
  • 网络progression
  1. 方法用原位杂交的方法检测进行期银屑病皮损用药前后的肝素结合表皮生长因子样生长因子(HB-EGF)mRNA的表达。

    Methods HB-EGF mRNA in active psoriatic lesions before and 10 days after the treatment with tazarotene was detected by hybridization in situ .

  2. 表皮生长因子阳性表达率及阳性细胞密度在静止期与进行期之间及初发病例与复发病例之间均无统计学差异(P均>0.05)。

    The percentage and the density of positive cells had no statistical difference either between the epidermis of the patients in stable stage and progressive stage or cases of first onset and relapsed ones ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  3. c-Ha-ras癌基因在正常皮肤表皮主要表达于部分基底层细胞,而在进行期银屑病皮损内则可见于除角质层外其余各层表皮细胞,且以棘层细胞为主。

    In normal epidermis , only a few basal cells expressed ras gene , however , the ras gene was expressed throughout all layers of epidermis of active psoriatic lesions except horny layer and predominantly in prickle cells .

  4. SEB和PHA刺激组中,进行期IFNγ/IL4的比值均明显高于静止期(P<0.01)。

    The ratios of IFN γ / IL 4 stimulated by PHA and SEB were both significantly higher in active stage than in static stage ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 26例寻常型银屑病患者中,进行期患者AI、活性caspase-3的含量均显著高于静止期和消退期(P<0.05);

    In 26 patients with PV , AI and activated caspase-3 in the lesions were significantly higher in the progressive stage than those in the static and the regressive stages ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 虽然SEB刺激进行期寻常型银屑病患者外周血淋巴细胞分泌的IL-18也高于正常人,但是经统计学分析,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    The secreting level of IL-18 by the peripheral blood lymphocyte stimulated by SEB was higher in patients with psoriasis vulgaris than in normal controls , but the difference was not significant at the 0.05 level .

  7. 结果银屑病进行期和静止期皮损区HLA-DR、CD1a、CD16、CD57、TNF-α及ICAM-1阳性表达无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    Results The expression of HLA-DR , CD1a , CD16 , CD57 , TNF - α and ICAM-1 showed no significant difference between the active phase and the static phase of psoriatic lesions ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 提出了一种新的基于极坐标复运算的粒子群优化算法(PSO),命名为极坐标粒子群优化算法(PPSO),并在文中进行期详细的数学描述。

    A new-style Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) algorithm was explained based on polar coordination system and complex number operation , which was named as Polar coordination PSO ( short in PPSO ), and the detailed mathematic description of PPSO was also given .

  9. 如果这可以帮我进行期中考试,我很高兴脱下裤子让你们检查。

    Ifit 'll help me take the midterm , I 'm happyto show everyone my balls .

  10. 泛发性进行期银屑病患者外周血单个核细胞的研究

    A study of mononuclear cells in the peripheral blood of patients with extensive psoriasis in progressive stage

  11. ·几周以后,郭老师宣布下周三进行期中考试。

    • a few weeks later , Mr. Guo announced the mid-term exam would be held the following Wednesday .

  12. 中药外治综合疗法治疗进行期寻常型银屑病的临床疗效观察

    The Clinical Curative Effect Observation about External Treatment and Combined Therapy by Using Chinese Medicine for Psoriasis Vulgaris at Active Stage

  13. 目的从凉血和活血中药对银屑病患者进行期和静止期血浆中神经肽的影响,探讨中医“血分论治”银屑病的作用机理。

    Objective To investigate the mechanism of using traditional Chinese hemo-modulating therapy to intervene the SP and beta-endorphin of psoriasis patients .

  14. 结论清热凉血汤治疗银屑病进行期有较好的临床效果和改善血液黏稠度的作用。

    Conclusion Heat-clearing and blood-cooling soup in treating psoriasis at progressing stage has better clinical effects and a function of improving blood viscosity .

  15. 侵袭和转移是进行期胃癌预后不良的主要原因。

    Invasion and metastasis are main reasons for poor prognosis of gastric cancer , but the molecular mechanism of invasion and metastasis still remains unclear .

  16. 目的观察中药凉血活血汤治疗进行期银屑病的临床疗效,并探讨其可能的治疗机理。

    Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of Liang Xue Huo Xue decoction in the treatment of acute psoriasis vulgaris and to investigate the possible mechanisms .

