
  • 网络Meiofauna;meiobenthos
  1. 小型底栖生物在北海南部湾生态监测中的应用研究

    Study on ecological monitoring using meiobenthos in Southern Bight of North Sea

  2. 热带北太平洋深海小型底栖生物大尺度空间分布

    The spacial distribution of tropical north Pacific deep-sea meiobenthos

  3. 小型底栖生物的74%分布于2cm以浅表层中。

    74 % meiofauna distributed in 0 ~ 2cm layer of the sediment .

  4. Pearson相关分析表明,小型底栖生物数量对间隙水溶氧表现出明显的滞后效应,而与盐度、pH和沉积物环境因子相关性不明显。

    Pearson correlation analysis showed meiofauna abundance enjoyed an obvious lag effect on the O_2 concentration in the interstitial water . However , there were no significant correlations between meiofauna abundance and other environmental factors .

  5. 台湾海峡小型底栖生物数量的量分布Wishart分布的矩量计算

    Distribution abundance of meiobenthos in the Taiwan Strait CALCULATION OF THE SIZE OF MOMENT FOR WISHART DISTRIBUTION

  6. 设计小型底栖生物标本荧光检测方案,通过荧光染料虎红(RoseBengal)光谱实验和激光诱导荧光检测系统光电信号模型分析,建立实验系统。

    Using Rose Bengal as protein dye , based on the fluorescent dye spectrum experiment and the modeling of system signals , A laser-induced fluorescence detecting system for marine meiobenthos in the sediments is set up .

  7. 小型底栖生物总丰度在季节之间差异显著(One-wayAnova,p0.01).涡虫、缓步动物丰度的季节变化规律与小型底栖动物总丰度相同,水螅、轮虫的丰度也是秋季最高。

    Abundance was highest in autumn and summer , and lowest in winter . There was significant difference among seasons ( One-Way ANOVA , p0.01 ) . Seasonal variation of abundance of Turbellaria and Tardigrada was the same as total meiofauna abundance .

  8. 渤海小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量

    Abundance and Biomass of the Benthic Meiofauna in the Bohai Sea

  9. 深海小型底栖生物标本的自动分离仪设计

    The Design of Automatic Separation Facility for Benthic Meiofauna Sample

  10. 深海小型底栖生物具有重要生物医学研究价值。

    Benthic meiobenthos is one of the most important community to biomedical research .

  11. 山东南部沿海冬季小型底栖生物的初步研究

    Meiobenthos in southern coast of Shandong Province in winter

  12. 微山湖小型底栖生物群落结构的初步研究

    Studies on the Meiofauna Community in Weishan Lake

  13. 国际小型底栖生物研究的某些进展

    Some Progress on the Study of Meiofauna

  14. 小型底栖生物样品的固液机电分离技术研究

    Study of Meiobenthos Solid-liquid Electro-mechanical Separate Technique

  15. 青岛太平湾砂质潮间带小型底栖生物丰度和生物量的研究

    Study on the Abundance and Biomass of Meiofauna in the Sandy Beach of Taiping Bay , Qingdao

  16. 虎红光谱特性及其在小型底栖生物分离系统中的应用

    Fluorescence Spectra Characteristic of Rose Bengal and Application in the Automatic Separating System of the Marine Meiobenthos

  17. 小型底栖生物研究对深海生态学研究和深海环境监测有十分重要的意义。

    The study of meiofauna in deep-ocean has very important signification in benthic ecology and benthic environmental monitoring .

  18. 从海底沉积物样品中分离小型底栖生物是对小型底栖生物定量研究过程中一个很关键的基本步骤。

    Separating meiofauna from benthic sediments sample is one of pivotal steps of the quantificational research of meiofauna .

  19. 东、黄海春秋季小型底栖生物丰度和生物量研究

    Abundance and biomass of meiobenthos in autumn and spring in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea

  20. 对沿海小型底栖生物在海洋生态系统能流和物质循环中的作用研究。

    Studies on the role of coastal microbenthos in energy flow and circulation of materials in marine ecosystems ;

  21. 胶州湾典型站位小型底栖生物丰度和生物量的季节变化研究

    A Study on Seasonal Variation of Abundance and Biomass of Meiofauna at the Typical Station in Jiaozhou Bay

  22. 深海小型底栖生物分离装置的研究将对深海生物学的研究和深海环境评价有较大的推动作用。

    Benthic meiobenthos is one of the most important community , which can affect our opinion about deep-sea environment .

  23. 长江口及其邻近海域小型底栖生物群落结构和多样性研究

    Studies on Community Structure and Biodiversity of Meiofauna in the Changjiang ( Yangtze River ) Estuary and Its Adjacent Waters

  24. 现有的从样品中分离小型底栖生物的方法大多是人工分离,极为耗时耗力。

    Most of existing methods of separating meiofauna are manual , those make the investigators have to spend much time and energy .

  25. 介绍了激光诱导荧光检测技术在小型底栖生物分离系统的应用。

    Data from this work is to give literature support to the automatic separating system for marine meiobenthos using laser induced fluorescence technology .

  26. 第二章在前面论述的基础上提出了在小型底栖生物自动分离系统中应用激光诱导荧光技术的研究方法;

    In the second chapter , the idea of applying LIF technology in the automatic separation equipment for marine meiobenthos was brought forward .

  27. 由于小型底栖生物的大小、比重等物理特性与沉积物颗粒接近,如何高精度地分离样品成为一个难题。

    How to separating meiofauna accurately from sediments is an unfathomed problem , because meiofauna has the similar size and density with sediment granules .

  28. 食物是深海小型底栖生物分布的限制因子,沉积物类型和底层流对小型底栖生物空间分布也有一定的影响。

    Food is a control factor for the meiobenthos distribution , and its distribution is also affected by the sediment type and bottom current .

  29. 为了解决深海小型底栖生物样品分离装置的毛细孔堵塞问题,提出了一种适合于其结构和堵塞特点的旋转射流解堵方法。

    A rotating liquid jet method based on the cramming and structure characteristics of porous was proposed to resolve the cramming problem in the design of benthic meiobenthos separating device .

  30. 附植小型底栖动物生物量测定方法的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Determination of Biomass of the Phytal Meiofauna