
jiǎn bǎn
  • tarso;tarsus;tars-;tarso-
睑板 [jiǎn bǎn]
  • [tarsus] 强韧的致密纤维结缔组织板,形成眼睑的支持结构

睑板[jiǎn bǎn]
  1. 自体指甲作睑板再造材料的实验研究和临床观察异体巩膜植入联合Z形皮瓣治疗陈旧性外伤性下睑退缩

    Nail plate as a graft material in tarsus reconstructive surgery Clinical study of implantation of preserved sclera combined with Z-PLASTY in traumatic eyelid retraction

  2. 自体足底皮替代睑板行眼睑再造术的护理

    Nursing of eyelid reconstruction using self-plantar dermis replacing tarsus

  3. 内眼睑荧光染色线(Marx)线作为睑板腺功能的指示线

    Marx line : Fluorescein staining line on the inner lid as indicator of meibomian gland function

  4. 而儿童至成人组睑板腺和Zeis腺上皮呈ER、AR阳性。

    Meibomian glands and Zeis glands from children to adult were positive in ER and AR.

  5. 改良睑板-Müller肌切除术临床观察

    Clinical observation of modified M ü ller muscle tarsal resection

  6. 结论胎儿4个月睑板腺和Zeis腺上皮ER、PR、AR即有表达。

    Conclusion Meibomian glands and Zeis glands in fetus of 4 months expressed in ER , PR , AR ;

  7. PCNA平均指数(PI)值在基底细胞癌、鳞状细胞癌,睑板腺癌中分别为38.1±31.1、38.3±30.1、42.6±32.0。

    The mean PCNA labeling index was 38.1 ± 31.1 , 38.3 ± 30.1 , 42.6 ± 32.0 respectively in BCC , SCC and meibomian gland carcinoma .

  8. 35例(57只眼)施行3mm睑板条外眦成形术;

    The 3 mm tarsal strip procedure was used in 35 patients ( 57 eyes );

  9. 以上结果提示:抑癌基因P53的突变在睑板腺癌的发生中是一个比较常见的基因改变,且在分化型癌的发生中表现明显;

    The results suggest that anti-oncogene P53 may be one of genetic events which occur often in the development of meibomian gland carcinoma and it was presented apparently in carcinoma of differentiated type .

  10. ER在睑板腺和Zeis腺上皮阳性表达率在年龄组间比较,均无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    Analyses of fisher test showed no statistically significant different in ER expression between the age groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  11. 目的探讨睑板大部切除治疗Hotz术后复发性上睑瘢痕性睑内翻的方法。

    Objective Retrospective analysis of treatment of recurred cicatrical entropion after Hotz operation with mostly tarsectomy .

  12. 目的探讨性激素受体在睑板腺和Zeis腺的定性和定位分布。

    Objective To study both qualitative identification and localization of sex hormone receptors in meibomian glands and Zeis glands in healthy human .

  13. 应用睑板前眼轮匝肌瓣矫正先天性上睑多重睑

    Correct congenital multiple upper eyelids by performing pretarsal orbicularis oculi flap

  14. 眼睑睑板腺癌&156例临床疒理研究

    Meibomian Gland Carcinoma : A Clinicopathological Study of 156 Cases

  15. 睑板腺癌相关基因表达

    Related genes of carcinoma of meibomian gland and their expressions

  16. 带蒂肌皮瓣加游离睑板结膜瓣重建眼睑

    Blepharoplasty using pedicled musculocutaneous flap and tarsal conjunctival free flap

  17. 睑板修复是眼睑重建的重要部分。

    Tarsal repair is an important part for eyelid reconstruction .

  18. 6例睑板腺功能障碍并伴有干眼。

    Six patients associated with dry eye presented with Meibomian gland dysfunction .

  19. 异体睑板行眼睑全层缺损修复的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Eyelid Reconstruction with a Preserved Foreign Tarsus

  20. 因此寻找一种合适的人工睑板替代物成为关键问题。

    The key is to find a proper artificial tarsal repair material .

  21. 用自体足底皮代替睑板行眼睑再造的初步报告

    The report of eyelid reconstruction replacing tarsus with plantar dermis

  22. 金因舒治疗儿童睑板腺囊肿术后疗效观察

    Curative Observation on Tarsal Cyst of Children with JYS

  23. 烧灼睑板腺开口制作兔干眼模型的评价

    Evaluation of Establishing Rabbit Dry Eye Model by Cauterizing the Meibomian Gland Orifices

  24. P~(53)突变产物在睑板腺癌中的增强表达及其意义

    Over-expression of P ~ ( 53 ) mutant protein in meibomian gland carcinoma

  25. 白细胞介素-6在睑板腺囊肿组织中的表达

    Expression of interleukin-6 in the tissue of chalazion

  26. 硬腭和无睑板移植物在上眼睑手术中作为后板层替代物

    Hard palate and free tarsal grafts as posterior lamella substitutes in upper lid surgery

  27. 伴睑板腺炎的疱性角膜炎青年患者

    Phlyctenular keratitis associated with meib-omitis in young patients

  28. 应用上睑板结膜瓣再造下睑

    Inferior tarsus reconstruction using superior palpebral conjunctival flap

  29. 眼睑基底细胞癌与睑板腺癌的临床病理学对比观察

    Compare the clinicopathologic features of basal cell carcinomas and sebaceous adenocarcinomas of the eyelids

  30. 睑板腺分泌物性质异常与脂质缺乏性干眼症

    Abnormal Property of Meibomian Secretion and Dry Eye Syndrome Caused by Lipid Tear Deficiency