
  • 网络short-term contracts;Short-duration Contract;term contract
  1. 公司有90名员工,几乎全是签的短期合同。

    The company has 90 staff , almost all on short-term contracts

  2. 短期合同使得员工流动率增高。

    Short-term contracts increase staff turnover

  3. 雇用工人时我先同他们订个短期合同,我要看看他们的能力再决定是否长期雇用。

    I always give new workers a short contract to begin with , as I want to see how they measure up before I employ them on a lasting basis .

  4. 浙江贝克曼集团(ZhejiangBeckmanGroup)是H&M和Benetton(贝纳通)等品牌毛衣和夹克的贴牌生产商,该公司表示汇率前景不明促使公司决定签署短期合同。

    Zhejiang Beckman Group , a maker of sweaters and jackets for brands like H & M and Benetton , says uncertainty about the exchange rate has prompted it to sign shorter-term contracts .

  5. 为抓住价格上涨之机,各能源公司在全球范围内争夺闲置的lng油轮运力,并向油轮所有者提出了更高的租船价格,和一系列前所未见的短期合同。

    In order to take advantage of higher prices , energy companies are vying for unused LNG tanker capacity around the world , and are offering Tanker Owners higher prices and an unprecedented range of short-term contracts .

  6. 随着@lis课程的结束,马格达利亚回到了西班牙首都,回到了马德里工商会,在那里她与外贸团队一起,从事一系列短期合同的工作。

    With the @ LIS programme bedded down , MS maagdalia returned to the Spanish capital , and to the Madrid chamber of Commerce , where she worked with the foreign trade team on a series of rolling short-term contracts .

  7. 一些公司正越来越多地签署一些短期合同。

    Increasingly , companies are issuing short-term contracts .

  8. 拒绝签定劳动合同,或与雇员订立短期合同;

    Refusing to sign labour contracts , or signing short-term contracts with the employees .

  9. 短期合同工作也有可取之处。

    Working on short-term contracts has its compensations .

  10. 临时工、短期合同工的工作不安全感都显著地高于长期合同工。

    Temporary employees and short-term contracted employees report more serious job insecurity than long-term contracted employees .

  11. 越快越好,趁着哈里还在执教的时候,一份短期合同是有可能的。

    Quick , while Harry Redknapp is still in charge and a short contract may be a possibility .

  12. 在美国,你可以用短期合同为特定的项目招募到高水平的研究员。

    In the US you can hire high-level researchers on short-term contracts for specific projects , he says .

  13. 如果你正在从事一份短期合同工,确保你明确表示了这些是合同工。

    ( If you have been on short term contracts , make sure you clarify that they are contract jobs ).

  14. 查马克是我们感兴趣的球员,但是我们现在的目标是可以签短期合同的球员。

    He is a player we have an interest in , but we are focused on short term at the moment .

  15. 毕竟,由于新技术的兴起、全球化、短期合同和兼职工作,工作是不可预测且时时变化的。

    After all , work is unpredictable and always changing because of emerging technologies , globalisation , short-term contracts and part-time work .

  16. 自那以来,市场已发生了进一步演变,大举转向更能反映市场价格的短期合同。

    The market has evolved further since then with a big move towards short-term contracts that are more reflective of market prices .

  17. 它们可能存在违规行为,如工资水平低于当地最低标准,或者强迫长期员工签署短期合同。

    They may pay less than the local minimum wage or force long-standing employees to sign short-term contracts in violation of national laws .

  18. 相反,在决定长期投身一份事业或一家公司之前,他们倾向于签订一两年的短期合同。

    Instead , many prefer short contracts , one or two years , before committing to a business or company for the long term .

  19. 今年夏天的短期合同可能更多关注的是保持控制权和选择权的开放性而不是薪水的上限。

    A short-term deal this summer would likely be more about maintaining control and leaving options open than it would be about maximizing paychecks .

  20. 更糟的是,由于外国公司不能直接雇用,它们被要求提供新法所禁止的那类短期合同。

    Worse , since foreign firms cannot hire directly , they are required to offer the kind of short-term contracts the new law bars .

  21. 他们还在从更远的地区招聘劳动力,例如签署短期合同,从越南、中国和朝鲜引进工人。

    They are also recruiting labour further afield by , for example , bringing in workers from Vietnam , China and North Korea on short-term contracts .

  22. 对已经签订短期合同的员工的雇佣终止,管理人员可以根据当地的法律法规做出终止决定。

    For the termination of employees who have singed short term contract , management staff can make the termination decision according to local laws and regulations .

  23. 这三个人过去在谈判时都非常看重保障合同,这也是他们选择短期合同的原因之一。

    All three have also been willing to leave significant guaranteed money on the table in the past , which is part of the deal when opting to go short-term .

  24. 虽然英国的失业率处于7年来的低点,但对从钢铁工人、护士到银行家的数百万计的人来说,短期合同和总体上的工作不安全感还是增加了。

    Although unemployment in the UK is at a seven-year low , short-term contracts and overall job insecurity have risen for millions of people , from steelworkers to nurses and bankers .

  25. 同样需要注意的是,这三个人都已经受过严重的伤病,这些伤病已经让他们长时间休战,这使短期合同成为一种风险。

    It 's also important to note that all three have dealt with serious injuries that have knocked them out for long periods , making short-term deals somewhat of a risk .

  26. 摩纳哥前锋查马克不在阿森纳冬季引援的名单上,因为温格所关注的是球队所需要的是短期合同的球员。

    The Moroccan striker has been linked with a move to Emirates Stadium since last summer and Wenger admitted that he considered signing the Bordeaux star when Emmanuel Adebayor left the Club .

  27. 通过现货市场或短期合同销售一部分矿石,必和必拓与力拓为自己提供了基本的对冲,以防现货价格高于基准价格。

    By setting aside a portion of ore to sell into spot markets or into shorter-term contracts , BHP and Rio had given themselves a basic hedge against spot prices running way ahead of the benchmark .

  28. 西班牙已经形成了招收超短期合同为年轻人提供一些就业机会,但它应该借鉴日本21世纪初期的一些经验。

    Spain , which has developed a scheme for rolling over temporary contracts to provide at least some chances of employment to the young , should pay heed to the experience of Japan in the early2000s .

  29. 经合组织的一项研究显示,取得博士学位5年后,斯洛伐克超过60%,比利时、捷克、德国和西班牙超过45%的博士们签的仍是短期合同。

    One OECD study shows that five years after receiving their degrees , more than 60 % of PhDs in Slovakia and more than 45 % in Belgium , the Czech Republic , Germany and Spain were still on temporary contracts .

  30. 如果莱昂纳德回归,他只能签一份短期合同,所有关于他下一步的问题还会继续。也许关于他留在多伦多时间的推测和臆想,干扰不了他,因为从不被这些吸引,只是保持安静。

    If Leonard returns , it 'll have to be on a short-term deal , and all the questions about what 's next will follow him.Maybe the speculation and guesswork that defined his time in Toronto didn 't bother him because he never engaged with it . Because he just kept quiet .