
  1. 高技术条件下空中进攻战役经费保障浅析

    The funds support of air offensive battle in high-tech local war

  2. 空中进攻战役财务保障研究

    Financial support of offensive battle in the air

  3. 空中封锁战役后勤保障刍议山地进攻战役减员的统计学模型

    STUDY OF THE LOGISTIC SUPPORT OF AIR BLOCKADE BATTLE Statistical model of operational casualty rate in mountain offensive operation

  4. 同样的,加速实施在中国境进行施大规模地面进攻的战役计划同陈纳德的空中进攻计划也产生了冲突。

    Likewise , plans for the expedited development of an offensive Chinese ground capability clashed with Chennault 's air campaign initiatives .

  5. 托尔斯泰(Tolstoy)透过参与者的眼睛,描述了拿破仑进攻俄国的战役,他驳斥了历史就是伟人人生这一观念。

    By describing Napoleon 's Russian campaign through the eyes of individual participants , Tolstoy rejected the notion of history as the lives of great men .