  17. 清热利湿法与清热凉血法治疗进行期寻常型银屑病疗效对比清热解毒凉血化瘀中药对慢加亚急性肝衰竭内毒素胃泌素及胃动素的干预作用

    The Intervention by the Principles of Clearing-heat and Detoxicating Combined with Cooling Blood and Removing Blood Stasis in Endotoxin , Gastrin , Motilin of Subacute-on-chronic Liver Failure

  18. 结果进行期寻常性银屑病患者血浆IFN-γ水平为8.91±2.65,红皮病性银屑病为10.19±5.93,脓疱性银屑病为17.96±10.44,各型银屑病患者均高于正常人(5.70±2.82)。

    Results The plasma level of IFN - γ in patients with psoriasis vulgaris , erythrodermic psoriasis and pustular psoriasis was higher than that in healthy control .

  19. 结果治疗2个疗程后,治愈率分别为:静止期100%、进行期98.3%、复发期96%。

    Results After 2 courses of treatment , the curative rates in the resting stage , active stage and recurrent stage were 100 % , 98.5 % and 96 % respectively .

  20. 爱情的进行期中主要有三个方面最能体现出爱情的美妙,分别是:动人的爱情表达、甜蜜的欢爱场景和心酸却深沉的思念。

    The love enters in the departure date mainly to have three aspects most to be able to manifest the love the wonder , respectively is : The moving love expression , the happy happy love scene and feel sad actually deep missing .

  21. 方法:挛缩进行期7例行肘部神经、血管松解术6例,坏死肌肉和神经切除神经移植、肌腱移位术1例;挛缩恢复期10例均行神经松解术。

    Methods : The decompression of nerve and vessel in the elbow-joint was applied to 6 cases and the excision of necrosis muscle nerve , nerve-transplantation and tendon shift to 1 case with ischemic contracture in forearm at contracture-developing stage and nerve-decompression to 10 cases at contracture recovering stage .

  22. 4~6个月后,进行II期手术,将愈合基台连接在种植体上。

    After 4 ~ 6 months , the second stage surgery was done and the healing abutment connected .

  23. 首先,利用ANSYS有限元分析软件进行施工期结构荷载效应的分析。

    First of all , the load effects of the structure during construction are studied by means of ANSYS .

  24. 并利用GIS较为完善的空间分析与运算功能,进行凌汛期凌险的实时动态监测预警;

    On this foundation , the real-time dynamic monitoring and early warning system of ice run has been practiced by using GIS excellent function on space analysis and operation .

  25. PixelBender技术提供了一个通用的图像、视频处理基础设施,它可以在不同的硬件上自动进行运行期优化。

    The Pixel Bender technology delivers a common image and video processing infrastructure which provides automatic runtime optimization on heterogeneous hardware .

  26. GDM的一种衍生物17烯丙氨基17脱甲氧基GDM(17-AAG)正在美国进行Ⅱ期临床实验。

    One of its derivatives , 17-AAG , is now in clinical trial ( phase II ) in United States .

  27. 作者提出TAE+EIT是中晚期肝癌综合治疗的一部分,在肿瘤缩小或甲胎蛋白(AFP)下降后应积极进行二期切除。

    The authors suggested that the TAE + EIT be a part of the synthetic treatment , subsequent resection should be prepared positively after shrinkage of the tumor or Alpha Feto Protein ( AFP ) decline .

  28. 本研究通过对玉米L050×B73的180个F2:3家系进行开花期干旱胁迫处理和分子标记鉴定,重点对开花相关性状进行了数量性状位点(QTL)分析。

    Totally 180 F 2:3 families were grown under well watered condition and drought stress at flowering stage . Quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) analyses for flowering related traits were conducted for two environments .

  29. 今年人口理事会将针对一种新的杀微生物剂PC-815进行I期安全性试验,它含有Carraguard和一种称为MIV-150的抗逆转录病毒药物。

    The Population Council will commence phase I safety trials of a new microbicide , PC-815 which comprises Carraguard and an antiretroviral drug called MIV-150 this year .

  30. 药物正开始进行Ⅰ期临床试用中。

    Phase I clinical trial of the drug is now in progress .