
  1. 正确的睡觉姿势应该是向右侧卧,双腿微曲。

    Correct sleeping position should be to the right side , the legs slightly bent .

  2. 尽量保持床铺整洁,摆出良好的睡觉姿势。

    Make your bed as comfortable as possible and try to enforce good sleep posture .

  3. 当你翻来覆去的寻找一个合适的睡觉姿势,很可能你正在把事情搞的更糟。

    When you worry about needing sleep and toss and turn trying to find a comfortable position , you are probably only making matters worse .

  4. 之后,教师自己做睡觉的姿势,并说。

    " I am dreaming . " What are you doing ?

  5. 我会每晚查看你睡觉的姿势。

    I will check every night that you are sleeping in this position .

  6. 犀牛睡觉的姿势很特殊,它们有时卧倒,也有时站着入睡。

    The posture when they are asleep is special , sometimes they sleep when they are standing .

  7. 纳美人的“宝宝们”有各种各样的样子,有安静地睡觉的姿势,也有爬着的、还有笑着的。

    The baby Na'vis come in a range of poses , from sleeping peacefully , crawling and laughing .

  8. 以平常睡觉的姿势再睡几分钟,“有助于想起梦的更多内容”。

    Resume your normal sleeping position for a few minutes . " It helps you recall more of your dream ," she says .

  9. 在你清醒的时分,你不会吐露出你奥秘的一面,因为你能节制自己的行为;可在你人睡的时分,你睡觉的姿势会展示真实的你。

    You don 't show your secret personality when you 're awake because you can control your behavior , but when you 're asleep , your sleeping position shows the real you .

  10. 睡觉的时候姿势舒适非常重要。

    It 's vital to have great posture when you sleep .

  11. 试着重演你早上睡觉醒来的姿势。

    Try re-enacting your morning wake-up .

  12. 17%的被调查者睡觉时的姿势是自由落体型,暗示他们觉得自己无法掌控自己的生活。

    17 % of those surveyed adopt the ' freefall ' position , suggesting they feel a lack of control over their lives .

  13. 根据他对一个大型饭店集团所做的研究结果显示:像胎儿一样蜷缩着睡觉是最流行的睡觉姿势,51%的妇女喜欢这种睡姿。

    Crouched in the fetal position is the most popular sleep pattern and favored by51 percent of women , according to the results of the study he conducted for a large hotel group .

  14. 阿里亚经常呼吸短促,所以睡觉的时候只能用头侧倚着墙,以帮助自己呼吸,这种睡觉姿势使他的前额长期青肿。

    He frequently experiences shortness of breath , and sleeps with his head leant against a wall to help him breath - which has left him with a permanently bruised forehead .

  15. 英国睡眠研究专家说:无论你是像胎儿一样蜷缩着睡觉,或是趴在床上睡,还是四肢伸开平躺着睡,睡觉的姿势都可以揭示你的性格。

    Whether it 's curled up in the fetal position , flat on the stomach or stretched out across the bed , the way people sleep reveals their personality , a British sleep expert said .