
  • chicken wing;WENGE
  1. 把鸡翅酱一下。

    Have the chicken wings cooked in soy sauce .

  2. 蒂特里克在亚拉巴马州伯明翰长大,经常吃“鸡翅和脆骨”。他现在是素食主义者。虽然动物福利是他创办HamptonCreek的动力之一,但他为了公司谨慎地淡化这一目标。

    Mr. Tetrick grew up in Birmingham , Ala. , on a diet of ' chicken wings and gristle . ' He 's now a vegan and , while animal welfare was part of his motivation for founding Hampton Creek , he has been careful to play down that goal for his company . '

  3. 在香港推出披萨味的鸡翅后,肯德基宣布推出新的鸡翅组合:炸鸡披萨。

    Following the debut of its pizza-flavored wings in Hong Kong , KFC announced yet another chicken combination : the Chizza .

  4. 另外,布法罗鸡翅烧烤店(BuffaloWildWings)也投资了一家披萨连锁店PizzaRev。

    And Buffalo Wild Wings invested in the pizza restaurant chain PizzaRev .

  5. “希望是NBA,”他边把鸡翅蘸到辣味酱中边回答。

    ' Hopefully the NBA . 'He dunked a wing into a dish of hot sauce .

  6. 他们的鸡翅还有可以,不过如果我给打它了四星,Ness会不会开始经常向我推荐其它弥漫着兄弟会作风的酒吧?

    Their wings are okay , but if I give it four stars , will ness start offering me frat bars regularly ?

  7. 拿快餐行业来说,麦当劳的一美元菜单和布法罗鸡翅烧烤吧(BuffaloWildWings)等休闲餐厅的表现都非常出色,但介于两者之间的产品,比如套餐,销量却出现了缩水。

    In the case of the fast food industry , the McDonalds ' dollar menu and fast casual restaurants like Buffalo wild wings have done well , while sales of offerings in between like combo meals have been squeezed , he says .

  8. 还有油炸类零食,比如油炸鸡翅和炸薯条。

    oily deep-fried snacks include deep-fried chicken wing and French fries .

  9. 冒险者越冒险,鸡翅就越辣。

    The more adventurous the risk-taker , the hotter the wings .

  10. 我们那时没有鸡翅,也没有这种会冒泡的饮料。

    We didn 't have chicken wings or the drink with bubbles .

  11. 我想要在餐前来点辣鸡翅。

    I 'd also like some pungency wings for appetizer .

  12. 传统加工工艺对卤鸡翅颜色影响的研究

    Effects of processing technology on color of braised chicken wings

  13. 那里曾经卖过排骨,卖过鸡翅…

    It 's been a ribs place and a chicken wings place ...

  14. 现在仍有人千里迢迢到水牛城来品尝地道的原味鸡翅。

    People still travel to Buffalo today to experience the original wings .

  15. 敲断鸡翅骨、腿骨和颈骨。

    Beat the bone of wings , legs and neck until broken .

  16. 我们围坐在炉火边吃着鸡翅。

    We eat chicken wings and sit by the fire .

  17. 这家餐馆的鸡翅膀真是特别好吃。

    The chicken wings in this restaurant are incredibly good .

  18. 一般来说,收入中等的国家需要的资助和技术鸡翅不多。

    Middle-income states in general need little financial support or technical advice .

  19. 我觉得我已经说过了,所有食物,鸡翅?

    I said any kind of food . Chicken wings ?

  20. 不同杀菌方式对盐焗鸡翅根品质的影响

    Comparative Quality of Salt Heated Chicken Wing by Different Means of Sterilization

  21. 炸鸡翅,华夫饼加糖浆,还有辣酱。

    So the fried chicken wings , waffles with syrup and hot sauce .

  22. 她会咬一口鸡翅。

    She Will Take A Bite Of The Chicken .

  23. 香辣鸡翅让大部分的人吮指回味乐无穷、欲罢不能。

    Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more .

  24. 诸位表妹,来吃鸡翅吧。

    Honies , come and eat the chicken wings !

  25. 爷爷:为什么孩子们如此热衷于鸡翅和汉堡呢?

    Grandpa : Why are children so crazy about chicken wings and hamburgers ?

  26. 比起冷冻的鸡翅来我更喜欢新鲜的。

    I prefer fresh chicken wings to frozen ones .

  27. 我有一张优惠券,买炸鸡翅可以便宜5元钱。

    I have a coupon to get five yuan off fried chicken wings .

  28. 我们在海滩吃鸡翅。

    We are eating chicken wings on the beach .

  29. 我说过只要是食物鸡翅?

    I said any kind of food Chicken wings ?

  30. 孙子:我想再要点鸡翅,可以吗,爷爷?

    Grandson : I want more chicken wings , can I , Grandpa ?