
  1. 论知识创新成果产业化的螺旋运动

    New Achievements Through Knowledge Innovation : A Spiral Movement in Their Industrialization

  2. 知识创新成果产业化是在政府、高等院校或科研机构、产业界三重螺旋运动中实现的从根本上改变了传统的经济增长方式,具有重大的产业效应和社会经济效应。

    Pushed by the triple efforts of government , academy and industry , the industrialization of new achievements through knowledge innovation has been fundamentally transforming the conventional pattern of e - conomic growth , thus achieving significant industrial & economic effects .

  3. 他说,这样的联系对于任何希望从基于知识的创新成果中获益的国家都至关重要(见“创新基础设施需要新思维”)。

    Such links are essential for any country wishing to benefit from the fruits of knowledge-based innovation , he says ( see'New thinking needed on innovation infrastructure ' ) .

  4. 科研成果是知识创新的重要成果。

    The achievement in scientific research is an important outcome of knowledge innovation .

  5. 面向知识创新的科研成果评价研究

    The Evaluation Study on the Achievement in Scientific Research Facing to Knowledge innovation

  6. 但双方依靠各自力量都很难完成高质量的知识创新,创新成果转化的风险也非常大。

    However , either side has great difficulty to complete high-quality knowledge innovation relies on respective strength , the risk of innovation achievements conversion is also very high .

  7. 无论是培养高素质的劳动者和专业人才,还是提高能力和提供知识、技术创新成果以及增强民族凝聚力,教育都具有独特的价值。

    Education has its particular value no matter what training high diathesis labors and professional , or improve the capability and knowledge to build up minority coherence power .

  8. 创新经济体在本文中是指在一定区域范围内围绕技术、知识创新和创新成果的经济价值实现活动所形成的经济社会综合体。第二,研究了创新经济体的运行机制。

    In the dissertation , innovation economy is an economic and social synthesis that can be formed in the processes of innovation of technology and knowledge and realization of economic value of innovative achievements in certain region . Second , it studies the operating mechanism of innovation economy .

  9. 本文提出,通过做好这六方面的工作,可以有效保障高新技术企业自主知识产权的技术创新成果转化的顺利进行。

    This Guarantee System can effectively help high-tech enterprises make technological innovation achievements with independent intellectual property rights transform successfully .

  10. 另外,本课题的研究为无缝骑行服的生产技术提供了指导,形成具有自主知识产权的创新研究成果。

    In addition , the study provides guidance for the production technology of seamless cycling wears , which can also get the innovative R & D results with the independent intellectual property .