
  • 网络Knowledge Evolution;Evolution of Knowledge
  1. 文章首先阐述了知识进化的要素:知识基因、知识DNA、知识细胞与知识体系。然后阐述了知识进化的形式。

    This article deals with the essential factors of knowledge evolution : knowledge gene , knowledge DNA , knowledge cell and knowledge system and its form and law as well .

  2. 知识进化对企业知识管理(KM)的有效实施意义重大,知识活性测度则是知识进化的前提与基础。

    The efficiency and availability of knowledge evolution has direct impact on enterprise knowledge management ( KM ) . Knowledge validity evaluation is the foundation of knowledge evolution .

  3. 知识进化和高级思维过程的逻辑基础

    The Logical Foundation of Knowledge Evolution and Higher Mental Processes

  4. 一种基于知识进化的多层次结构产品整体方案创新设计方法

    Application of Genetic Algorithm in Hierarchical Structure Product Integer Conceptual Innovation Design

  5. 基于知识进化算法的生产采购协同计划问题研究

    Research on coordinated production-purchase planning based on knowledge evolution algorithm

  6. 新划分标准下的知识进化与知识传播模型

    The Knowledge Evolution Model and Knowledge Transfer Model under New Knowledge Classification Standard

  7. 第五章提出了基于优度评价的产品设计知识进化方法。

    In chapter ⅴ, goodness evaluation method for product design knowledge is proposed .

  8. 知识进化的要素、形式与规律

    Factors , Form and law of Knowledge Evolution

  9. 知识进化算法是在分析知识进化机制基础上提出的一种新型优化算法。

    The method based on knowledge evolution algorithm is proposed to solve knapsack problems .

  10. 波普尔知识进化论述评

    Study on Popper 's Knowledge Evolutionism

  11. 论知识进化的超循环原理

    By Knowledge Evolution Ultra Circulation Principle

  12. 以哈耶克为代表的知识进化范式的市场秩序理论就是解救这种危机的产物。

    Knowledge Evolution Paradigm Market Order Theory represented by Hayek is the result of rescuing such crisis .

  13. 科学知识进化与科学合理性&波普科学合理性理论研究

    Evolution of the scientific knowledge and the rationality of science & Study in Popper 's theory of scientific rationality

  14. 哈耶克集中从知识进化的角度对神圣力学范式的市场秩序理论的核心教义作了新的论证。

    Hayek argued mainly the core doctrine of Sacred Mechanical Paradigm Market Order Theory from the perspective of knowledge and evolution .

  15. 同时排样系统中加入知识进化部分,降低了计算复杂度、提高了排样效率。

    At the same time layout system into the knowledge evolution , reduces the computational complexity , improve the layout efficiency .

  16. 波普尔的知识进化理论,建立了知识进化算法的基本框架,详细地阐述了该算法的原理和具体实施方案。

    Based on evolutionary epistemology proposed by Popper , proposed the framework of knowledge evolution algorithm ( KEA ) and illustrated the detailed realization of the method .

  17. 波普尔的知识进化论原理,建立了知识进化策略的基本框架,并给出了一种用于求解无约束非线性优化问题的具体实现步骤。

    The evolutionary epistemology idea and creature evolution are banded together in this paper , the basic principle and realization approaches of knowledge evolution algorithm are proposed .

  18. 特别是知识进化算法的提出,提供了一种比传统仿生智能算法更有效的算法框架。

    To be specific , the emergence of Knowledge Evolution Algorithm ( KEA ) has provided a more efficient algorithm framework than traditional bionic algorithms . In addition , the applied researches on this algorithm are rarely present so far .

  19. 知识进化策略的核心思想,就是假说集与知识集的协同进化,二者之间通过猜测与反驳法联系起来,其进化结果最终逼近真理,即待求解问题的最优解。

    The key idea behind knowledge evolution strategies is that both of hypotheses set and knowledge set , which are connected with conjecture and refutation method , evolve into the truth cooperatively , i.e. the best solutions of the problem to be solved .

  20. 知识进化是科学哲学研究的一个重要课题,卡尔·波普尔、托马斯·库恩、保尔·费耶阿本德等人在深入研究的基础上,从不同角度提出了科学知识的进化模式。

    Knowledge evolution has been an important proposition in the subject of Philosophy of Science , philosophers like Karl . Popper , Thomas . Kuhn , Paul . Feyerabend etc. put forward their patterns of the scientific knowledge evolution from different points of view after lucubrating .

  21. 文献与知识的进化

    The Documents with the Evolution of Knowledge

  22. 集群知识系统进化的动力机制:基于共同体观的阐释

    The Dynamic Mechanism of the Evolution in the Cluster Knowledge Systems Based on the Theory of Communities

  23. 用户知识实时进化算法主要处理用户阅读推荐知识源后的知识变化;用户知识阶段进化算法主要反映用户的知识遗忘。

    User knowledge change after the user read recommended knowledge sources is processed by the user knowledge real-time evolution algorithm .

  24. 用户知识混合进化算法包括用户知识实时进化算法和用户知识阶段进化算法。

    The user knowledge hybrid evolution algorithm includes the user knowledge real-time evolution algorithm and the user knowledge stage evolution algorithm .

  25. 论文构建了基于知识协同进化的企业竞争力理论模型,提出了中小企业赢得竞争力的网络组织路径。

    The author explores a theoretical model of enterprise competitiveness based on knowledge co-evolution and points out the network organizational path by which SMEs can get competitiveness .

  26. 文献[2]模仿人类学习的过程,对领域知识的进化提出了3类模式:设计模式、过程模式和变化模式。

    In literature [ 2 ] , it imitated the process of human learning , and proposed three patterns for the evolution of domain knowledge : design pattern , process pattern and change pattern .

  27. 基于这一认识,本文将问题域知识、进化过程知识和多种群进化机制引入遗传算法,形成基于知识和多种群进化的遗传算法。

    In this paper , the relevant knowledge of problem , the information of evolution and multi-species evolution algorithm are introduced into genetic algorithm to establish an improved genetic algorithm based on prior knowledge and multi-population evolution .

  28. 并指出,紧急避险制度一方面与人类知识的进化密切相关,另一方面是伴随着体谅人性的社会文化价值而逐步成熟的。

    In the same time , this section points out : on the one hand , necessity is closely related to the evolution of human knowledge ; on the other hand , it is accompanied by social and cultural values of humanity gradually mature .

  29. 20世纪著名的思想家、当代自由主义思想大师F·A·哈耶克以强调人的无知的知识论和进化的理性主义为理论基础,提出了其二元的法律观和新自由主义法哲学。

    Hayek , the 20th century famous thinker ﹠ contemporary liberalism master , on the basis of the knowledge theory emphasizing human ignorance and evolutionary rationalism , came up with his legal idea of duality and legal philosophy of neo-liberalism .

  30. 企业知识产权的进化博弈分析

    The Evolutionary Game Analysis on the Intellectual Property Rights of Enterprise