
  1. 本论文研究了UMC的执行框架,该框架基于智能多主体系统技术,其中主要包括服务组合引擎设计、服务注册中心设计、客户主体设计和知识管理主体设计。

    This thesis discusses a multi-agent technology-based UMC framework for implementing the service composition approaches . It includes service composition engine ( QComposer ) designing , service register designing , customer agent designing and knowledge manager designing .

  2. 知识管理决策主体分析

    The Analysis of the Subject in Knowledge Management Decision Making

  3. 作为政府知识管理的主体&知识型公务员,正是在这样的环境下应运而生。

    As the main body of knowledge management in government , the knowledge civil servant just emerges as the times require under the circumstances .

  4. 非结构化信息管理成为知识管理的主体,非结构化信息管理技术可以实现知识管理的多层次需求,高效提升组织智能竞争力。

    Make a summary non-structuring information management becoming knowledge management main part , The non-structuring information management technique may the high efficiency be achieved the knowledge management multi-level demand , and the intelligent contest force of organisation is advanced to the high efficiency .

  5. 知识链是基于知识流在管理主体间的转移与扩散而实现知识的集成与创新,具有价值增值功能的网链结构模式。

    Knowledge chain is the realization of knowledge integration and innovation based on the transfer and diffusion of knowledge flow among management entities . It is a networked chain structure pattern having value increment function .

  6. 知识应用是知识的价值实现环节,是企业知识管理各层主体的关注焦点。

    Knowledge application is the key step for knowledge value realization , and it is also the focus of all enterprise knowledge management ( KM ) individuals .

  7. 知识地图是一种可视化的智能管理工具,可以将知识管理活动中的主体即各种信息资源及其之间的关系链接起来,从而形成一种动态化的知识网络。

    The knowledge map is a visual intelligent management tool that can link the subject of knowledge management activity , which is all kinds of information resources with the relations between them to set up a knowledge linking , and forms a dynamic knowledge network .