公司,标志着个人信用消费作为一个新兴的,个人信用完全参与金融服务品种将为我国消费市场注入动力。

    In the year of 2009 , the first consumer finance company got permit in China , and it marks the utility of personal credit on consumption . As a new emerging consumer credit , it will powerful promote the Chinese consumer market .

  19. 随着个人信用消费的不断扩大,消费信贷的比重不断提高,在整个市场个人信用制度不完善的情况下,个人信贷风险凸现,银行个人信贷中的不良资产率上升。

    With increasing expansion of consumer loans and growing percentage of consumption credit in a market where individual credit system is yet to be improved , personal credit risks begin to loom large with the rise of non-performing asset ratios of personal bank loans .

  20. 本文旨在从个人信用消费法律关系所处的法规环境和问题入手,分别分析个人信用消费法律关系的形成和操作中的问题,利用比较、调查研究的方法,设计可供参考的立法规范。

    This article start with the personal credit legal relationship and consumer credit laws and regulatory environment , intend to design of legal guidelines for reference based on analysis of formation and operation problem of the legal relationship of personal consumer credit respectively with comparison and survey research methods .

  21. 但据波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)2011年进行的一项调查显示,只有9%的中国城市家庭今年确实计划使用信用卡消费。

    But only 9 % of Chinese urbanites actually plan to use the cards this year , according to a Boston Consulting Group survey in 2011 .

  22. 其实不是,实际上这些里程数都是Tina用信用卡消费累积的。

    Tina : Nope . I racked up all the miles by buying things with my credit card .

  23. 后端通过将RFID与市民手机号码关联,进行市民卡的账户、信用、消费管理,通过中间件cA身份认证和鉴权中心管理。

    Rear end through RFID and the residential handset number connection , carries on the residential card the account , the credit , the expense management , through middleware CA status authentication and authentication center management .

  24. 2009年,信用卡消费降低到56%。

    In 2009 , it was down to 56 percent .

  25. 加强对信用卡消费信贷的扶持与管理,营造良好用卡环境:实施信用卡的产业化经营战略;

    On the credit to strengthen the management of credit card business ;

  26. 通常,银行会收处理信用卡消费的服务费用。

    Normally , banks charge service fees for handling credit card sales .

  27. 大部分花销来自信用卡消费。

    Much of this has been due to spending on credit cards .

  28. 2003年,信用卡消费额达到2440亿英镑。

    Plastic accounted for £ 244bn of spending in 2003 .

  29. 信用卡消费信贷需求模型研究

    Research on the Credit Card Consumption Loan Demand Model

  30. 过去两天他的信用卡消费过4次。

    We got four hits on his credit card in the last two days .