
jìn shí
  • eat;feed;take food;taste;pay food;have one's meal;ingress
进食 [jìn shí]
  • (1) [taste]∶吃饭

  • 从昨天早晨以来他第一次进食

  • (2) [pay food]∶向宫中进奉食品

进食[jìn shí]
  1. 给药期间大鼠自由进食、摄水。

    Rats take food and water freely in experimental period .

  2. 术后1~2d开始进食。

    All the patients began to take food at 1 ~ 2 days after operation .

  3. 我们试着让婴儿按时进食和睡觉。

    We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping .

  4. 你只消看一眼就知道她进食不够多。

    You only have to look at her to see she doesn 't eat enough .

  5. 他靠鼻饲管进食。

    He is fed by a tube that enters his nose .

  6. 要求研究对象按改进的食谱进食。

    Subjects in the study were asked to follow a modified diet .

  7. 你的狗应该有它自己进食和饮水用的碗。

    Your dog should have his own bowls for food and water .

  8. 如果患者进食欠佳,药物会让他们感觉作呕。

    If the patient is poorly nourished , the drugs make them feel nauseous

  9. 它们花好几个小时在海底进食。

    They spend hours feeding on the ocean floor .

  10. 这些进食模式是习得性行为。

    These eating patterns are a learned behavior .

  11. 几天后毛虫停止进食。

    After a few days the caterpillars stopped feeding

  12. 傍晚时分,鸭子们摇摇摆摆地来到前门进食。

    In the evenings , ducks waddle up to the front door to be fed .

  13. 将进食量减半对任何人来说都是件非常难的事。

    Cutting food intake by half is an incredibly difficult thing for anyone to do .

  14. 毛毛虫总是成群进食。

    The caterpillars feed in large colonies .

  15. 动物每次进食后都会排粪。

    Animals defecate after every meal .

  16. 小婴儿进食过程中或刚刚进食后经常会打嗝。

    A young baby may frequently get a bout of hiccups during or soon after a feed .

  17. 高级法院裁决应强制她进食以挽救她的性命,她对此提起上诉。

    She appealed against a High Court ruling that she should be forcibly fed to save her life .

  18. 我过了两年时间才好起来,其间他喂我进食,并承担全部的家务。

    It took two years for me to get better , during which time he spoon-fed me and did absolutely everything around the house .

  19. 从早上起病人一直没有进食。

    The patient has not had a morsel of food since the morning .

  20. 他进食有度。

    He is temperate in food and drink .

  21. 他拒绝进食。

    He refused food .

  22. 饥饿迫使他进食。

    Hunger constrained him to eat .

  23. 金色的光线穿过长满青草的三角洲,动物们出来进食、饮水。

    With golden light streaming across the grassy delta and the animals coming out to eat and drink .

  24. 众所周知,所有生物都必须进食才能生存。

    As we know , all living things have to eat food .

  25. 它们也经常在晚上进食。

    They will often get food at night as well .

  26. 他在《CurrentBiology》中写道,海洋微生物附着在漂浮的塑料物体上,它们的气味诱使海龟进食。

    As he writes in Current Biology , he thinks that the odour of marine6 micro-organisms which colonise floating plastic objects induces turtles to feed .

  27. 在对5万名成年人长达7年的饮食分析的基础上,研究发现体重指数(BMI)与进食时间和进食频率相关。

    The research , based on a seven-year dietary analysis of 50000 adults , found that body weight , measured by body mass index , corresponds with when we eat and how often we eat .

  28. 励瘦对那些饱受进食障碍折磨的人而言有潜在危害。

    Thinspiration is potentially harmful to users who suffer from disordered eating .

  29. 这一类食物疑是导致过度进食和肥胖症的元凶。

    Hyperpalatable foods are a suspected culprit in overeating and the obesity epidemic .

  30. 很多“软瘾”都不可避免地与进食、阅读及睡觉有关。

    Many soft addictions involve necessary behaviors like eating , reading , and sleeping .