
  • 网络Knowledge Diffusion;knowledge dissemination;Knowledge Distribution
  1. 网络环境下知识扩散的多智能体模型研究

    Multi - agent model of knowledge diffusion in network space

  2. 知识扩散场的建立与实证分析

    The establishment and demonstration about the field of knowledge diffusion

  3. 如何实现知识扩散的网络效应呢?

    How to realize the network effects of the diffusion of knowledge ?

  4. 组织网络隐性知识扩散及学习策略分析

    Tacit Knowledge Diffusion in Organizational Networks and the Analysis of Learning Strategies

  5. 团队知识扩散与组织学习的匹配及其动态模型探析

    Dynamic Model of Team Knowledge Diffusion and Organizational Learning

  6. 知识扩散场的构建、分析与应用

    Knowledge Diffusion Field : Construction , Analysis and Application

  7. 知识扩散场在城市知识扩散中的应用

    Knowledge Diffusion Field and Its Application in Cities

  8. 盗版的存在虽有一定的价值即至少它把软件中的知识扩散开来,使更多的人能够获取到,但是盗版更带来了巨大的负面影响。

    The pirate spreads the knowledge in software and makes more people get advantages .

  9. 摘要本论文探讨网络结构对于跨国高科技知识扩散与流动的影响。

    This article deals the effect of network structure on the cross-national knowledge diffusion .

  10. 组织派系中的小世界对知识扩散的影响研究评述

    Review of the Effect of Knowledge Diffusion in Organizations ' Cliques Based on " Small Worlds "

  11. 后并购时期企业内隐知识扩散研究&一个基于共同叙述的社会化过程

    An Analysis on Tacit Knowledge Spreading after Merger Is Finished : A Process of Socialization Based on Common Narratives

  12. 而企业隐性知识扩散对于企业获得和保持持续竞争优势具有独特的意义。

    Tacit Knowledge diffusion and the corporate enterprise to achieve and maintain sustainable competitive advantage has a unique significance .

  13. 可见,教师知识扩散研究为教师专业发展提供了新的视角和研究范式。

    Obviously , researches on teachers ' knowledge diffusion provide a new research perspective and paradigm for teacher professional development .

  14. 知识扩散是知识重用及价值复制的桥梁和基础,是知识管理的核心。

    Knowledge diffusion is the foundation of knowledge reusing and valuation copying and it plays a core actor in knowledge management .

  15. 传统的知识扩散研究集中在单一主体领域,学者力图通过构建扩散模型促进主体内部知识扩散。

    Traditional research on knowledge diffusion is focused on single organization , in which models are built up to improve diffusion .

  16. 最后,本文探讨了落后网络的网络密度和连接权重对网络间知识扩散程度的不同影响。

    Finally , we investigate the effects of the density and connecting weights of a less-developed network on knowledge flow between networks .

  17. 这一过程已经成为知识扩散的主要方式,而无论知识的类别是什么。

    This process has become the main form of the proliferation of knowledge , regardless of what is the type of knowledge .

  18. 涉及网络方面的知识扩散研究,也只是对知识扩散与产出的关系作了简单分析。

    Those that relates to knowledge diffusion in network are only simple analyses of the relationship between knowledge diffusion and following products .

  19. 通过对团队知识扩散相关表征的界定,确定了复杂环境下团队知识共享与整合的基本认知。

    Through the proliferation of team knowledge spread characterization , the paper riches the basic knowledge of knowledge sharing and integration around complex environment .

  20. 知识扩散受到知识接收者学习能力、知识传播者声誉、人们之间的沟通状况等多方面因素影响。

    The process of knowledge diffusion is influenced by learning capacity of knowledge receptors , reputation of knowledge disseminator , conditions of communication between members , etc.

  21. 集群创新网络内企业学习的过程主要包括知识扩散和知识创新两个方面,学习途径则可以分为本地正式创新网络中的学习和本地非正式创新网络中的学习。

    The author put forward the model of collective learning in INIC , which could be devided into two phases : knowledge diffusion and knowledge creation .

  22. 在此基础上,从学习能力、学习平台、学习效用以及学习氛围等方面充实了团队知识扩散的相关思路。

    From the comprehension of learning ability , learning platform , learning utility and learning atmosphere , the paper enriches the knowledge related to team knowledge spread .

  23. 建立区域内部的知识扩散和反馈机制,保护知识产权,推动区域循环知识生产体系的建立。

    We need establish regional inner knowledge pervasion and feedback mechanism , protect knowledge property right , and promote the instauration of regional cycle knowledge production system .

  24. 相关研究指出,基于集群参与者之间交互而形成的知识扩散和知识创造等学习效应是产业集群具有较高渐进式创新活力并形成竞争优势的主要原因。

    Some literature show that the learning effects as knowledge diffusion and knowledge creation are the main reason for incremental-innovation dynamics and competitive advantages of industrial clusters .

  25. 本文通过分析影响知识扩散的主要因素找到了促进产业集群升级的途径。

    This paper also makes a good effort to find out the factors , which affect knowledge diffusion process in order to promote the industry clusters upgrade .

  26. 而强调规模经济和知识扩散的新增长理论直接证明了空间优化能够提高各地区的长期增长速度,从而带来动态利益。

    And the new growth theory which emphasizes economies of scale and knowledge diffusion directly proved that spatial optimization can promote long-term growth rate and bring about dynamic benefits .

  27. 此举的潜在好处非常可观,它既能推动发展中国家间贸易,又能把金砖国家获得的知识扩散到最贫穷国家。

    The potential benefits could be huge , both in freeing up trade between developing countries and spreading the knowledge acquired by the big five to the poorest nations .

  28. 因而,大学衍生企业作为知识扩散和应用的结合体近年来备受区域政策制定者的青睐。

    As a result , the university spin-offs companies ( USOs ), which is the combination of knowledge diffusion and knowledge application , has been favored by regional policy maker in recent years .

  29. 有效地实现教师个人专业发展目标,可以通过加强教师个体之间,教师与专家之间的交流以及共享教育资源等知识扩散途径来实现。

    Achieved the teachers ' personal professional development goals effectively can through the knowledge diffusion paths of strengthening the exchanges between teacher individuals , teachers and experts , as well as sharing of educational resources .

  30. 知识扩散的实质是促进创新要素的有效组合,提高创新能力,它在本质上涉及到一个国家的创新动力和核心竞争力的问题。

    The essence of knowledge diffusion is to step up the effective combination of innovation factors , improve the innovation capability ; and , it is about the national innovation impetus and core competition in nature .