
  1. 组织复杂信息技术的吸收过程是一个组织学习和不断降低知识壁垒的过程。

    The organizational assimilation of complex information systems is an organizational learning and knowledge barriers lowing process .

  2. 第三,随着产品和服务的商业化推广加快,特定技术生命周期变短,企业独自研发的风险加大,企业利用专业知识壁垒获利的能力降低了。

    Third , as the acceleration of commercialization promotion of products and services , specific technology life cycle is shorter and increased risk of corporate R & D alone , reduced enterprise ' profit from expertise barriers .

  3. TRIPS协定与国际贸易中的知识产权壁垒

    On TRIPS and IPR Barriers in the International Trade

  4. 许多跨国公司为发展中国家设置出一道比单纯TBT或知识产权壁垒更高、更难对付的非关税壁垒&技术标准壁垒。

    Many multinational companies setting up the technical standards that more higher and more formidable non-tariff barriers than TBT or intellectual property barriers for developing countries .

  5. 自由贸易的新障碍:知识产权壁垒

    The New Obstacle to Free Trade : Intellectual Property Rights Barrier

  6. 贸易中的知识产权壁垒与应对战略

    Intellectual Property Rights Barrier and Countermeasures in International Trade

  7. 略论知识产权壁垒

    Brief Discussion of the Intellectual Property Barrier

  8. 这其中,典型的如技术性贸易壁垒、绿色贸易壁垒、反倾销和反补贴壁垒以及知识产权壁垒等。

    Among them technology barrier , green trade barrier , anti-dump and anti-subsidy and intellectual property barrier are good examples .

  9. 在深入分析知识产权壁垒的特性之后,本文最后结合全国和广东省的知识产权数据,尝试提出了我国在目前的知识产权壁垒形势下企业应对的策略。

    Finally , with data supports from Guangdong , some counter-measures are proposed for Chinese enterprises to deal with the IPR barriers .

  10. 然而,与此同时,技术壁垒与知识产权壁垒却进一步强化了。

    However , Technology Barrier to Trade ( TBT ) and Intellectual Property Barrier ( IPB ) have been strengthened at the same time .

  11. 从不同层次出发,讨论了如何应对知识产权壁垒与陷阱,开发信息资源,建立信用体系。

    And starts from different levels to discuss how to deal with the IPRs barriers and traps , develops information resources and establishes a credit system .

  12. 国际市场竞争的关键不再是关税壁垒,而是以技术竞争为核心的知识产权壁垒。

    The international market competition key no longer is the tariff barrier , but is take the technical competition as the core intellectual property rights barrier .

  13. 作出知识产权壁垒中的生产可能性边界线,并分析了知识产权壁垒对贸易小国和贸易大国的影响。

    To produce the possibilities frontier line in intellectual property barriers , and analyzes the effects about intellectual property barriers to small and big countries on trade .

  14. 在此背景下,许多中国企业,尤其是那些正在开拓国际市场的企业,即将或正在经历一场前所未有的技术壁垒与知识产权壁垒风暴的双重洗礼。

    Many Chinese enterprises will experience or are experiencing the storm of TBT and IPB . The development of intellectual property makes itself been the certificate of market admittance .

  15. 从相关理论的研究现状来看,国内外学者对知识产权壁垒的研究,多是探讨知识产权壁垒的某一个方面,或是以实证分析的形式揭示出知识产权壁垒的某一具体影响。

    From the present research situation of related theory , the research of domestic and international scholar for the Intellectual Property is either in the certain aspect or is to reveal a certain influence with the really certificate form of analysis .

  16. 本文力求达到以下目的:澄清各界对知识产权壁垒的模糊认识并使其理解知识产权壁垒的重要性及深刻影响。

    The tension of the paper is to reveal the nature of the intellectual property barrier and make great effort to clarify the vague knowledge of all circles and make them understand the deep influence and the importance of the intellectual property barrier .

  17. 第一部分主要介绍知识产权壁垒的涵义、发展历程、及其在中国的发展(即我国知识产权保护的发展之路)又介绍了知识产权壁垒的表现形式和知识产权的特点。

    The first part of the main barriers is introducing the meaning of intellectual property rights , development , extreme development in China ( the development of intellectual property protection in China ) and introducing the forms of intellectual property and intellectual property barriers characteristics .

  18. 知识产权壁垒就是摆在我们面前的一项迫切需要解决的课题,因为它早已影响到我国的外贸乃至整个经济的发展,甚至对我国今后经济的发展都将产生深刻的影响。

    The Intellectual Property Barrier is a task that should be solved urgently in front of us , because it has affected our country foreign trade , the development of entire economy and will even produce deep influence on the development of the economy of our country in the future .