
  • 网络Small animals;meiofauna;microfauna
  1. 自由生活海洋线虫占整个小型动物数量的99.8%。

    Free-living marine nematodes comprised 99.8 % of the total meiofauna .

  2. 介形虫是小型动物,其中大部分都具有两瓣的外壳。

    Ostracodes are small animals , most of which have a two valved shell .

  3. SCID-hu小鼠:HIV研究的小型动物模型

    Humanized SCID Mouse : A Small Animal Model for HIV Research

  4. 这些实验结果为树鼩做丙型肝炎病毒小型动物模型,提供了实验依据,并且有助于研究HCV感染与复制的机制。

    These results provided an experimental basis for the HCV tree shrew animal model development , and would promote the study on mechanism of HCV infection and replication .

  5. 在6种环境因素中,除了土壤pH值以外,土壤温度、含水量、活性有机质、水解氮、有效磷对土壤微生物、微生物呼吸速率、小型动物和生化作用存在着不同程度的影响。

    In 6 environmental factors , the soil temperature , water content , hydrolytic nitrogen , effective phosphorus and active organic matter , except pH , affected soil microorganism , mini-animals , microbial respiration rate and biochemical effects in different degree .

  6. 这是一种啮齿类小型动物。

    A mouse is a small creature from the rodent family .

  7. 小型动物清醒无肌松头颅固定方法的建立和应用

    Establishment and application of the head fixation on awake animals without muscle relaxation

  8. 暂养猫只及其他小型动物必须在室内饲养。

    Foster cats and other small animals must be kept indoors at all times .

  9. 在有的季节松鼠也取食一些昆虫及其它小型动物。

    In some season , squirrel also takes some edible insect and other small-sized animal .

  10. 小型动物呼吸氧耗仪

    Small apparatus for detecting oxygen consumption

  11. 首先,大型动物的脚相对于它们的身体要比小型动物小很多。

    For one thing , big animals " feet are smaller relative to their bodies than are smaller beasts . "

  12. 头皮屑一种与头垢有关的表皮鳞屑海洋拥有巨量的叫做鳞虾的小型动物。

    An epidermal scale , as that associated with dandruff . The ocean contains huge amounts of tiny sea-animals called krill .

  13. 海洋拥有巨量的叫做鳞虾的小型动物。法国是因为国内有巨量的矿泉水灌装。

    The ocean contains huge amounts of tiny sea-animals called krill . In France that is because of the volume of mineral water filled domestically .

  14. 华盛顿史密森国家自然历史博物馆的两栖动物和爬行动物馆长,动物学家罗伊麦克迪阿迈德说,他已经看到这种小型动物的标本。

    Zoologist Roy McDiarmid , curator of amphibians and reptiles at the Smithsonian 's National Museum of Natural History in Washington , said he has seen a specimen of the diminutive creature .

  15. 淡水蚌类是食物链上的重要环节和淡水生物群落的重要组成部分,可作为小型动物、底层鱼类和一些鸟类的食物。

    Freshwater mussels which can be used as food for the small animals , groundfish and birds is an important part of the food chain and important component of the freshwater biomes .

  16. 可惜的是,尽管这听起来很吓人,但科学家认为独特须齿龙是生活在海洋底层的食腐动物,垂直的牙齿是它用于捕食的滤网,而不是吓唬小型动物的工具。

    Sadly , while that sounds fearsome , scientists believe Atopodentatus was a bottom feeder and used its vertical teeth as a filtering screen rather than a tool for terrorizing smaller creatures .

  17. 这个争论包括海岛规则的机制:在这个岛上栖息的小型动物比它们在大陆上生活的近亲体型进化得更大,而大型的动物则进化得更小。

    The debate involves the mechanism underlying the island rule : that small animals isolated on islands evolve to be larger than their mainland relatives , and large animals evolve to be smaller .

  18. 数千年前,从地面渗透出的天然沥青将南加州的大型和小型动物困住,经过时间的洗礼将它们保存在化石当中,而现在则成了科学家们研究的标本。

    For millennia , natural tar that seeped from the ground in what is now southern California trapped large and small animals , preserving their fossils and providing scientists with a trove of specimens suitable for study .

  19. 树木根系衰老受许多环境因子的影响,生物因子有真菌、细菌、病毒、土壤小型动物等,非生物因子有水分、温度、土壤养分、重金属等。

    The senescence of tree roots is influenced by many environmental factors , biotic ( e.g. , fungi , bacteria , viruses , small edaphic animals ) and abiotic ( e.g. , water , temperature , soil nutrients , heavy metals ) .

  20. 初步研究了东北麦田土壤微生物、微生物呼吸速率、小型动物和生化作用的季节变化规律及其与土壤生态因素的关系,分析了土壤微生物、微生物呼吸速率、小型动物和生化作用之间的相互影响。

    The seasonal dynamics of soil microorganism , mini-animals , microbial respiration rate and biochemical effects , the relationships with the soil ecological factors were preliminarily studied , and the relationship between them were also analyzed in the wheat field of northeastern China .

  21. 同时还对青岛岩礁附植小型底栖动物的ATP含量进行了研究。

    Meanwhile , ATP content of the phytal meiofauna from the rocky intertidal zone in Qingdao was studied .

  22. 特鲁尔在2013年到哥斯达黎加的一个小型野生动物复原诊所工作,该复原诊所被称为“KidsSavingtheRainforest”。在那之后,她首次见识了树懒的奇妙世界。

    Trull was first introduced to the wonderful world of sloths in 2013 after arriving in Costa Rica to work for a small wildlife rehabilitation clinic called Kids Saving the Rainforest .

  23. 目前在国际海底管理局主导下的Kaplan计划,已联合多国的相关科学家对结核区深海包括小型底栖动物和基因流变化等环境项目展开调查和研究工作。

    At present , the Kaplan plan leading by International Seabed Authority has allied multi-country scientists to study the deep-sea polymetallic nodule areas that include the projects of meiofauna variation and gene flow .

  24. 新德里——上周,在一个闷热的早上,印度农业部(畜牧处小型反刍动物科)的副主管钱德拉·谢卡尔·萨胡卡(ChandraShekharSahukar)在瑜伽课上艰难地抓着自己的脚踝,这是他生平57年来第一次上瑜伽课。

    NEW DELHI - On a sticky morning last week , Deputy Commissioner Chandra Shekhar Sahukar of India 's Agriculture Ministry ( animal husbandry department , small ruminant section ) found himself in a yoga class for the first time in his 57 years , miserably grasping his ankle .

  25. 厦门潮间带泥滩和虾池小型底栖动物类群的丰度

    Abundance of meiofauna on intertidal mudflat and shrimp ponds in Xiamen

  26. 附植小型底栖动物生物量测定方法的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Determination of Biomass of the Phytal Meiofauna

  27. 吃小型甲壳动物与鱼。

    Feeds on small crustaceans and fishes ( Ref.1602 ) .

  28. 城市化地区不同生境下中小型土壤动物群落结构特征

    Community structure of soil meso-and micro-fauna in different habitats of urbanized region

  29. 黄鳝捕食几种小型水生动物的规律

    Predation Regularity of Monopterus albus upon Several Minitype Aquatic Animals

  30. 8个群落中小型土壤动物共有优势类群为甲螨亚目。

    Small communities there are dominant groups of soil animals suborder Oribatida .