
wèi guāng
  • photophoby;photaesthesia;phengophobia
畏光[wèi guāng]
  1. 30min时,眼结膜潮红、充血,并表现畏光、流泪;

    The conjunctiva showed wet-red , congested , afraid of light , tearing at 30 minute ;

  2. 术后随访时间3~18个月。结果术后患者畏光症状明显减轻或完全消失;

    Results After 3-18 months of follow-up , photophobia was reduced or disappear .

  3. 恶心,畏光,与声音恐惧症进行了评价。

    Associated symptoms of nausea , photophobia , and phonophobia were also evaluated .

  4. 她出现发冷、心神不安、头疼、畏光及肌肉疼痛症状。

    She had chills , malaise , headaches , light sensitivity and muscle pain .

  5. 用调查量表评价患者的蓝视、畏光和眩光等视觉症状。

    Visual symptoms were evaluated with questionnaire .

  6. 毛囊性丘疹和脓疱在青春期加重,并伴有畏光、结膜干燥、睑缘炎。

    Follicular pustular and papules aggravated in the puberty with photophobia , xeroma and blepharitis .

  7. 轻者眼部疼痛、结膜充血、红肿、流泪、畏光、视力障碍等;

    In mild cases eye pain conjunctival congestions and swelling , lacrimation . photophobia , visual disturbance were noted .

  8. 结果2例患者因用药后出现严重药物副作用停药,其余8例患者治疗后畏光、流泪、复视症状减轻或恢复正常。

    Results Exophthalmic symptoms such as photophobia , lacrimation and diplopia tended to decrease or disappeared in 8 cases .

  9. 狂犬病是以恐水、畏光和狂躁等症状为特征的一种古老的人畜共患病。

    Rabies is an ancient zoonosis characterized by symptoms such as a fear of water , photophobia and mania .

  10. 结果所有病例畏光症状改善或消失,视力均有不同程度的提高。

    Results Decrease or elimination in photophobia symptom and improvement on visual acuity were observed in all the cases after surgery .

  11. 结果1万升汞(二氯化汞)易导致结膜充血、畏光、流泪、角膜水肿、疼痛。

    Results 0.1 ‰ mercury bichloride solution can easily cause conjunctiva red , pain , photophobia , shed tears and cornea edema .

  12. 脑膜炎的症状包括头痛,发热,寒战,恶心,呕吐,颈项强直,畏光。

    Symptoms of meningitis include headache , fever , chills , nausea , vomiting , stiff neck , and sensitivity to light .

  13. 其中毒的症状包括瞳孔散大、畏光、视力模糊、头痛、神志不清以及痉挛等。

    Symptoms of deadly nightshade poisoning include dilated pupils , sensitivity to light , blurred vision , headaches , confusion and convulsions .

  14. 患者3周后,痒感、畏光、流泪、异物感、粘液丝状分泌物及结膜充血等症状明显减轻。

    All the symptoms of itches , photophobia , lacrimation , foreign body sensation , mucous secretion and conjunctival congestion were relieved after three-week treatment .

  15. 头晕、烦躁不安、昏厥和食欲不振以及落泪不止、畏光也有报道。像是快晕厥的软弱声音。

    Dizziness , anxiety , syncope , and anorexia have also been reported as well as profuse tearing and photophobia . It 's a faintingly weak voice .

  16. 该研究已得到良好治疗耐受性,轻度,中度不良反应观察包括瞬时头痛和畏光,并在甘油三酯含量上升。

    The study treatment has been well-tolerated , with mild to moderate adverse events observed including transient headache and photophobia , and an increase in triglyceride levels .

  17. 黑色素缺乏可引起眼的一系列异常表现,如严重的视力低下、畏光、眼球震颤等;

    In the course of eye development , the melanin lacking causes a series of abnormal manifestation , such as severe eyesight decrease , photophobia , nystagmus , etc.

  18. 急性、剧烈的满头痛伴发热、畏光和颈项强直,提示感染,如脑膜炎,应寻找证据加以排除。

    An acute whole-cranial , severe headache a ociated with fever , photophobia , and stiff neck indicates an infectious prove , such as meningitis , until proved otherwise .

  19. 临床症状有畏光及视力低下,若有进行性角膜混浊、晶状体浑浊及青光眼者常导致失明。

    The clinical symptoms of patients are photophobia and low vision , the cloudiness of cornea , cloudiness of crystalline lens and glaucoma which often cause patients to lose sight .

  20. 结果:术后视力有不同程度提高,畏光和眩目等症状明显减轻或消除,角膜内皮细胞丧失率约3%,角膜散光减轻。

    Results : MST led to better visual acuity , minimal endothelial cell loss and less astigmatism , the symptomatic photophobia and glare were retarded or eliminated in all cases .

  21. 一些患者出现脖子僵硬、畏光、食欲减退和呕吐症状;这些人在发病初期可能会被误诊为脑膜炎患者。

    Some patients develop neck stiffness , sensitivity to light , loss of appetite and vomiting ; in these patients the disease , in its early stages , may be mistaken for meningitis .

  22. 可因情绪波动或疲劳过度而引发,具有遗传特征,发作前数小时至数日常伴恶心、呕吐、畏光、畏声、抑郁和倦怠的前驱症状。

    Mood swings or fatigue caused by genetic characteristics , before the onset of several hours to several daily with nausea , vomiting , photophobia , phonophobia , prodromal symptoms of depression and burnout .

  23. 通过手术治疗,大多数患者可以恢复一定的视功能,但是由于虹膜缺损带来的球面像差和色像差问题,给患者带来了严重的畏光和眩光症状。

    The visual function can be recovered partly in most patients . However , spherical aberration and chromatic aberration caused by defects in the iris can lead to severe photophobia and glare in such patients .

  24. 黑洞洞的眼睛并不一定就是邪恶的象征,一种被称为“无虹膜”的畸形病症也能造成这样的无瞳孔状态,该病患者的视力通常会有所损害,并且极其畏光。

    Black eyes aren 't necessarily a sign of pure evil . A condition called aniridia can cause absence of color in the iris , which may lead to weakened vision and sensitivity to light .

  25. 结果15眼经上述方法处理后,均未出现畏光、单眼复视或眩目,视力提高至1.0~1.2者2眼、0.5~0.96眼、0.42眼、0.1~0.35眼。

    Results After being managed 15 eyes did not appear photophobia , unilateral diplopia or glare . The visual acuity improved to 1.0-1.2 in 2 eyes , 0.5-0.9 in 6 eyes , 0.4 in 2 eyes and 0.1-0.3 in 5 eyes .

  26. 结论带虹膜隔人工晶状体治疗严重外伤后无虹膜眼有重要的临床意义,不仅畏光症状改善或消失,而且重建了眼前段,挽救了濒于残疾的伤眼,获得了较好的视力。

    Conclusion The clinical value of black-diaphragm IOL implantation in management of traumatic aniridia and aphakia is significant , which can decrease or eliminate photophobia symptom , reconstruct the anterior segment , improve visual acuity and escape from disability to the injury eyes , the operation deserves popularization .

  27. 偏头痛是一种常见头痛病,为一种反复发作的血管性头痛,呈一侧或两侧疼痛,典型发作者常伴有眩晕、恶心、呕吐、畏光等。

    Migraine , a kind of common headache , is a sort of vascular headache , which occurs from time to time with headaches in one side or both sides of the head , and is often accompanied with dizziness , nausea , vomiting and photophobia when it comes .