
  • 网络knowledge supply
  1. 应急决策知识供给的敏捷性评价方法

    Evaluation Measure of the Agility of Emergency Knowledge Supply

  2. 从知识供给管理内容出发,阐述了现代图书馆服务的职能调整及管理模式的转换;

    From the provision patterns , this paper expands the functions of the modern libraries and the conversion of management models .

  3. 从供求关系的角度出发,充分分析商业银行与客户在知识供给与需求上的角色转变和现实需要。

    From the perspective of supply and demand , fully analysis the supply and demand in the knowledge on the changing role between banks and their customers and practical needs .

  4. 由于知识供给者的不同,知识的表示形式各异,本质相同的知识会被抽象成千变万化的表示形式,为知识协同共享带来了困难,令知识辅助决策的功能越来越难以实现。

    Due to the different knowledge providers , knowledge representation is different , the same essentially knowledge will be the ever-changing form of knowledge . The synergies meet difficulties , and the knowledge of decision support functions are more and more difficult to achieve .

  5. 根据需求知识和供给知识的特征,研究了相应的匹配方法。(3)基于情境的银行知识支持系统设计。

    Based on the structure features of the requirement and the support knowledge , a corresponding matching method was constructed . ( 3 ) The context-based knowledge support system of bank service design .

  6. 目前许多学者对集成创新的理解和讨论都过多地集中在“集成”上,即技术知识的供给方面,而忽略了技术知识的需求方面。

    The discussions on integration innovation by many scholars are so far overwhelmingly focused on the " integration " itself , namely the supply side of technology knowledge , but they have overlooked demand side .

  7. 在传统的语文教育视野中,教科书编者作为学科知识的供给者和语文技能的言说者,居高临下,远离阅读教学的视野。

    In traditional educational vision of Chinese , textbook editors are discipline knowledge suppliers and persons who talk about technical abilities of Chinese , occupy commanding positions , keep away from the vision of teaching .

  8. 面向快速反应的应急决策知识需求及其供给方法研究

    Study on the Quick Response Oriented Knowledge Demand and Supply Method in Emergency Decision-Making Support

  9. 并重点对实现系统功能的需求知识表示、供给知识表示以及供需知识匹配方法等核心问题进行了研究。

    The requirement knowledge representation , support knowledge representation and matching method for the above two parts were further studied as the core mechanisms for achieving system functions .

  10. 宪法秩序发生变化会影响政治制度变迁的需求、可供选择的范围、方向和方式、知识基础和供给能力,以及利益主体参与政治制度变迁的成本和难度。

    Change constitutional order will influence the demand , confine , direction , fashion , knowledge foundation and supply ability of political institutional change , also the cost and difficulty .

  11. 本文站在经济学的视角下,结合宏微观知识,用供给需求曲线与外部性来分析武汉市交通拥堵的原因;

    This stand economics perspective , the combination of macro and micro knowledge , and use of supply and demand curves to analyze the external traffic congestion because of Wuhan City ;

  12. 制度企业家诱致性制度创新及理论支持,源于对新制度服务的需求,以及先进的科学技术知识和相关专业知识的供给,由此演绎出诱致性制度创新的三种模型。

    The causing system innovation and theoretic sustentation for institutional enterprisers come from the demands for new systems service and the supply of advanced technology and the correlative special knowledge . By this deduce the three models about causing institutional innovation .

  13. 提高自身能力、激发知识的有效需求、促进知识有效供给和优化配置知识资源,是提高科技中介效率的有效途径。

    Raising their own ability , stimulating the effective needs of knowledge , improving the effective supply of knowledge and distributing perfectly the knowledge resources are the effective ways to promote the efficiency of science and technology media .

  14. 本文从供给与需求的角度进行分析,认为知识失业产生的原因既有知识劳动力供给与需求总量的矛盾,又有知识劳动力供给和需求结构的错位。

    This paper analyzes this phenomenon from the angle of supply and demand . The main reasons lie in both the contradiction in total amount and disturbance in the structure between supply and demand .

  15. 最后,建立了在三环学习模式下的知识管理执行过程和战略,以保证企业危机管理的知识供给。

    At last , we set up the process of implementation and strategy of knowledge management with the mode of triple loop learning which assure the supply of knowledge of enterprise crisis management .

  16. 生产性服务业正是将人力资本和知识资本输入到制造业中的传送带,是制造业知识和技术的供给者。

    Producer services put the human capital and intellectual capital into the manufacture and act like " conveyor belt " . Producer service is a supplier of knowledge and technology for manufacture .

  17. 在现代条件下,教育无疑是传递文化、修习知识最主要的途径之一,人文社会科学教育是人文社会科学知识的主要供给源。

    In modern conditions , an education is undoubtedly one of main approaches of expanding culture and learning knowledge , and the humanities and social science education is the main resource of the knowledge of humanities and social science .