
  1. 知识转移过程的层次模型

    A Six-Layer Model for the Knowledge Transfer Process

  2. 因此,本文从IT外包知识转移的角度出发,构建知识转移过程模型以及模糊评价模型,对于IT外包服务商等相关企业都有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , this paper from viewpoint of knowledge transfer in IT outsourcing , constructs process model of knowledge transfer and fuzzy assessment model , it is important for IT outsourcing service providers and related enterprises .

  3. 本文研究了多事业部企业内的知识转移过程,得出了多事业部企业知识转移过程模型。

    In this paper , knowledge transfer process in multiunit companies was researched , and we conclude a knowledge transfer process model in multiunit companies .

  4. 摘要在详细分析集群企业间知识转移的方式、路径的基础上,提炼出知识转移过程的概念模型,并进一步讨论知识转移是如何推动创新活动的。

    The author analyzed the mode and path of knowledge transfer in industry cluster , constructed a conceptual model and discussed how the knowledge transfer impels innovation .

  5. 本文对知识转移的一般过程进行了分层研究,建立了知识转移过程的六层模型。

    In this paper we Investigate the universal process of the knowledge transfer , and build a six-layer model for the knowledge transfer porcess .

  6. 分析了项目间知识转移的特征,在此基础上结合知识管理的理论探讨了项目间知识转移的过程模型及项目间知识转移的特征。

    In this paper , the characteristics of knowledge transfer are analyzed , and the model of knowledge transfer is built up in project environments .