
  • 网络Knowledge Navigator;knowledge navigation;knowledge guide
  1. 知识导航员:滞于口号还是走向现实?

    Knowledge navigator : a slogan or towards reality ?

  2. 论数字化时代图书馆员角色的转变&从图书管理员到知识导航员

    Study on librarian Role Change in Digital Age-Shift from a Document Manager to a Knowledge Navigator

  3. 知识导航&新世纪图书馆员的使命

    Intellectual Navigation & the Mission in the New Epoch for the Librarian

  4. 论知识导航在现代图书馆中的地位和作用

    Knowledge Navigation in Modern Libraries : Its Status and Roles

  5. 知识导航&学习型社会图书馆员的中心任务

    The Knowledge Navigates - the Center Mission of the Study-typed Society Librarian

  6. 知识导航的遥感信息处理服务分类选择方法

    Knowledge Navigated Remotely Sensed Information Processing Service Classification and Selection

  7. 析信息时代的知识导航

    On the Navigation of Knowledge in the Information Era

  8. 关于建立生物医学数据库甄别、评价及知识导航系统的设想

    On the Building of Examining , Evaluating and Knowledge-based Biomedical Databases Internet Navigation System

  9. 数字图书馆科技文献知识导航

    A Knowledge Navigation System for Scientific Document Retrieval

  10. 知识导航功能主要表现在知识连接、知识转化和知识控制三方面。

    Functions of knowledge navigation are represented in knowledge linking , knowledge transformation and knowledge control .

  11. 信息服务与知识导航

    Information Services and Knowledge Navigation

  12. 因此,本文使用本体技术对数字图书馆的资源进行组织,建立知识导航。

    Therefore , we use ontology technology to recognize digital library resources and build a knowledge navigation system .

  13. 文章就这三个方面进行了论述,并探讨了作为知识导航员应发挥的作用,应具备的责任、权利和地位。

    The article discusses the responsibilities , roles , rights and status that a knowledge navigators should have .

  14. 着重论述了三大理念的更新问题:变为人找书为知识导航;

    The article lays emphasis on the renewing of the three concepts : Changing book finding into knowledge guide ;

  15. 参考馆员制度是提高图书馆咨询服务能力,培养图书馆员成为知识导航员和咨询专家的重要措施。

    Reference librarian system is improve ability of library reference service and important measure that train Librarian become knowledge navigation and consultation expert .

  16. 合作建设网上咨询服务平台是投入最小、见效最快的建设模式,上海图书馆网上联合知识导航站就是典范。

    Taking Shanghai Library for example , the article makes a brief introduction of the United Knowledge Navigation Site on Internet of Shanghai library .

  17. 随着计算机网络和现代信息技术的发展,档案信息服务成为一个涉及理论和时间两个层面的复杂问题,对档案信息服务进行知识导航将成为档案利用服务的关键和重点。

    With the development of computer network and modern information technology , the archives information service becomes a complex problem involving theory and time .

  18. 提出了一种基于分类法和主题词表的科技文献知识导航体系,该体系支持分类法和主题词表知识导航、元数据结构查询和全文检索这三种检索手段以及他们的混合应用。

    This paper introduces a knowledge navigation system in Peking University Digital Library which supports separate and mixed concept navigation , metadata structural retrial and full-text keyword retrieval .

  19. 信息服务的知识导航作用是通过知识信息的开发、利用、共享等一系列工作,使用户从文献中汲取知识信息,再通过用户的思维,达到知识创新的目的。

    Knowledge navigation of information services is to facilitate users to get knowledge information from documents for their knowledge innovations by developing , utilizing and sharing knowledge information .

  20. 知识导航是数字图书馆应用的重要组成部分,其中本专科生、研究生、教师是数字图书馆导航系统的主要使用者。

    Knowledge navigation system is an important part of the application in the digital library , in which undergraduates , graduate students and the teachers are the main users .

  21. 这一创新的服务理念包括使潜在读者变为现实读者,变偶尔读者为经常读者,变信息提供者为知识导航者等内容。

    This innovation service idea includes changing the potential readers to realistic readers , changing the occasional readers to regular readers , and changing information providers to knowledge navigators .

  22. 论述了21世纪图情事业发展,知识导航的重要地位和作用以及主要特征;论述了引领网络资源服务是时代的主要特征;

    This paper tells the development of libraries and information institutes in the 21st century , as well as the status and roles and features of their knowledge navigation .

  23. 该系统分为基于主题地图的显性知识导航,及基于人际网络的隐性知识导航两个部分。

    Such system consists of two sub-systems : one is the topic map based explicit knowledge navigation system and the other is the interpersonal network based tacit knowledge navigation system .

  24. 在知识导航中,高校图书馆员要成为信息和用户之间的桥梁和纽带,成为用户求知的助手和顾问,发挥图书馆员应有的作用以充分满足用户需求。

    In knowledge navigation , university librarian should work as " bridge " between information and users and become an " assistant " or " consultant " of users to satisfy their demand .

  25. 面对这一挑战,图书馆只有不断提高工作人员的素质,拓宽服务项目,进行必要的读者培训和知识导航,才能适应新时代的要求。

    To face this challenge , the libraries have to improve their employees'quality , broaden their service items and give necessary training and knowledge navigation to meet the requirements of the new time .

  26. 此设计工具采用知识导航技术,操作简单,大大提高了概念设计阶段的效率,验证了设计工具的可行性。

    It adopts knowledge navigation technology , and the manipulation is very easy . So it improves the design efficiency of automotive body at phase of concept design and validates the design tool .

  27. 提出了基于知识导航的智能知识检索模型,在此基础上建立了工程机械设计知识智能知识检索框架,研究并实现了基于知识导航的实例知识检索、设计背景知识检索等关键技术。

    It proposes a model of the knowledge searches based on retrieval knowledge-navigation , sets up the framework of this model about design knowledge of the construct machine product , illustrates the design context knowledge retrieval techniques and implement method .

  28. 另一方面,网络环境也为参考咨询服务创造了机遇,因为用户需要参考咨询人员的知识导航,以有效地使用网络信息资源。

    On the other hand , it opens up many possibilities for reference service , because users need to improve their basic information skills with the knowledge navigator of reference librarians in order to use network information resources more efficiently .

  29. 目前产品装配序列完全通过自动推理获得的方法工程实用性不高,据此,提出将计算机的辅助知识导航与人的决策相结合的方法,通过虚拟环境下的人机协同方式来解决装配序列规划问题。

    In allusion to inefficient problem of attaining product assembly sequence by automatic reasoning , an approach combining computer aided knowledge navigation and man 's decision-making was put forward . By collaboration between human and computer in virtual environment , assembly sequence planning problem was solved .

  30. 数字图书馆的知识信息导航技术研究

    Research of the Navigation Technique of Knowledge and Information on Digital Library